Fantasy Westward Journey: Return To 2005

Chapter 606: Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, gather the top 16!

"Three rounds again..."

"I remember they lasted four rounds when they met our Bianliang City last time, right? Why did they lose faster after strengthening?"

"Reverse reinforcement belongs to..."

"No matter how much he is, in short, we won again!"

"Yes! It's good to win, Brother Renzi, come on, try to help us Bianliang City get a championship back!"

"come on!"


With the end of the battle, the picture returned to the normal Bianliang City View War Zone, which was very lively.

Even though it was late at this time, everyone refused to leave after the game, and gathered together to discuss the double-championship battle just now.

After watching five consecutive games, even the players from Bianliang City, who had a big somersault in the hands of the peerless team, couldn't help but start thinking about it.

After watching so many games today, everyone found that any team is like a piece of paper in front of their own Bianliang City representative team. .

And as the former double-crowned City God Temple was also packaged and sent away in three rounds by Qianren and the others, the Bianliang City players, whose confidence was severely frustrated because of the unparalleled number of people in the world, stood up again and began to covet The championship trophy that represents the highest honor!

Compared with the Bianliang City players who had completely built up their self-confidence after watching the battle for a day, the Chenghuang Temple watching the battle area at this time was mourning.

When their own team just encountered Bianliang City, the players in the district were still clamoring to make the opponent pay their blood debts. get back.

But with the official start of the game, after a few people in the world came up and were suppressed by the opponent's rhythm, many people had already noticed that something was wrong.

Unsurprisingly, as the three rounds passed, the Chenghuangmiao representative team, which had been double crowned and their overall strength further strengthened, was once again swept by Bianliang City.

Although even if they lost this round, Chenghuang Temple would still be able to advance to the top 16 competition tomorrow, but this did not make the players in the area buy it. Fiasco at the foot of Bianliang City. .

The atmosphere in the two districts can be said to be very different now, but whether it was the Bianliang City team that just won or the Chenghuangmiao team that lost, it was not affected too much. They quickly packed up their mood and took the time to prepare for the top 16 on the second day. Contest.


The next day, early in the morning.

Fang Yun, who got up early in the morning, called as usual to have breakfast delivered downstairs, and then got into the bathroom to wash up.

The intensity of the few play-in matches yesterday was lower than he expected. After all of them, he felt that he had not even led the team to burn and it was tiring.

But after all, it was just a play-in match with a lot of fish and belly. With the coming of the round of sixteen, the opponents they encountered today will not be so simple.

After washing up quickly, after the little brother brought the breakfast, he paid the money, took the breakfast, and went to the study to sit down.

While unpacking with one hand, he holds the mouse and logs into the voice software proficiently.

Since it was still early, he was the only one in the voice channel at this time, and he was not in a hurry. After hanging up the voice, he swiped the forum while eating breakfast.

After yesterday's fierce play-in competition, the list of the top sixteen has already been compiled and compiled by some well-informed players in advance, and sent directly to the major forums.

Although Fang Yun didn't care who his opponent was, he was also idle when he was idle.

Without any surprise, the first one to appear on the list is the dark horse team "Jumbo Pavilion" that performed extremely well in the play-in match.

Although the fantasy of this world has changed slightly from the previous life, it is basically the same as a whole.

After the verification of the previous Wushen altars, Fang Yun already knew that if he did not have his own influence, the champions of these martial arts altars would still be those teams in the previous life.

The Treasure Pavilion was the overall champion of the 6th Martial God Altar in the previous life.

For this legendary server, Fang Yun has been looking forward to confronting it for a long time, but he just doesn't know whether it will meet in advance today or in the final.

Apart from the Treasure Pavilion, the other teams that made it to the top sixteen this time were also Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, such as Hemudu, who also had a high-profile moment, and the last championship, Yan Zhao Fengyun.

Overall, the strength of this year's Martial God Altar's top 16 competition can be said to be full. No matter which team they encounter, Fang Yun and the others cannot take it lightly.

After reading the list of the top sixteen teams, he took out a bun from his bag and started to read other posts.

What made him a little amused was that yesterday's championship prediction post was updated again today, and the teams that had entered the top sixteen were re-ranked.

Bianliang City, which originally had only three stars in the championship index, has now been directly changed to five stars, while the star rating of the City God Temple, which was disastrously defeated in Bianliang City, has not changed.

Presumably the post owner of this ranking also knows that the reason why yesterday's double crown battle ended so quickly was not because the City God Temple was too weak, but because Bianliang City was too strong!

There are now four teams with a five-star championship index.

The four teams are the defending champion Yan Zhao Fengyun, the super dark horse Jumbo Pavilion, Hemudu, who was unfortunately defeated by one move in the last Wushen Tan Finals with Yan Zhao Fengyun for more than 60 rounds, and swept away with thunder. Bianliang City, where all the opponents in the play-in have returned strongly!

For this, the netizens who were about to quarrel at the bottom of the post rarely did not show much objection this time. After all, people with discerning eyes can see that the ranking of the poster is still very reliable. , Basically there is not much controversy.

But Fang Yun knows that although this ranking is not wrong on the surface, in fact this post is still too conservative...

He didn't think about it any further, as the last bun was swallowed by him, Fang Yun closed the web page and saw that several of Huang He's teammates had entered the voice one after another, so he prepared for the battle with everyone and discussed today's lineup. tactics.

After discussion, they decided that today's starting lineup will remain unchanged for the time being, and Beast Master and Sujiu will still serve as substitutes.

After making a decision, a few people stopped talking, and continued to do what they were supposed to do. When the time came to 9:50, everyone gathered again, formed a team and entered the competition arena.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

As soon as he entered the sealed land, Huang He suddenly couldn't help but smacked his mouth and said with emotion: "This feeling is really wonderful, no wonder Lao Meng has to get into the server team after drilling his head all day, and the game is only playable. This is enough for this!"

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