Female Knight and Male Princess

Chapter 51: Knight and Emma

The heavy rain the day before yesterday made Fort Fersey a lot cooler. It is not a season of travel. Except for merchants and mercenaries, there are few foreigners in the city. Lan Weiwei couldn't stay sullen in the room, and when it was just clearing, she took Tyler and a group of people out to play.

In retrospect, they set off from Cayenne City half a year ago and went all the way. Except for the few pursuits, their journey has been smooth. What Saintess squad fights against the devil RPG? It's simply here to visit the mountains and play.

"Don't you think you are facing enough danger?" Taylor frowned.

In his opinion, even if Lan Weiwei had scratched her skin, it was an earth-shattering event. Not to mention that Lan Weiwei fought head-on with the man in black who was chasing them, and Lan Weiwei was injured! Moore is on the top, if this princess meets those guys who kill a thousand swords, they must be good-looking!

"Look, we have encountered a total of three pursuits, and each time the opponent's strength does not seem to be particularly strong. Except for that mysterious necromancer, everyone else is simply fighting the five scum."

"That's good for hiding our whereabouts." Taylor muttered, speaking of being chased by Garcia's men, he couldn't help but remember that Charles had given his life to save Lan Weiwei. Why didn't I encounter such a good thing? It's a shame in life to let that little white face go first.

"In my opinion, the most important reason is because we are still in West." Vincent interjected.

Lan Weiwei was puzzled: "Why do you say that?"

Vincent finally found an opportunity to drop the book bag, and immediately began to talk: "You should have heard of the dark forest, right?"

When this Lan Weiwei just crossed over, Daniel explained that the huge forest called the Dark Jungle is a mysterious area that separates the continents of West and Murphy. This forest is full of poisonous miasma that obscures the sky and the sun. No creature can pass through the dark dense forest, and even birds can't fly over it.

Starting from the land bordering the two continents, the dense forest stretches for thousands of kilometers, forming a natural barrier between West and Murphy. For the residents of West Continent, although the existence of dense forests has invaded the land they can live on, it has also become a huge protective wall against the attacks of dark creatures.

In other words, such vicious magical creatures as goblins, trolls, trolls, etc. cannot enter the continent of West. The only way is the sea. The port responsible for the route between Westland and Murphy's mainland is Fort Lehigh. For this reason, Fort Lihai built a sturdy and continuous battlement, which was already in the hands of a man, blocking the barbarians who tried to sneak into West.

This is also the reason why West was defeated on a large scale during the Battle of Huo Kite, and the dark jungle opened for some reason. Before everyone had reacted, the shadow had already hung over everyone's head.

"So, as long as we are still in West Continent, Garcia can't attack us with all his strength. His most elite force is the army of trolls. Moreover, for the dark believers, in West Continent, their Magic power will be greatly reduced." Vincent carefully explained to Lan Weiwei, "Don’t you realize that most of them are swordsmen and assassins who are sent to chase us? It’s because Garcia knows that even if you send a mage over, To deal with a few of us, it’s impossible to please."

"Then they didn't send many people, because they wanted to get the killer to West, which is very difficult, isn't it?"

"That's right." Vincent said, "All in all, you don't think there is any danger. That's because we are still in our own land. When we sneak into Murphy, that is the beginning of the real difficulty."

"Perhaps there is another reason." Matthew said suddenly, "the barbarians have other things to do. Remember what Hilde said? The guy said,'He has more important things.' Yes. What is more important than killing the saint?"

"You mean, they come to West, have other plans?" Vincent looked at Tyler, "Taylor, is there no relevant information on the temple?"

"Orville." Taylor motioned to Orville.

"It's a pity," the young man shrugged. "Daniel found out that a group of them went to the north, and then they lost track." Seeing Taylor pondering, Orville said with relief, "Daniel has been sent to say that he will stare at Garcia's people. Yes, as soon as you find out, you will tell me immediately. You don’t need to worry, their power is limited by the **** Moore and they can’t do anything serious. At present, the most important thing is to destroy the altar of the abyss."

"That's what I said." Lan Weiwei didn't want Taylor to be too worried, and quickly exclaimed,|"Maybe it's that Hilde who is playing mystery. Didn't he say a lot of strange things before?"

"That guy is very tricky." Matthew scratched his hair. "He is probably the number two character under Garcia."

"Even when the power is limited, it is very strong." Arthur recalled Hilde's strength, and he couldn't help but feel lingering.

When everyone sneaks into Murphy Continent, I'm afraid they will encounter more enemies like Hilde. There is also the mysterious Dark Earl Garcia, a big boss of this level, wanting to abuse himself is a matter of minutes.

