Fantasy: The First Zombie of The Ages

Chapter 452: Road war **** road mountain

When Ren Coffin came back, he sent Elder Sengu to Shura Dao Mountain to stop this Dao war. Now that the corpse Taoist school is still in the middle of the mountain, the matter of the gods outside has not been processed yet.

At this time, the disciples of the two Daofeng Dao fights were too nonsense. In particular, Hell Daoshan had two apprentices, and the thirteenth from the left was still an alchemist. If he really wanted to abolish the thirteenth from the left, it was also a loss to the corpse sect.

It's a pity that after changing a few wavelengths, Luo Lingxian didn't see any of them. This time, she must fight.

In the end, Ren Coffin had no choice but to personally climb the Asura Mountain, and finally walked out with a gloomy face and pointed in the direction of Hell Road Mountain.

"Left thirteenth, who is not good for you to provoke, provoke her!"

"You still dare to point at Luo Lingxian, your master dare not, believe it or not?"

"You go to see Lanxue Palace in the middle of the night, what do you think?"

Ren Lingtang summoned the thirteenth from the left, just a curse.

The entire main hall could feel Ren's anger. An Xun sat outside the hall and shook his head. This junior fellow was capable of causing trouble, that was called a big man.

The thirteenth from the left stood honestly in front of Ren Lingting, lowered his head, but his eyes kept turning, looking at the case table behind Ren Lingting, there were wicked bones.

"This is the breath of evil?"

Ren Lingtang glared at Zuo Shisan several times. This disciple really didn't fear him as the sovereign.

"I heard that you have holy medicine in your hand?"

The thirteenth left had already shook his head, absolutely denying that the master of the prodigal family, what is this going to do, and how did he give the news to the sovereign.

"Thirteenth from the left, I'll just ask you one thing, you have a pill that can drive away evil spirits!"

"Exorcism pill? It seems, almost, there is a pill!"

The thirteenth from the left dare not say that it is too full. In the "Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic", there is indeed a pill for exorcism, but it is a pill for God. The thirteenth from the left can now refine the Heavenly Grade Pill, but cannot refine the Divine Pill.

The medicinal materials needed by Shendan are all Lingzhi, especially medicinal primers.

"Really? What do you need?"

Ren Lingtang looked at the thirteenth left seriously, this exorcism pill was requested by Duan Canghai. Duan Canghai's injury has been unable to suppress the evil force.

After destroying the evil spirits outside, Ren Lingxue also discovered that this evil force was too difficult, as long as it entered the body, it would be extremely difficult to get rid of it.

If it really doesn't work, Ren Lingqi had to ask for help from the Ancient Desolate Palace of Xianmen, but he didn't expect that the thirteenth left had an exorcism prescription in his hands.

"Lingzhi, it needs a lot, the most important thing is that the evil spirits are different, and the drug primers are also different!"

"Evil spirit is different?"

"Of course it's different. Evil is in the three thousand ways, and the evil is also transformed into three thousand, such as blood evil, jade evil, spirit evil, **** evil, etc."

The thirteenth from the left relied on the Yellow Emperor's Nei Jing to say some of the original things, and Ren Ling's eyes condensed.

"Do you understand evil?"

"I don't understand, I just know!"

"Left thirteenth, there are these evil bones, maybe you can find out?"

"It can be, but I have to wait for me after the war!"

"Damn Dao Zhan, I will go to Shura Dao Mountain now, this sect will never allow you to lose!"

Ren Lingting snorted coldly, the mighty spirit of Lingzong, in the Tianshan Mountains, it was like ten thousand thunders, that mysterious female corpse stepped out from behind Ren Lingting, a corpse refining and controlling the thunder, what a terrible thing.

"Sect Master is angry?"

Liu Daofeng is watching, is Ren Lingqi angry for the thirteenth left?

"Sect Master, I accept this battle!"

Zuo Thirteen shook his head. After practicing for so long, in Jiugong Mountain, he was always suppressed by those powerful arrogances. If it weren't for the clever left thirteenth, controlling Weiyang Island, and improving the cultivation base, the thirteenth left could not compete with these arrogances.

With the power of zombies, the combat power of the left thirteen is indeed fierce.

But the thirteenth left did not want to rely on the zombies all the time. The thirteenth left wanted to become stronger and used the way he mastered to defeat these arrogances and make great achievements.

"Thirteenth from the left, you will be the one who loses. Moreover, Luo Gucheng is more proud than South Asia, and even some methods are even more unscrupulous. Do you really think that he entered the retreat himself?"

"He awakened Asura's fighting spirit, he was too heavy to kill, and he was almost lost in the killing."

Ren Lingxi told Zuo 13 about some secret things. Luo Gucheng was very powerful, and he was named as Nan Ya. It's just that South Asia's luck is so strong that no one can stop it.


The thirteenth left nodded, and at the same time the evil-tainted bones under his men. The thirteenth from the left also wanted to study the evil spirits, especially from the evil spirits, the thirteenth left felt God B's original "Taibai Cult".

Speaking of this exercise, the thirteenth left while beheading God B also sneaked a fragment, which also recorded some cults, which happened to be used for reference.

Left thirteen returned from the sky and stayed in Hell Daoshan all the time. He hadn't seen anyone, even if he was practicing Qiantu, he could not enter the Biluo Palace.

In the early morning of the next day, a group of people gathered below Hell Road Mountain.

The disciples who came from Ledao Mountain, Shengdao Mountain, and even Human Dao Mountain are all waiting eagerly.

"Left thirteenth, this guy is dead!"

Gui Shengge stood in the void, and a flying palace appeared in the void, looking proudly at Biluodian.

Behind Gui Shengge, a white-robed Nanxian was writing something. Nanxian returned this time and never left.

Nanxian is the Nan family and the strongest disciple of Human Dao Mountain.

The golden ink splashed lightly, and the calligraphy and painting in Nan Xian's hand suddenly heard a cry. Heads of golden eagles emerge from the painting and surround the Flying Palace.

"Brother, have you succeeded?"

Qi Chen also stood behind, looking in shock, waved his hand, Nanxian's Taoism has been completely completed, and within three years, Nanxian may be able to step into the Lingzong.

Fang Sheng also put away the hip flask and looked at this golden eagle earnestly. The golden eagle is flying into the sky, and its spirit is shining like a demon spirit.

These golden eagles are so powerful that they even support the Flying Hall, allowing the Flying Hall to exceed the top of the Tianshan Mountains and overlook the Corpse Dao Sect.

"Hell Daoshan, haven't you come out yet?"

Nan Xian raised his head, and the Nan family members were very handsome. Especially Nan Xian, a little bit feminine, very feminine, unlike South Asia, Nan Xian seems to have a sense of paranoia.

The pen in the hand is clean, even on the table, it must be kept at an angle.

"No, but Bai Jingyue and Fang Yan from Ledao Mountain just entered Hell Dao Mountain!"

"Luo Gucheng is here, tell me!"

Nan Xian slowly turned his back to the crowd. Gui Shengge and others were used to this appearance. With his back to Eternal, this is the ancestor style that Nanxian has been pursuing.

Nanjia once showed great power and almost embarked on the supreme way.

That person turned his back to everything and looked down upon all beings. It's a pity that it has fallen and has not really grown up. Nanxian is the descendant of that man, who has been imitating his ancestors and arguing the world.

Hell Dao Mountain has not moved yet, but just before noon, among the Shura Dao Mountain, a person walks alone, stepping on the black ripples, and one step appears on Hell Dao Mountain.

Shura boy, Luo Gucheng, descended to Hell Road Mountain.

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