I directly made the man's parents unemployed and threatened him not to approach her again.

This time, the man was finally afraid.

Just when I thought everything was done and she could finally get her own happiness, it was indeed her slap that greeted her. Her cold voice pierced into my heart like an ice pick.

I said angrily that I would never take care of her affairs again.

She said she hoped I would do what I said.

I can't wait to slap myself, how much I have done for her, why should I be thankless?

I don't know if it's fate, but she has become my junior, but even if I pass by her, there is no shadow of me in her eyes.

I think it's okay, I can love Yan Zhuyun wholeheartedly.

In this way, I will not feel guilty when facing Yan Zhuyun, I still have a little shadow of her in my heart.

But Yan Zhuyun disappeared.

Along with Yan Zhuyun's disappearance, there are also overwhelming wanted warrants.

Yan Zhuyun betrayed the country, stole state secrets, and gave them to another country.

I even had a big fight with Yan Zhuyun because I believed in her, and forced her to leave this city and this country.

Confused by lard?

This word seems to describe me very properly.

I used to hypnotize myself desperately, telling myself that Yan Zhuyun was pure and flawless, but when the truth was torn apart, I only knew what I was doing during this time.

I repent.

But she also left...

I started to walk in her footsteps, I started to pick up the bits and pieces of our past.

I have also traveled all over the world, but every time, it seems that God is playing tricks, and I miss her again and again.


I lost all news of her.

I just found.

It turned out that she wanted to hide, wanted to see me, but I really couldn't see her.

Facing the questioning of her best friend Daji, I begged me not to pester her anymore, saying that I am not good enough for her, and that she is suitable for a better person, someone who will spoil her, love her, and love her.

that day.

I put myself in the room all day.

Thinking of everything she and I have experienced, thinking of the laughter and curses between us.

I cry like a child.


I finally lost her...

The days became muddled.

Day and night are no longer the focus, I ate and slept, slept and ate, and occasionally I would play the game and look at her gray head, remembering everything that happened on this bed, but I could never go back.

When I saw Yan Zhuyun was arrested, I didn't feel any disturbance in my heart.

I saw it clearly, woke up from the dream, this woman has nothing to do with me anymore, I even think this woman is very hateful, it is because of this woman that I have come to this point with her.

I never dreamed of it.

She will reappear in front of me the day after Yan Zhuyun was arrested!

She was holding the computer, just like the first time we met, it was still a sunny afternoon, she was still wearing a rabbit pajamas, and she still had a ignorant expression.

I hold her tightly in my arms!

This time, let me pester you!

We confirmed our relationship, and the two families also made an engagement with great enthusiasm. After I met her marriage requirements, I immediately got a marriage certificate.

But her love, but let me a little unpredictable.

I feel that she doesn't love me that much, she always seems to look at someone through me, but there is only me around her, I have a strong anxiety, and I often quarrel with her.

Even if it's a quarrel over things, there seems to be an unbreakable entanglement between me and her.

We are married and have a family of our own.

I know that I love her deeply, but she may not love me deeply in her heart. At night, she once called out a person's name, and I heard this name once from her mouth.

I was so jealous that I tried my best to find out who that person was.

But the result of the investigation surprised me, there is no such person! Yes, there is no such person at all!

Zhong Yexuan?

Who is he?

When we were quarreling, I asked her, but she looked puzzled, and asked me in turn who this person was.

She can't remember?

So why did the name subconsciously be called out in the dream?

When she gave birth to the first baby, my parents divorced, and my father had a woman outside, and that woman gave birth to him a son. He said, since I don’t want to inherit his property, let that woman’s His son inherited him.

My mother didn't cry until the day of the divorce, she seemed to know all about it a long time ago, and my mother told me to cherish her.

On the day the woman married her father, the mother committed suicide.

I know that my mother wants to use death to stain this marriage forever. This is my mother's punishment to my father, and it is also a punishment to myself.

She stood in front of her mother's grave, looking dazed.

She asked me, will we have this day too?

I said no, I will protect her with my whole body, even if one day she wants to leave, I will hold her tightly, even if we have to torture each other in the end, I will never let go.

She was crying, crying very sadly, crying all over trembling.

I hugged her tightly and comforted her painful heart.

She and I only have one son in our life, and she has always wanted a daughter, but no matter how hard we try, it seems that all of this is out of our reach.

Perhaps because of my mother's death, the relationship between me and her is gradually changing. When she looks into my eyes, she no longer looks through me to other people.

Our son grew up gradually, and we didn't force him to do things he didn't like, and he did everything he wanted.

My father finally divorced that woman, saying that the woman's son was not his, and he begged me to go back and inherit his property.

I took him to my mother's grave.

Tell him how much my mother loved him, how many things she has done for him, and the death of my mother makes me absolutely unable to forgive him.

He knelt in front of his mother's grave and wailed for the first time. I don't know if it was because of the remaining attachment to his mother or the guilt towards his mother.


flashed by.

The grandchildren are all grown up.

She has also become a wrinkled old lady, and I have also become an old man who can't walk smoothly.

After all, I left the world one step ahead of her. That day I felt that my life span was over. I held her hand tightly and couldn't say a word.

The children and grandchildren were crying beside them.

And she just looked at me with red eyes, she said, goodbye by chance.

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