Be strong, Lan Weiwei, you must advance and retreat together with Taylor. The girl secretly cheered herself up, what does it matter if the road ahead is dangerous, as long as it is where Taylor is...

She couldn't help tightening Taylor's hand, and the young man happened to look over at this moment: "Weiwei." His red pupils were shining, and there was something jumping in it, touching.

Lan Weiwei smiled brightly at him: "I'm here."

No matter where we are going, I am by your side.

"Tsk tusk, the aura of certain two people is going to blind my eyes." Matthew, who has never changed, began to owe again.

Before Lan Weiwei fired, Vincent said first: "Matthew, Phyllis hasn't written to you for a long time."

Seeing Matthew's arrogant aura instantly decayed, Lan Weiwei couldn't help sighing, sometimes the brain fan is still very powerful.

"Brother Matthew, are you a broken love?"

"The word broken love doesn't exist in the dictionary of my life at all!" Matthew is angrily, "Believe it or not, I can just go find a girl to confess now, she can immediately agree."

"No, I think she will slap you right away." Taylor replied coldly.

But Matthew, who tried to prove his masculine charm, couldn't hear everyone's persuasion. He looked around the street for a week, and his eyes fell on a Goldilocks in front of him. The girl looked about seventeen or eighteen years old, beautiful in appearance, and a complete beauty.

"Hmph, little Arthur, look good, brother let you know what is unstoppable." After speaking, Matthew strode towards the girl.

When everyone saw that Matthew had started talking with the innocent girl, it was probably paving the way, and the girl looked confused. I'm afraid it won't be long before he will become angry.

"This idiot." Tyler's forehead twitched. "Vincent, pull him over, don't embarrass him."

Obviously Matthew had already confessed, and the girl read "Where is this lunatic" all over her face.

"Matthew." Vincent froze. If he can, he really doesn't want to admit that he knows this guy. "We should go back to the hotel."

Matthew ignored Vincent's urging: "Beautiful lady, are you willing to accept me?"

"Ignore him." Vincent turned his gaze to the girl. "He was drinking too much."

"I..." The girl did not look at Matthew, but stared at Vincent without blinking.

"Miss, are you willing?" Matthew persevered.

"I..." Goldilocks' face suddenly turned red, and she looked at the silver-haired youth with a vague look, "I think I would..."

"What?!" Not only Vincent, even Matthew was taken aback.

"I mean..." Goldilocks pointed at Vincent, "If it's you, sir, I would."

"In other words, it was Matthew who confessed and Vincent was confessed?"

Matthew sat aside angrily: "I'm just making a joke." He strongly emphasized, "It's not really interesting to that girl, I already have Phyllis."

But it didn't work. Everyone looked at him with a look of "Poor Matthew, we know you are hurt, don't say anything", and the other protagonist of the incident didn't seem too happy.

"Brother Vincent, you are amazing." Arthur admired.

Vincent is still expressionless, but everyone can see that he is very troubled now: "Really? I don't think so."

"How come." Lan Weiwei came out to make a round, "By the way, what's the girl's name?"

Vincent thought for a while: "She seems to have said it, but I didn't pay attention."

"Emma, ​​her name is Emma." Matthew replied feebly.

"Is she from Xibao?" Lan Weiwei looked at Vincent.

"…Did not notice."

"Yes, she lives in the east of the city." Matthew still answered on her behalf.

"What does she do? Well, Vincent, you don't need to answer, I know you didn't pay attention."

"Their family opened a flower shop." Matthew recalled Emma's self-introduction. The girl was probably covered with lard, but she told two strange men all her information with her head, although one of them was She fell in love at first sight, but she didn't recognize it for five minutes.

Then, when Vincent was impatient and Matthew was uncomfortable, Emma inquired about the hotel where everyone was staying, and said that she would come to visit tomorrow.

"What the **** does she want to do?" Vincent felt that his patience was greatly challenged. "We are not familiar."

People are pursuing you, Master Master. For the reason of being a woman, Lan Weiwei is very sympathetic to the Emma girl. It's not good to see who is not good, but it happens to be a dead house magician who has been paralyzed for thousands of years and is incomprehensible.

"Vincent, do you really mean nothing to Emma? I mean, at least you don't hate her."

"No, it's boring." Vincent replied decisively, "I don't care about everything except magic. Oh, yes." The young man looked straight at Taylor, "And Taylor, he is the only person I care about. "

Na, Nani? !

Me me me me, what did I just hear? !

"Wen, Vincent, do you mean what I think?" Lan Weiwei asked weakly.

Vincent replied firmly: "Yes, that's what you think."

The author has something to say: There is no comment, Wo feels that Wo has been abandoned by the world _(:3」∠)_

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