Fellow Daoists, Would You Like To Buy Gatling?

Chapter 229: 225. Electric Man Lao Jiang

  Chapter 229 225.Electronic man Lao Jiang

  "Now there is no multi-node synchronous injection device on hand, so you can only use single-point injection to inject gene medicine for you, which will lengthen the time for it to embed and change your gene sequence."

  Roge's urn sound echoed in Lao Jiang's ears.

  Not only because the black fox is wearing a medical helmet, but also because Lao Jiang will lie on an experimental bench like an ice coffin, and the surrounding sterile protective glass has been raised.

  This shape is really like a coffin.

  Lao Jiang, who has been under general anesthesia, will feel very slow in his body, but the soul resides in the sea of ​​consciousness, so that his senses are not affected. Human monks practice the soul and soul.

  After entering the Qi-training realm, his body and soul have become two individuals coexisting on each other.

  In most cases, this is a good thing.

  But occasionally it can be a bad thing.

  Jiang Xia observes the surroundings with spiritual thoughts. Ruyue and Su Zheng are busy on the bioengineering workbench next to them. They are also wearing the same full-cover medical protective clothing as Roger and wearing medical helmets.

  And Rogge will hold a precision syringe like a percussion drill. In the middle, the dark red tube of "subunit gene recombination and nucleic acid-encoded human function enhancement targeting reagent" is ready.

  Because of the modified electric eel gene blueprint, the original fine and thick dark red liquid will become clear, like a tube of top-grade whiskey with pigment.

   "How long do I have to sleep?"

  Lao Jiang’s divine mind, through the glass, sounded in Rogge’s ear, with a touch of relaxation and anticipation.

He says:

  "How long will it take me to become the kind of "super fighter" you promised?"

   "It won't be too long."

  The black fox chuckled lightly, and stuck the silver-gray syringe in his hand into the groove of the sterile glass.

The   workbench program was started immediately, and the six movable mechanical arm needles protruded, and under the control of Su, they precisely extended downwards, and finally pierced Lao Jiang's body.

  In this silent underground nuclear bunker, the workbench emits a gentle halo, illuminating the surroundings.

   Jiang Xia felt like a display in a glass showcase, with light coming from all around, making his vision a bit blurred.

  The potion was divided into six parts and injected into his body at the same time. There was no special feeling, like a mosquito bit.

  "The coding of gene sequence is a very delicate work. The longer it is, the more dangerous it is. You will probably wake up after six hours."

  Rogge raised his left hand, looked at his watch, and took a few steps back.


  "But the changes at the genetic level, acting on the cells of the whole body, take a long time. I don’t have a catalytic device on hand.

  So you can only rely on the natural renewal of human cells to complete the body transformation.

  This process generally lasts about 200 days, but there is an unscientific thing like ‘reiki’ in your body, which has a very obvious effect on stimulating cell activity.

  So I estimate that your human cells are fully renewed, and it is estimated that it will be completed in two to three months at most.

  Now it’s a few minutes before you enter deep sleep. I need to give you some popular science. Does this medicine work? "

   "Let's talk, let's talk."

  Jiang Xia’s spirit replied:

  "It’s like a boring bedtime story. The story itself is not important. The important thing is that it should be boring enough to let me close my eyes faster."

   "Well, you caught the point all at once, you always do."

  Rogge took off the medical helmet, revealing the vicissitudes of life, he rubbed his shaggy chin, and said to Jiang Xia:

  "If you have a superficial biological knowledge, you should know that the electric eel, a strange creature that has been extinct before the nuclear war, has a natural discharge ability.

  The special abilities of creatures that I have never seen before come from specialized cell structures.

  There are thousands of dischargers in its muscle tissue, and each discharge body can produce a voltage of about 0.15 volts.

  When thousands of discharge bodies are discharged with full power, the voltage can even reach 600-800 volts, which is really a miracle of nature.

  However, its discharge capacity will decrease with fatigue or aging.

  I once followed my grandfather and cloned this special discharge cell. They are like small laminated biological batteries. When activated by nerve signals, they can make ions flow through the cell membrane.

  Its structure is quite sophisticated, and many such bio-batteries can be connected in parallel to easily generate enough current.

  This is how this genetic medicine works.

  It will strengthen 90% of the cells in your body into such specialized cells without affecting your physiological structure, allowing you to have the same discharge capacity as an electric eel. "

  Rogge glanced at Jiang Xia who was sleepy on the workbench.

