Following the end of David's lessons under the watchful eye of Professor Flitwick, he turned to spending even more time in the Room of Requirement.

Control of FiendFyre was slow going, it really showed why Hermione was so reluctant to use it to destroy the Horcruxes.

One aspect that made the spell so difficult was the spells tendency to want to go out of control, burning everything in its path. But practice and a strong enough will, along with a healthy dose of talent could allow one to master this spell, in time.

However, that was for individuals with already damaged or corrupt souls. For someone like David, who still had a pure soul thanks to not engaging in murder and other such debased acts, he was left open to the possibility of the corruptive influence of the dark spell.

There was no mistake about it, FiendFyre was dark magic of the highest degree and David had to employ Occlumency specifically to overcome its corruptive influence.

Dark magic's such as this was probably why wizard's like Dumbledore and his Order didn't simply use the killing curse to end their duels instantly.

While the headmaster could easily disregard the corruptive influence thanks to his skill in Occlumency, seeing him use such spells would most definitely have a negative influence on wizards and witches. Encouraging them to use the spells that gave their enemies so much power over them, all the while lacking the tools to overcome their corruption.

Practising stronger and darker magic wasn't the only thing David spent his time doing. He still maintained that one should go above and beyond in mastering a few key spells for combat and that's just what he did.

He could, nonverbally cast a flurry of powerful Stunning Spells, constrict multiple targets with incredibly tough conjured rope and effortlessly shield himself and others without uttering a word.

He did all this while being able to duck, roll and weave away from oncoming enemy fire thanks to the practice dummies the room supplied, which were able to fire off harmless fireworks at David, imitating deadly spells and curses.


When not training in the Room of Requirement or completing his growing mountain of Homework, David was hard at work getting in contact with various witches and wizards, starting his plans of increasing the amount of magical life all over the planet.

He was limited due to the fact that other foreign Ministries were far less corrupt compared to his own, but he was slowly greasing the right hands and even purchasing dragon and other magical creature reserves all over Europe.

Funnily enough, he even became the 'mysterious' new major shareholder of the world-famous dragon reserve in Romania where Charlie Weasley worked and was left receiving reports weekly on the goings-on at the reserve.

He funnelled gold into all his new business', with orders to increase security and land, for many magical creatures were culled to better hide the magical world from the ever-growing muggle world.

David's plans were to slowly increase the number of creatures in the reserves when he believed they all had reached sufficient levels of security, essentially assuring muggles didn't see dragons flying about.

With such a busy schedule, any other girlfriend would have been complaining about the lack of time David spent with her.

However, Hermione was now feeling the pressure of the time-turner and even with her practice in Occlumency, she had to spend immense amounts of time studying in the library and Gryffindor common room. Leaving little time for the couple to find time together, but they made do, grudgingly.

She, being ostracised by Harry and Ron for getting the Firebolt checked out didn't help the situation either. She may have had more time to herself but the loss of companionship from two of her best-friends distracted her and David was left to fill that void.

He did have a sense of Schadenfreude as he overheard Ronald and Harry being berated by Professor McGonagall due to their failing grades. Hermione really was the only reason Harry had survived Hogwarts and the final war.


With time spent in the Room, studying, dealing with paperwork and keeping Hermione company time flew by for David.

It was the Sirius Black attacking Ron in Gryffindor Tower that broke David from his almost mechanical routine for he knew the end of the year was soon approaching.

He was looking forward to the end of the year, the Dementors might not have been allowed inside Hogwarts, but the presence of so many really left everyone feeling depressed year-round. He'd even spoken to Madam Pomfrey about it, apparently, older students had been using cheering charms excessively and a few had even become addicted to having endorphin's rush their bodies.

Hogwarts was a constant nightmare, especially for Madam Pomfrey. David wondered how she would deal with it all next year with the dragons about.


"Do you think this will help Buckbeak?" Hermione asked David in the library.

"I don't know… I think, no matter how good our defence is, it doesn't change the fact that Draco is a spoilt racist prat and his father is a power-hungry spiteful man that has the Minister of Magic in his back pocket," David answered far too truthfully, he'd been a little depressed recently and it was affecting his mood. The oppressing feeling of the dementors was getting to him.

Seeing Hermione lose hope as David gave his opinion, he felt remorseful immediately.

"I'm sorry, Hermione…" David said quietly.

"No… I… Its, I understand," Hermione replied, staring down into the book they were planning on referencing in Buckbeak's trial.

With David not knowing what to say, Hermione eventually spoke, "It makes me so angry, David. He can just get away with so much. It's wrong, so wrong that Buckbeak takes the fall for Malfoy's idiocy, I hate that prat. I'm not giving up hope though… I'd better go, David, I need to hand these notes to Hagrid and help him prepare."

Seeing Hermione get up to leave, David bid her good luck and made his way to the Room of Requirement to let out some frustration.

"Confringo!" David shouted at the collection of training dummies, causing them all to explode, littering the Room of Requirement in debris. He'd also left a dent into the usually magical resilient walls. Luckily, he watched in real-time as the stone walls repaired themselves, erasing his mark.

Wanting some more relief, David tried out a few of his other spells, but found using the Patronus Charm and controlling his Phoenix with his wand far more relaxing than blowing up the dummies.

The presence of the Patronus seemed to offset the damage the dementors were doing to him, this gave David the idea of leaving his Patronus flying around the Room of Requirement as he studied and trained.


