Fantasy Westward Journey: Return To 2005

Chapter 447: The typhoon passes, and no grass grows!





After a frenzied tornado rain hit, because they had just been baptized by the eagle blows of the cute-faced beasts, everyone who was already left with blood immediately fell down one by one.

"That's an exaggeration..."

Seeing this scene full of brutality and blood, Chun Xirumeng, a war correspondent, blinked, and involuntarily sighed in her voice.

Her sighs expressed the feelings of Fang Yun and the others. From the perspective of the scene, they did fight extremely brutally and bloody. After all, the gap between the two sides was too great. one by one fell down...

On the other hand, the five people on the other side who were brought down by the entire team in two rounds were in a state of silence at this time. Including this game, they have lost two games in a row in their trip to the Martial God Altar.

Although they lost the first game, the two sides fought back and forth. In the end, it could only be said to be a close defeat at best.

So they were still very confident before the second game, but when they met the opposing team from Bianliang City in the second game, they were surprised to find that they had been 'burned double' by the opponent?

Being crushed by the opponent in such a humiliating way, the feeling in their hearts can be imagined. The desire to struggle was completely extinguished immediately, and they just wanted to make the game end as soon as possible.

They wanted to end it quickly, and Fang Yun also wanted to speed up. On this point, the two sides reached a consensus.

So when the time came to the third round, all the babies left on the field on the opposite side chose the basic attack, while Fang Yun and the others completed the harvest one by one unceremoniously.

After a while, as the last baby on the opposite side flew away, Fang Yun and the others ended their second match of the Martial God Altar hastily.

"It's boring..."

After the battle was over, when Fang Yun took the team to leave the competition arena and returned to Chang'an, the cute-faced beast who had been holding back for a long time finally couldn't bear it any longer, and muttered in his voice.

Hearing this, Fang Yun immediately smiled and said, "Today is just a passing game. Starting from tomorrow's round of sixteen, it is estimated that there will be more powerful opponents."

"hope so."

He was fooled by Fang Yun many times. Today's cute-faced beast has learned to be smart and can no longer trust him. After chatting a few more times, he hung up and went to lunch.

"Boss, I'm going to upload this video and have a meal, so let's go first!"

Seeing that the cute-faced beast had left, Chunxi Rumeng said hello to Fang Yun and went to work on her own. For a while, only Fang Yun and Sujiu were left in the team.

"Do you think... we are playing too conservatively?"

Seeing that Sujiu had not spoken since he came out, Fang Yun thought about it and asked her.

"The two games only took seven rounds in total. Are you sure this is conservative?"

Hearing his words, Sujiu, who was holding a notebook to record data, was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but reply.


Holding his chin and thinking for a few seconds, Fang Yun shook his head lightly and said, "Forget it, since this lineup is playing very smoothly, let's continue to play with this lineup for the time being, if it's going to be so crushing in the end. Pressure, starting from tomorrow's round of 16, I think we need to change our minds."

After speaking, he said hello to Sujiu, then turned off the microphone and left the study again.

The third game will not start until 3:30 in the afternoon, and after they finished the second game, the time has just reached 1:40, so much free time, even Fang Yun, who has always been busy, does not know What to do.

The first two games basically had no research or reference value. After a quick run in his mind, he simply turned around and started to stock up on the trumpets hanging on the secondary screen.

Just like this, I kept replenishing the goods, and before I knew it, more than an hour had passed.

As the time came to three o'clock in the afternoon, Fang Yun, who had finished restocking, turned around and returned to the home screen. After turning on the microphone, he heard the voices of the cute beast and the dreamy spring evening coming from the earphones.

After the first two rounds of crushing, the cute-faced beast kept complaining, but his body was very honest. After eating, he hurried back to the computer and sat down, for fear of missing the next game.

Chunxi Rumeng, on the other hand, was doing her own job conscientiously. After uploading the video and having lunch, she came back immediately. After Sujiu also returned to the game, Fang Yun chatted with a few people, and then formed a team. Entering the competition arena once again, ready to meet the third competition!


Unconsciously, the time came to 8:30 in the evening.

After the first two crushing games, Fang Yun and the others made persistent efforts in the next two games, and it still took only a few rounds to end the third and fourth games.

All four games in a row were crushed, and everyone was accustomed to this situation from being surprised at the beginning.

Now, whether it is a cute beast, a crisp wine, or a dream in the spring and evening, they have all accepted the fact that the overall level of players in this period is really like this, and a pervert like Fang Yun is completely an anomaly.

Playing with such an alien, they feel that it is not much different from when they were in Bianliang City. They only need to operate and release skills step by step, and victory will be at their fingertips.

Compared with the cute beasts who have gradually become accustomed to the rhythm of the Martial God Altar, the players in Bianliang City are already collectively boiling!

When they chose to vote for Qiancheng and let them represent Bianliang City in the Martial God Altar, the players in the district had a lot of expectations for them, but at the same time they also knew that the service battle is not better than the help battle, and the players who can go to the service battle are all The top players in each district server have real materials.

Therefore, most people are prepared from the beginning that their own server team may fall into a hard fight or even What everyone did not expect was that with the first Bianliang City VS worshipping generals The video of the altar was uploaded on 173, and the damage caused by the three brutal outputs of Qiancheng, Meng-faced Beast and Qianqiu immediately blinded all players!

It's not that they didn't expect their own team to win, but they didn't expect to win so easily. From the scene alone, it was like a father beating his son, which is unreasonable.

Therefore, although the first Bianliang City VS Baijiangtan battle only lasted for just four rounds, this video was repeatedly watched by a large number of players in Bianliang City, because it was so enjoyable!

For these ordinary players, they don't care whether the operator of this battle will feel bored, as long as they can win, and if they can deal enough explosive damage in a server battle, it will be a wonderful game. Contest!

Therefore, after discovering that his team seems to be very strong, the second game, the third game, and the fourth game uploaded by Chunxi Rumeng were immediately downloaded and watched by a large number of players.

Although there were less than 20 rounds in the whole four games, but these few games have caused many big stomach players to suffer from anorexia, because they are too hungry!

Don't persuade Zhan, they have never seen such an outrageous team even in ordinary district gang warfare.

In the face of a game of this level, Qiancheng and the others not only played four consecutive crushing rounds, but from the beginning to the end, no one on their side was defeated. Even an idiot can see that this is not at all. A level team!

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