  He continued:

  "But according to your suggestion, in the past few days, I have made fine-tuning of the gene medicine and cancelled its ‘limiter’. While strengthening the discharge capacity, it no longer allows your cells to have electrical resistance.

  You don’t need this limiter to protect you.

  You have the supernatural ability to control thunder and lightning. The genetic medicine my grandfather has developed is simply tailor-made for you.

  It will also strengthen the strength of your body cells to withstand higher voltages, which will also strengthen your strength, speed and responsiveness.

  But its effect is not as good as the special physical enhancement."

   "Huh, Huh"

  The black fox heard a low snoring sound before he finished speaking.

  He tilted his head forward, and saw that Lao Jiang had entered a deep sleep, he shook his head helplessly.

  This is the power of science.

   can not only change the world, but also effectively treat insomnia.

   is really amazing.

   "Instructor Roger."

  Ruyue’s voice sounded behind Roger. The secretary took off her medical helmet and flicked her shawl's long hair. She glanced at the boss and whispered:

  "I saw that in your biological cold storage, there are several other genetic medicines that have been made. Although the boss did not mention them, I still want to ask.

  Do you sell those things? "

   "They are made, naturally they are for sale."

  Rogge turned his head and smiled at Ruyue. He said:

  "But now the production capacity is limited. As you can see, the biological genetic samples we have seized are too few, and the genetic medicine we can make is very limited.

  If the boss wants a better potion, then he has to wait until we capture the Free Citizen City. "

"you are lying!"

  Rujitsu bluntly exposed Rogge’s lie, she said:

  "You have a blood sample of Liu Hui's silly monster in your hand.

  Although I don’t know much about technology, you can already make this kind of magical medicine. It shouldn’t be difficult to analyze the blood of a monster.

  With Liu Hui's pure force, I think there should be no natural beast that can surpass its power in the wasteland. "

   "That's a monster."

  The black fox smiled and said:

  " is a field that our biotechnology has not yet set foot in. Its genes are amazing and full of mysteries that I have not yet explored. As you can see, I am a responsible biologist.

  I will not sell unverified genetic medicines to my customers. "


   Ruyue said without expression:

  "There are hundreds of people on the ground for you to verify. I personally hope you can speed up the verification. No boss, our business needs such a powerful product!

  And, if all you need is pure monster blood."

  Miss Secretary’s left hand swayed on the experimental table, Na Jie shimmered, and a dozen porcelain bottles were thrown out. She said to Rogge:

  "These are the blood of the monsters we collected in the Suffering Wood Realm, as well as the alienated monsters of another world, if you need them.

  The samples of them will also be sent over soon. "

   "Of course I need it!"

  Rogge took a step forward with his eyes bright, grabbed a slender porcelain bottle, opened the lid, put it under his nose and sniffed, a pungent smell came up, causing the black fox's body to shake.

  Like poisoning.

  His complexion quickly turned blue and white, and his figure was shaky, as if the moon's eyes were swift, he quickly took out a Baicao Pill given by Master and stuffed it into Rogge's mouth to dissolve the rising toxins.

she says:

  "This is the blood from the Alienated Demon Toad of the Southern Wilderness, with water and strange poison inside, which can easily melt steel. You are crazy!"

   "But this is what I want!"

  Rogge shook his dizzy head. He looked at the porcelain bottle with the tightly closed lid as if he was looking at Qibao, and his eyes lit up and said:

  "The more you bring to me, the better, and the more you bring, the faster I can verify the genetic blueprint. You can take away the medicines in the ice store.

  Those are miracles made by my grandfather.

  Now, I should also try to escape the great shadow of my grandfather and make a miracle that belongs to me. "

  Jugetsu nodded.

   turned around and walked into the cold storage behind her. Not long after, she walked out carrying a small blue refrigerator, holding a cold medicine injection bottle in her hand.

  She shook the bottle in her hand to the black fox, glanced at the boss again, and said:

   "Give me this injection."

   "Huh? Are you sure?"

  Rogge took the potion bottle and glanced at the label. His eyes were strange and said to Kisaragi:

  "I told you in advance that this bottle of medicine is very special. Judging from the results of my grandfather and our previous experiments in the laboratory, once it takes effect, it will make you specialize in your body.

  If you don’t understand, I’ll just say it more bluntly.

  It may make you lose your current beautiful human shape, destroy your face, and even make you grow more. This is a terrifying thing for a beautiful woman like you. "

"I confirm."

  Jugetsu shrugged.


  "I also know that your medicine, like the Ember Treasure Medicine, can be injected multiple times if the body can bear it.

