West side of the Delano Mountains.

The same thousands of troops formed an endless phalanx, across the land and reckless!

This is the Kingdom of Nikara, the blood army of the seven royal clans.

Inside a lavish and huge tent.

The seven terrifying blood clans, each sitting on luxurious seats, looked noble and elegant, and there were beautiful maids on their sides.

The Marquis of Morpheus was among them.

The seven people are all the heads of the seven major clans of the blood clan!

Bruch’s, Revorno’s, Jordani’s, Capeti, Setette, Gungro, and Toredo.

They are the rulers of the kingdom of Nikara, the supreme beings.

The meeting had been going on for a while, and the seven heads of the family had reached a unified tactic.

“If the Beast King of Azeroth does not come out, the ancestors will not make a move.”

Marquis Jordani said expressionlessly, “So everyone, be in peace.” ”

Marquis Reverno’s eyes were crazy, and he said with a sinister smile: “Kill!” Kill all these orcs, and the thousand-year-old grudge will be reckoned tonight! ”

Everyone glanced at him faintly, and they all knew that the head of the Reverno clan was a notoriously madman.


The ground trembled and the stones trembled.

In the distance, there was a sound of “boom, boom, boom”, which was the movement caused by a million-strong army rushing on the ground.

Marquis Bruch stood up and sneered: “You still dare to take the initiative to attack, I don’t know if I am dead or alive!” ”


“Kill !!!”

The roaring roar is like thunder.

After the orc army crossed the Draenor Mountains, they drove straight in and launched a charge without any tactics… Recklessness is over!

Of course, the army of the Blood Clan was not timid in the slightest, and the twenty-four marquis led the two million and seven million Blood Clans, and also launched a charge.

Like an overwhelming tsunami, it spreads from the east and west sides of the earth towards the middle.

The armies of the two ethnic groups soon collided.

For a while, the wind and clouds changed color!

The battlefield is like a meat grinder, in a few seconds, there are mountains of corpses and rivers of blood.

The Great Chief sat high above the giant’s head, his eyes calmly observing the battle.

Time passed minute by minute.

This battle lasts from night to dawn!

At the moment before the morning sun rose, behind the blood tribe army, the sound of gold sounded… Collect troops!

Sunlight is too lethal for vampires and has no effect on orcs.

So the Bloodclan wants to “take a break” and start a new war when night falls!

“Hmph! The whole army is in pursuit! ”

The Great Chief sneered, “A group of rats who can’t see the light only dare to commit murder at night, and the moment the sun rises, it will be when you rout!” ”

Blood wars will always be like that.

If you can’t get a decisive advantage before dawn, then there is no chance, you can only temporarily retreat.

That’s why they lose battles repeatedly!

“Kill !!!”

The army of orcs suddenly rose in spirit.

Everyone knows that vampires are restrained by the sun, and today’s light means that only the blood tribe is chased and beaten by orcs!

Boom –

The Great Chief jumped directly from the giant’s head, and he was about to strike.

Because it’s time to win!


For a while, the war seemed to be nearing its end.

Bodies were piled up all over the earth, blood pooled into rivers, and stumped limbs and severed arms floated.

The Blood Clan dropped hundreds of thousands of corpses, fleeing madly, chased by the orc army and ran all over the map, and the slow vampires were torn to pieces!

Victory already seems to belong to Azeroth.



The seven family masters knelt on one knee, their voices were like thunder, and they roared in unison: “Please ask the ancestor to make a move!” ”

On the ground ahead, four ancient black coffins were neatly arranged.

Suddenly, the lids of the four coffins were lifted at the same time.


The terrifying aura soared into the sky, and the coercion swept across thousands of miles, as if it wanted to destroy the sky and the earth!

“Hmph! The orcs are barbarians, and they dare to be so arrogant? ”

An old and domineering voice sounded.

“Fool my descendants, I really don’t know whether to live or die!”

Another eerie voice.

“It’s okay, I haven’t shot for hundreds of thousands of years, it’s time to move this old bone!”

“A group of ants, dare to be presumptuous!”

The four duke ancestors suddenly flew out of the coffin.

Brush ——

Ten twenty or thirty-meter-long blood-red holy wings unfolded at the same time, covering the sky and casting a shadow on the earth.

The four dukes had all reached the Ten Wings level!

The terrifying qi and blood power of the Duke’s peak level suddenly erupted, like a landslide tsunami, and the surrounding space cracked one after another like cracks!

Millions of blood clans were crushed to the point of suffocation, including the seven six-winged marquises, all of them were crawling to the ground by this qi and blood pressure, their foreheads sunk into the dirt, and it was difficult to breathe!

The four duke ancestors who have lived for hundreds of thousands of years are like demon gods descending into the world!

And at this time, the sun rose.

Countless blood clans showed a look of horror on their faces, afraid of being annihilated by the sun.

“Hmph! Do you really think that our blood clan can’t fight the sun? ”

Duke Bruch snorted coldly, pointed to the sky, and his voice was domineering, “Yunlai!!! ”

The terrifying spiritual power rushed like a tidal wave.

In an instant, the wind and clouds change!

The clear sky a moment ago was suddenly overcast, and thick clouds covered the entire land.

A cloud of tens of thousands of square kilometers was generated out of thin air!

The sky instantly darkened, as if night had fallen.

There is no more sunlight between heaven and earth.

Duke Bruch actually has the superpower to manipulate the weather!

It’s like the handiwork of a god!



The great chief, who was leading the army in pursuit, suddenly changed color, and his face turned pale.

“Withdraw! The whole army retreats! ”

The Beast King let out a roar, and the sound swept tens of miles, “You old immortals, have you also crawled out of the coffin?” Bastard! ”

The appearance of the four dukes filled the great chief with despair.

Although the Beast King is almost on the same level as the Duke… But the other party is the peak of the duke!

And there are four!

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