
Chapter 29 - 28: " I am Rich as F! "


After a few minutes of talking and playing with Lily and Aria, Bom finish evaluating the items. He said to me with a bitter smile.

Bom: "Kid... where did you get this fortune?... if I want to buy this I will gave to use all the money I have saved in my four hundred years..." He said surprised but happy. And Lily and Aria got shocked too... about the fact that the gnome have lived four hundred years.

Kyomu: "So, Bum. How much are these items?" I ask him surprised. And he said.

Bom: "Mmm, this are the highest level of magic jewels that can be funded, and there are five of them each one cost between ten to fifty million valis. And the gold bars are highly requested but low supply, and this gold is also of high quality, there are three bars, of one kilogram each, that cost fifteen million valis each one... so in total the gold value is forty-five millions valis and the jewels are a hundred and ten millions valis, with a great total of.... a hundred and fifty-five millions valis!!!!" He said amazed.

And Lily got totally shocked and shouted.

Lily: "WHAAAAAT!!!, Kyo-sama , how were you able to get these things?!, KYO-SAMA YOU ARE AMAZING!!~" She said as she looks me as an idol. And I said with a smug expression.

Kyomu: "Hahahaha~ Lily, this is just a fragment of my power!!! hahaha!!~" And Aria said.

Aria: "Hmph, why are you so proud, these things were obtained by Rin, not you!." She said without mercy. And Lily puzzled ask.

Lily: "Aria-sama, who is Rin?" She asked with a pure expression. And Aria said.

Aria: "She is one of his wives, she is not here at the moment." She said with a normal expression. And Lily shocked said.

Lily: "B-But, Aria-sama... are not you Kyo-sama's wife?..."She asks with a strange face. And Aria blushed a little and said.

Aria: "I-I am too, this bastard has four wives, Rin, Mea, Medusa and me." She said as she looks at me with a hateful expression. And I said.

Kyomu: "C-Come on, Aria. Don't look me like that~." I said pleading for forgiveness. And Lily said.

Lily: "K-Kyo-sama, is amazing! you were able to get Aria-sama as wife and also get four more!, they should be beautiful too!!" She said as she imagined them.

Kyomu: "Of course!!!, my wives are the best!" I said with a proud expression, and Aria began to blush hard. And said.

Aria: "S-Stop!, please continue, Bom" She said to Bom, hiding her embarrassing. And Bom with an amazed expression said.

Bom: "Kid, you are more amazing than I though!... Cough, the price I give you was the one I will get if I sell it, and this shouldn't take too much time, as these items are highly sought. So the price I will give you will be a little lower than this... mmm, let's see... what about a hundred and twenty millions valis?." He said as he looks at me like if was some pocket change.

Fair price, after all he will do the selling and that effort and his own connections can be valued for that price. Basically, I will give him thirty-five million to sell my things. That anyone knows where they come from.

Kyomu: "I accept, is a fair price. But also, don't tell anyone from who did you get them. If you can do that, I accept." I said as I stand up and extend my hand for a handshake. He looks at me and smiled and gave me his hand.


Bom: "Deal!" He said as he walks to the back room, and a few minutes later he comes back with a c.h.e.s.t three times his size, and I don't know how but he was able to put it on the table and said.

Bom: "Here is the money! you can count it if you want." He said as he opened the c.h.e.s.t and inside was filled with golden coins, valis to be exact.

Kyomu: "I trust you, old Bom. Also, I want to ask you a question, do you know where we can buy a house?" I said to him as I close the c.h.e.s.t and put it beside me. And he said.

Bom: "A house?, If you want to buy one, it's better if you go to the guild. They can show you the best in Orario." He said, and I nodded and said goodbye to him.

Kyomu: "Then old Bom, that all for today, see you later!." I said and Aria and Lily said goodbye to him, and we walk out of the store with the huge c.h.e.s.t.

As we walked outside, I said to them.

Kyomu: "First let's have a bite! I am hungry!" I said and Lily nodded with a happy expression and Aria got serious and began to whisper "food...~" She really is a good eater and then she said.

Aria: "Lets go!" She said excited and with drool on her mouth. She looks really happy!. And then she said.

Aria: "Where are we going to eat?, to the inn of that girl?." She said as she looks at my eyes. And I said.

Kyomu: "Y-Yeah why not. She said that the food there was the most delicious in Orario, we should test it!, isn't it, Aria?" I said tenting her, and she slowly nods her head, I take the c.h.e.s.t.

and we began to walk.

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