Staring at a huffing and puffing Hermione, David quickly nodded, "Let's go."

Immediately she took hold of his forearm and dragged him off towards wherever Harry and Ronald were.

"Where are you taking me, Hermione?" David asked easily during their run towards Harry and Ronald.

Huffing, she explained, "The Chamber of Secrets. We. Figured out. Where. It is," she finished, heaving.

"Okay, let's keep going," David replied, knowing this was hard for her as she didn't run every morning like himself.

Eventually, they arrived at the entrance of the girl's lavatory and stepped inside.

Harry and Ronald were already there, Ron looking a little ticked off and Harry worried.

"Bout time!" he shouted as he saw Hermione dragging David behind her.

"No time for arguing Ron, hi David. Hermione, I think we've found the entrance, look, here," Harry quickly said, walking over to the basin that had a tiny snake perched on top of one of the copper taps.

"I told you, the taps never worked," Myrtle said, appearing out of nowhere.

Hermione was deep in thought following that and David merely watched on, a passenger.

"Parseltongue! You need to say something in Parseltongue Harry!" Hermione blurted out suddenly.

"R-right. O-open up," Harry said.

"Still English mate," Ronald said in response to Harry's failed attempt.

Letting out a hiss all five of them watched on as the sink sank into the ground, exposing an overly large pipe, large enough for what David presumed a Basilisk could fit through.

"Let's go," David said as the other four were standing there shocked.

"Yeah, okay, let's go," Harry said, nodding and walking towards the pipe and eventually sliding down.

Ronald was soon to follow and then Hermione.

Knowing that this was going to slimy and gross, David cast a quick impervious charm on his clothing and followed the trio in sliding down the pipe.

All four of them cast Lumos and walked down the cold, dark tunnel.

"Oh god, there's something there!" Ron said loudly.

"Is it asleep? Harry asked in fear.

David increased the strength he channelled into his spell and illuminated the twenty-foot Basilisk skin and fallen stones surrounding it.

They all stood in awe at the size of the skin, but it was Hermione that told them to get a move on.

David wasn't entirely sure why there were so many dislodged stones around but continued onward cautiously.

Unfortunately, the same couldn't be said for Ronald, who soon tripped and landed into the side of the tunnel, causing everything to start shaking.

"MOVE!" David shouted, grabbing Hermione and running backwards.

Harry was further ahead and just watched in shock as rocks came tumbling down from the walls of the tunnel, separating them.

~Ugh, I guess my little trick Rooster scared the Basilisk a bit, though probably better Harry goes in there alone~

"Guys? Guys? Are you okay?" Harry shouted, but muffled over all the rubble.

"Ow, ow, ow, ow! Oh god, my leg! I think it's broke," cried Ron who David now saw was trapped under a larger stone.

"I-I can't get thorough guys…" Harry bem.o.a.n.e.d, not knowing what to do.

Hermione immediately went over to check on Ron and seeing that he was okay apart from the mangled leg, spoke to Harry.

"Harry, we can try moving the stones on this side. Just give us a few minutes! David help me!" Hermione shouted loudly, allowing Harry to hear her.

"I'm going to go on ahead guys… Ginny might not have that much time," Harry said nervously.

"No! Harry, wait for us! I'm not letting you go on alone again!" Hermione shouted in disagreement, but he was already gone.

"Harry? Harry! Oh, you stubborn fool!" she shouted in distress.

Watching Hermione for a second, David eventually came forward and said, "Can't do anything about it right now, let's get Ronald out from under all this."

Nodding in defeat, she placed her wand in her wand holster and began trying to move the stones from a m.o.a.ning Ron's leg.

"Levitation Charm, Hermione," David said as he quickly cast the required spell and carefully started lifting the stones off of Ronald.

Sighing, as she had forgotten she was a witch, again, Hermione re-drew her wand and carefully started helping David lift the stones off Ronald.

"OH GOD, IT HURTS" Ronald shouted as the final stone was lifted, freeing his broken leg.

"Ron, you need to stay quiet, who kno-," Hermione tried to say.

"Shut up woman! This hurts so f.u.c.k.i.n.g much!" He roared in pain.

"Stupefy," David said out loud, knocking out the loud red-head.

"W-what was that David?!" Hermione shrilled.

"Stunning spell, he should be right out for a while. We can move him and treat him without a fuss now," David explained.

"Y-you can't just go around stunning people!" Hermione shouted, still shocked.

"We don't have time, we need to stabilise his leg and get these damn boulders out so we can help Harry," He explained as he sat down on his knees near Ron.

Hermione was left speechless and eventually sat down next to David who was transfiguring the smaller rocks around them into splints and strips of fabric.

Position the splints and fabric around him, David stood up, which Hermione followed in caution, and mumbled a spell that latched the splints to Ronald's leg and the fabric wound itself tightly around them.

This caused a stomach curling squelching and breaking sound and Ronald's leg was successfully cast.

