Yunze and Ye Ziyan negotiated the recycling of the cloth, and Ye Ziyan also gave Yunze 6,000 yuan in advance. She will send someone over later to get the cloth.

In order to prevent the situation from happening again, Yunze asked Ye Ziyan to find someone to secretly dye the cloth. Dyeers use trustworthy people. The dyeing workshop is also under closed management.

After sending Ye Ziyan in, Yunze took six thousand taels of silver and bought a batch of silk threads.

When he came back, Ye Chen happened to bring someone over to pull the cloth. Ye Ziyan was in the dyeing workshop, preparing for the next thing.

After all the completed cloth was shipped away, Luo Yunniang had time to talk to Yunze.

"Sir, the heroine you saved disappeared this morning.……"Luo Yunniang looked at Yunze with an anxious expression.

She has misjudged people. If it were the previous Yunze, he would definitely be furious. She was really scared.

Yunze sighed after hearing this. He had already guessed that Su Qianmo might leave, but it made him a little upset that the other party left without saying goodbye.

He doesn't know when he will meet Su Qianmo next time. If he wants to complete his big plan, he has to postpone it.

"Just leave, she will always leave……"Yunze smiled slightly, pinched Luo Yunniang's face lovingly and said,"Compared to others, you are the most important.……"

Yunze couldn't blame Luo Yanniang for Su Qianmo's departure. She also knew the reason for the anxiety on Luo Yanniang's face.

When Luo Yunniang heard this, she looked at Yunze in a daze, and a warm current surged through her heart. Only Yunze's words remained in her mind, she is the most important thing.

Her nose felt a little sore and she wanted to cry for no reason. But she held back her tears.

Yunze has really changed. If it had been before, I might have beaten her.

"My husband, you are hungry. I will cook for you. You have a good rest!"Luo Yunniang held back her tears and hurried to the kitchen with the sweetness in her heart.

Yunze came to Luo Yunxi's office, and the little girl was checking the accounts. That serious look made Yunze feel a little distressed.

The little girl was only thirteen years old, but she worked hard to prevent Yunze from disliking her. She wanted Yunze to know that she was not a useless person or a burden.

"Rest when you are tired and don’t work so hard! The work is never done, you know?"Yunze smiled at the little girl and stroked her head gently.

The little girl came back to her senses and looked at the gentle Yunze, feeling inexplicably warm in her heart. She nodded obediently.

"Well, I know, brother-in-law! The accounts will be finished soon. Brother-in-law, please take a rest first. I can make it in time!"

Looking at Luo Yunxi who was immersed in work again, Yunze did not force her to rest. Instead, he took the easel on the side and began to draw on it.

He planned to draw several sets of fashionable ready-made clothes for Ye Ziyan that were suitable for this era. Of course, the most important thing about the style is the modern bra set.

Yunze even wanted to get a few sets of women's products such as black silk. Thinking that if Luo Yunniang could wear it, he didn't know... but he soon felt overwhelmed. This thought was too dangerous, so I couldn’t even think about it...

Before I knew it, Yunze had reached dinner time. After dinner, Yunze was going to Wanghu Tower to see the progress of the decoration and the highly alcoholic drinks. To refine the situation.

As soon as he walked to the lakeshore not far from Wanghu Tower, he saw the figure waiting in front. In the night, the faint moonlight highlighted the figure's perfect figure.

It was Su Qianmo!

Yunze looked slightly Shocked, he didn't expect that the other party didn't leave, but was waiting for him here.

"You are different from the rumors!"As soon as Yunze came closer, Su Qianmo turned around and looked over with a calm expression. It was hard to tell what she was thinking.

"Oh, what I am like in the rumors!" Yunze burst out laughing after hearing this, and stood next to Su Qianmo. His movements were natural, as if he were meeting a friend of many years.

Su Qianmo's words let him know that the other person left during this period to inquire about information about him. Yes.

This woman is quite interesting. She may have heard what she said to her.

Su Qianmo did not answer Yunze, turned to look at Danyang Lake in front, and said in a leisurely voice:

"Sui Bu's envoy Cheng Ying came to Danyang Mansion, but he didn't just come for Sui Bu. His real purpose is to suppress bandits."

She seemed to be venting the suppressed emotions in her heart. A woman who almost died here in order to assassinate the court official would have some complicated feelings.

"When I assassinated him, I was actually being used by others, but for the sake of my brothers and sisters in Longtoushan, I had to take action. Unfortunately, I failed!"

Su Qianmo smiled mockingly.

After saying this, she paused, looked at Yunze and said,"Thank you for your help. I have nothing to repay you, so I'll treat you to a drink!"

She threw a pot of wine to Yunze who didn't know where it came from.

Yunze took it, looked at the small jug in his hand, and smiled.

Su Qianmo opened the lid of the pot, raised his head and took a sip. Free and easy and full of heroic spirit, she looked beautiful under the moonlight. Yunze looked a little distracted.

"Are you planning to assassinate Cheng Ying again?!"Yunze opened the spout of the pot, raised his head and poured a sip into his mouth. The wine was only a dozen degrees and tasted like swill.

This made Yunze miss the refined high and low wine in Wanghu Restaurant.

Su Qianmo heard this, She turned to look at Yunze in surprise, with appreciation in her eyes. The man in front of her was smarter than she had imagined. He could guess her thoughts with just a few words.

"It's a pity that we met too late, otherwise, we could have been a disciple……"Su Qianmo did not deny it. She took another sip of wine and threw away the empty bottle.

"Okay, I can say goodbye to you... let’s just say goodbye.……"

She turned around and prepared to leave. This time she came here also to say goodbye to Yunze.

In any case, the other party saved her life. Moreover, Yunze's words were deeply imprinted in her heart, giving her a sense of like-mindedness.

Su Qianmo once thought that if she had the ability, she would overthrow this decadent dynasty, but unfortunately, she, a woman, could not do it.

What she can do now is to fight for a glimmer of hope for the brothers and sisters in Longtoushan. It was not easy to assassinate Cheng Ying. She was already determined to die.

Looking at Su Qianmo's handsome back, Yunze called her out.

"Wait... I think you should listen to what I have to say. After I finish speaking, you can then consider whether to assassinate Cheng Ying."

Su Qianmo turned to look at Yunze and frowned.

Seeing that she didn't leave, Yunze said calmly:

"The court will send one Cheng Ying over, and then the second one. If you kill him, it will certainly solve the temporary crisis in Longtoushan, but the court will definitely send the next Cheng Ying. At that time, who will assassinate for them?……"

"If you don't kill Cheng Ying, Longtoushan will not be able to solve the crisis. Killing Cheng Ying can at least keep Longtoushan safe for a while."

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