  I have formulated my body strengthening plan, just as the boss decides to use this method to control lightning.

  I also have my pursuit.

   Needless to say.

  Start the injection now. "

  The black fox's gaze changed. He looked up and down Ruyue, as if he had a new understanding of this secluded woman.


  "Put out the second creature workbench. Forget it, just put out three. You are alone over there, fighting with a group of gods, I really don't feel relieved.

  By the way, I will also strengthen you. "


  Five days later, at dusk.

  After three days of construction in the small town on the edge of the desert, a bunker with a wasteland style has been built. The fighters of the Black Hand have mobilized a part to support the offensives of several other towns.

  But there are still more than a hundred people remaining here. This town has been renamed "Blackhand Town", and it will serve as the forward base of the Blackhand Society for a long time to come.

The two strongholds in the   Death Desert will not be abandoned either. There will be a rear base camp and a training place for recruits.

  One hundred meters underground, in a quiet nuclear bunker, Lao Jiang, wearing a vest and wide-brimmed pants, is exercising.

  His left arm is empty.

  The five fingers of the right hand keep spreading and closing.

  The blue-violet arc entangled every finger of Jiang Xia, like a lit candle, beating constantly, occasionally bringing up a dazzling light.

  As the fingers were closed again, a ball of thunder light gathered in the palm of the hand.

  The manic arc, after being compressed, remained relatively constant in the still manic rhythm. The most violent power of nature, under Lao Jiang’s gaze, gathered like an arm's command.

  With the gentle injection of spiritual power in the body, the energy level of this thunder ball is getting higher and higher, and the energy detection reading of the left eye prosthesis quickly rises to an extremely high level.


In the sound of the humming electric surge, Lao Jiang took a step back, raised his right hand, and made a javelin throwing motion, and the thunderball in his palm quickly extended to both sides.

  In an instant, it formed a long spear blade with a length of more than one meter and a beating arc.

   was thrown out after another run-up step.

  The pulsating lightning flew from Lao Jiang's palm, and in the blink of an eye, it blasted on the heavy wall of the nuclear bunker, which should have caused a violent explosion.

  But the moment the light blade touched the wall, it quietly turned into an electric arc flying all over the sky.

  It was densely covered like a spider web, and was finally taken back into the five fingers that Lao Jiang protruded, and it changed back to the way it was beating at the fingertips before.


   Jiang Xia is using this method to exercise the precision and maneuverability of her power control magic.

  The scattered lightning looks gorgeous, but it seriously disperses the destructive power. Any weapon can only exert its perfect power when it is gathered in one point. This is what Lao Jiang pursues.

  The sound of light footsteps sounded in the aisle behind Jiang Xia. Boss Jiang dissipated his magical powers in the arc lingering, and glanced back.

  My own secretary, walking over with a silver-gray left arm prosthesis in both hands.

"How are you?"

  Lao Jiang asked:

   "I heard that you also did a makeover?"


   Ruyue moved her shoulders uncomfortably, she said:

   "Rogge also scared me, saying that I will become an ugly woman in the future."

  "Am I such a superficial person? Besides, Matish has already made Yan Yan Dan. I went back to take one and stayed in Yan Yan for 30 years.

  You will probably always be this perfect look. "

  Boss Jiang said in a low voice.

   Let Ruyue help him install the newly made prosthesis, and as the adaptive screw on his left arm closed in, Jiang Xia’s body suddenly tilted to the left for a minute and then stood up straight again.

  He glanced at the silver-gray, well-made left arm, and moved his five fingers again.


  "This thing is really heavy, much heavier than I thought."

  "After all, the precious sand meteorite was used, and the night plastic gold given by the master was added. Roger and the others took a lot of effort to melt these materials.

  But it's really worth it. "

  Ruyue said:

  "The finished product was tested just now, and its energy conductivity has been increased to 83%. The discharge module has been removed and replaced with crushed imperial thunder stone fragments.

   Let it have a slight increase in thunder and lightning.

  This is a body made specifically for you, the boss. It is estimated that it can be used for a long time. The previous weapon systems have been preserved, but I doubt that boss, do you still need them? "

   "Be prepared or not."

  Lao Jiang adapted to the heavy body, took a cigarette, held it to his mouth, and Ruyue raised the lighter just right to light the cigarette for the boss.

  In the rising smoke, Jiang Xia said:

   "The business here is over, I should go to the Countess to have a look."

   "Is Roger ready to meet his colleagues?"

  (End of this chapter)

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