"See what I mean? How loud would he have been if I did that while he was awake? Now we need to stop that bleeding that just started…" David said hiding his nervousness that he had just caused Ron to start bleeding from his wound.

Examining it for a second, David used one of the remaining strips of fabric and splint to create a tourniquet above the break, eventually stopping the bleeding as he wound it tighter and tighter.

"Right… well, he should be okay for a few hours. Madam Pomfrey will set him right," David said turning to Hermione.

He knew the required spells to fix his leg and stop the bleeding, but he hadn't used them off yet, only read the theory.

Healing spells were a dangerous thing, things could go wrong incredibly quickly, and David didn't want to accidentally kill the poor boy, or remove his leg.


"This is taking a little too long…" Hermione said as they had only cleared a small opening at the top of the fallen rubble.

"I know, but I can't just blast all of this away, the tunnel is too unstable…hmm," David said explained, but soon fell into thought as he thought of a way past this problem.

"Step back Hermione, I think I got it," David requested, stopping his own levitating of the rubble.

"Okay," she nodded, trusting David.

Taking a deep breath, and thinking about the required spell, David aimed his wand at the rubble and transfigured two separate chunks of it into large stone pillars that supported the ceiling of the tunnel.

"Bombarda," he eventually muttered after looking at his work, all the while Hermione looked on in awe.

Following the demolishing spell, dust was everywhere but the tunnel held and there was no sign of collapse. Seeing as dust would take a while to settle, David summoned a gust of wind and the way forward for himself and Hermione.

"Let's go? Ronald should be okay by himself here for a bit," David asked, knowing that the red-head would be fine.

Slightly unsure, Hermione soon nodded and walked forward shoulder to shoulder with David.


David and Hermione entered the chamber and immediately saw a dead, giant basilisk on the stone floor.

Looking over, they both eventually saw Harry comforting a distraught Ginny Weasley and Fawkes who was circling above.

"Harry!" Hermione shouted, running over to him.

"Hermione! Where's Ron?" Harry asked as he saw Hermione running to him and David walking briskly behind her.

"Are you alright? What about you Ginny?" Hermione rattled off, panicked.

"We're fine, we're fine," Harry assured, while Ginny was crying into Harry's torso.

"Oh, look at your arm, Harry! Oh, merlin is that a bite from the Basilisk?! We need to get you the antidote!" she said, turning to David.

David merely pointed above them and Hermione soon saw the wonderful Phoenix.

"I'm guessing that phoenix there gave you some of its tears, Harry?" David asked as he finally arrived next to them.

"Yeah, it cried into my wound, I guess Phoenix tears can heal a Basilisk bite?" he asked curiously.

"Yeah, only substance that can. Though, Basilisk venom is even rarer than Phoenix tears, so no one probably had the chance to create an antidote…" David answered, rattling off eventually.

"Harry, David, I think we should get going… The professors must be worried sick that five students' are now missing," Hermione explained.

All in agreement, even Ginny, they made their way over to the entrance of the chamber together. Except for David who stood back a little and placed the medallion near some stones when no one was looking. This would assure him unfettered entry back into the chamber whenever he needed it.


David, Hermione, Ginny and Ron were all sitting in the infirmary under the watchful eye of Madam Pomfrey.

Harry was meeting with the headmaster who was recently reinstated after a student was taken, much to Lucius dismay.

Hermione was biting her nails with a dazed expression on her face, probably worried about the punishment they would receive.

Ginny just sat there, with red puffy eyes, looking into the distance.

Ron was giving David death glares from the bed he was forced into.

David didn't care, he hoped Mel was watching the Map and knew he was safe, rather than worrying. Though he had seen a shimmer in the distance, it might have been Mel disillusioned, checking up on him he thought.

Soon the doors of the infirmary were busted wide open and in came a distraught Molly Weasley and an equally distraught Arthur Weasley.

Seeing the Weasley family together, David quickly discounted the rumour that Dawlish supplied. There had been no indication of Arthur being anything but a doting husband, either from the evidence in front of him or his knowledge from the books.

Soon the twins and Percy followed, and David was getting a slight headache from all the wailing and chatting.

"Hermione," David whispered.

"Yes? Why are we whispering?" She asked, confused.

"Want to get out of here?" he asked her?

"Oh! Uhh, should we?" she asked a little unsure, it seemed even she was a little uncomfortable around the entire Weasley clan.

"Yeah, Madam Pomfrey's checked us over, I'll let her know quietly," David answered in hushed tones.

"Sure," Hermione answered, and David was soon quietly walking over to Madam Pomfrey.

"Poppy, Hermione and I are going to get out of here," he told the healer quietly.

She turned to him with a raised eyebrow, but soon caught on as the gathering of red-heads in her infirmary was driving her up the wall.

"Very well, go on David. Be back in your dorms by curfew," she said as she turned away from him and placed two fingers on each temple in pain.


"What do you think went down in there?" Hermione asked as she and David were cuddled together on a couch he had transfigured in an empty classroom.