A major part of his training that David had been stalling on was Legilimency, if he wanted to reach the ranks of the top duellers, he needed to be able to read his opponent's mind and effortlessly dispatch them by knowing what spell was coming his way before they had cast it.

His major gripe regarding this was not wanting to be in the heads of school children. He found his peers imm.a.t.u.r.e enough as is, diving into their minds was going to be hell. Not to mention the slight moral issues he'd had to get over, but it was for a good cause and he pushed those thoughts to the side and stopped stalling.

His answer for training this aspect of the mind arts was to go around Hogwarts in between lessons and meet the eyes of various students, picking up stray thoughts as their eyes found one another.

It was slow going progressing his level of skill and he hated picking up the pieces of gossip of who was with who and whom to copy homework off of this week.

Interestingly enough, David learnt that a few of the Slytherin's didn't like him. Apparently, news of his grades had spread, and they particularity didn't like the way he carried himself. Too confident for a muggle-born they thought, to their arrogant selves.

A few of the sixth-years wanted to teach him a lesson, but the fifth-years were far too busy with OWLs and the seventh-years with their NEWTs. Not to mention David hardly ever being around the halls ruined the few attempts they had been planning.

Somewhat wishing he didn't know of their plot of a surprise attack, for this was exactly the kind of situation he wanted to find himself in, needed to further test himself. The acromantulas had been a good beginning but he wanted more.

He also learnt that not many people cared about him dating Hermione, two book worms who deserved each other was the gist of what he got. He made an effort to stay out of the minds of his close friends, sometimes it was best not to know.

Practising Occlumency left David wanting to see into Ronald's mind, just what made him tick other than jealousy for Harry was a question he wanted to be answered. For the red-head seemed to want to excel and shine, but didn't put in any effort.

But the red-head avoided him it seemed, and David was left glimpsing into Ginny Weasley and the twin's minds in boredom.

He was disappointed in Ginny after hearing how she broke little Luna's heart by using that nickname, but seeing as she was still struggling to sleep, almost a year on from the events of the Chamber, David had sympathy for the girl.

The twins, however, were immensely interesting. The two could be considered to be genius', and if they applied themselves academically in the way their mother wanted, they'd probably be top students.

Knowing that they would go onto creating Weasley Wizarding Wheezes, David knew they'd found their niche and it left him wondering just where Ronald went wrong. Even Ginny, who had everything from the previous year on her shoulder's and no one to talk to was doing reasonably well.

And Ronald was left being, well, Ronald.


Thankfully, the Golden Trio made up following the failure of Buckbeak's trial, with Hagrid stepping in to mend fences.

This along with the fact that Hermione dropped Divination just before Easter resulted in her considerably cheering up, and David found himself spending much more pleasant quality time with her. When she could get away from the Ronald and Harry, who desperately needed her help with homework after she'd been excommunicated for months.

And with everything back to normal, David was soon watching the events of Sirius Black's capture unfold, safely from his dorm room.

Creating his own Map had been immensely helpful.


"A werewolf, can you believe it?" Sue said to the gathered group of Ravenclaws.

"I mean that's shocking, but can you believe they captured Black, and then lost him, again?!" Padma stressed.

"Well, nothing regarding that has been confirmed," Anthony Goldstein said, trying to protect the ministry for some reason.

"Oh please, nothing 'confirmed' regarding Professor Lupin either, but the entire school knows he's a werewolf," Sue argued back.

"Look, all I'm saying is-," Anthony explained as David drifted off, thinking about his plans for the holidays.

The Grangers were staying home this year and invited David over for the summer. He had a lot on his plate, with managing his magical creature reserves, planning for Cyrus Greengrass' championing him at the Wizengamot and his studies into magic.

Not to mention Voldemort would be truly back this time next year, he really needed to focus on his education. He was going to be all of eighteen when he went up against death eaters and snatchers while saving the prosecuted muggle-born population.

"David? David?!" Sue shouted, trying to get his attention.

"Oh, sorry Sue, what's up?" David asked quickly.

"We were just wondering if you were also going to the Quidditch World Cup?" she asked curiously.

"Oh, sorry. No, I've made other plans for the Summer," David expressed, not wanting to watch Quidditch.

"Probably can't afford it," Anthony Goldstein said under his breath, much to everyone's annoyance.

From the Legilimency he'd used on Anthony, he knew he had an inferiority complex in regards to David, as Anthony really did try his best to be the top male student, falling short to David everytime.

Knowing why Anthony would bring up money, David just smiled politely at him, unnerving Anthony and causing him to look away and scowl in frustration.

"Going to spend some quality time with Granger, eh?" Padma teased as she nudged him a little with his elbow.

"Maybe," David said with a coy smile, resulting in all the single Ravenclaws groaning.

"Wonder who we're going to get next year for Defence?" Luna asked out of nowhere, changing the topic.

"Ugh, I know! He was such a good professor! Hopefully not someone like Quirrell…" Sue expressed to the group, getting nods in agreement from everyone.

David sighed to himself, knowing Barty Crouch Jr. was coming.

He could so easily expose him, throwing future events up into the air, but he had to restrain himself. David could easily manoeuvre around future events if he knew what was to happen, changing things left too much to chance. War was coming, he'd need every weapon he could get if he was going to survive this.

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