"Looks like Harry killed the Basilisk with the sword he was carrying…" David mumbled as he leaned into her. He was just glad this whole killer snake fiasco was over.

"Yeah… I guess Harry will explain everything later…" she said smiling at the closeness of David.

They sat in comfortable silence for a while, David was glad he changed Hermione's path a little. She Didn't have to experience being a half-cat for months nor being petrified. The year was extremely stressful as he somewhat needlessly watched the events of this unfold through the map, but at least it was over, and Hermione was safe.

Eventually, the silence was broken when suddenly Hermione shouted, "Oh!"

"What's up?" David asked curiously.

"Hagrid's going to be freed from Azkaban! I hadn't realised yet," she said with a grin on her face.

"Ridiculous how the Minister arrested him," David said with a shake of his head.

This soon brought Hermione to telling the tale of how she and the boys had stumbled into an Acromantula den and the story of how Hagrid was blamed for the opening of the Chamber years ago, getting kicked out of Hogwarts.

"Wonder if that means he could finish his education," David said following her tale. He had always wondered why the half-giant didn't get to use a wand officially after being proven as innocent.

"Right… right…" Hermione said, thinking about all the implications of Hagrid completing his education.

"Anyway, I'm hungry. Are you?" he asked following a rumble of his stomach.

"Sure, I could eat a bit," Hermione replied, smiling at David.



"Mel, Greenie, grab onto my hands," David requested of his House Elves the following night.

Doing as he requested, David turned his attention to Fitz who was preening himself.

"Fitz, lock onto the medallion and flame us over, please," he politely asked.

Fitz immediately landed onto David's shoulder, dug his claws in harder than necessary and in a flash of brilliant blue and golden fire, disappeared.

Landing smoothly, David turned to Fitz who was on his right shoulder, "Thank you, Fitz, you really are the best way to travel."

Greenie looked in awe at the size of the Basilisk and Mel looked on in slight fear, but steeled herself quickly, Greenie would need help harvesting the Basilisk.

"How much do you think we could get for it Greenie?" David asked as he watched his House Elf prod and poke the King of Serpents without fear.

"Millions master!" she shouted at him in enthusiasm. She really took her unofficial role as a supplier of exotic ingredients to David quite seriously.

"Well, let's get started. Remember, we're leaving some of it behind. Especially some of those fangs," David ordered before listening to Greenie's orders for how they would approach harvesting the massive beast.


Curiously, the only person who thanked him for coming along into the Chamber was Hermione. Ron was still glaring daggers at him and David was itching to just stun him again. Ginny was whisked back home following being released and Harry, well Harry was basking in his glory of saving everyone it seemed.

The school was buzzing about how Harry had done something regarding the Chamber, with Hermione, David and Ronald forgotten in the gossip.

Sue Li, Padma Patil and Luna Lovegood, his only real friends from Ravenclaw, of course, latched onto the mention of his name and drilled him about what actually happened on the train ride home.

David just told them they got separated from Harry and eventually met up with him when everything was done and dusted.

This left them a little annoyed, but David simply said that's all the information he had.

Soon the Hogwarts express pulled into the station and David's heart started beating rapidly.

He was going to meet Hermione's parents.

Following the events of the Chamber, Hermione asked him to spend some time at her home, to convince her parent's that not everyone in the magical world was horrible. It seemed they were a little put out by the events at the book store, thanks to Lucius.

They agreed on David staying over for about two weeks, as she and her parents would be leaving for France soon after.

Mel was going to glamour herself and pretend to be from the orphanage, as David didn't think it best to tell two a.d.u.l.ts he lived essentially alone in a massive Manor. With Hermione's approval of course.

"You seem nervous David, something wrong?" Luna asked as the four of them were getting out of there compartment.

"Oh, I'm going to be spending some time over at Hermione's, so I'm a little nervous meeting her parent's…" David said while ruffling his hair while looking at his reflection in the window, hoping to make himself more presentable.

"That's wonderful David. Meeting the in-laws is always daunting I would assume," she replied with a dreamy expression.

"Yes. Wait, what? I'm not marrying her Luna? We're not even dating! Jesus Luna," David rapidly said in reply.

"Jesus?" she asked with a tilted head.

"Oh… non-magical thing, don't worry about it," David said, sighing.

"Would you also like to come over to my place during the holidays David? I'm sure Daddy would love to meet my friend," Luna asked with an innocent smile.

David was a little unsure of spending time with Xenophilius Lovegood, but how could he refuse Luna when she looked at him like that?

"That would be lovely, I'll write to you once I get back from Hermione's. I think we're going straight there…" he explained.

Beaming, she gave David a quick hug and said, "We're going to have such a good time! I'll be waiting for your letter David. I'd best go now and inform Daddy you'll be coming to visit during the holidays. Don't be too nervous about meeting the Granger's, they'll love you."

David hoped they did, he had no idea how to interact with someone's parent's, for he'd never had any of his own.

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