Fighting For Famous Swords on the Summit, All Members of the Fleet Are Great Swordsmen

Chapter 79 Holding a Wedding! 2 Famous Knives Targeted (Subscription)

Grand Line, first half.

"Colonel Smoker, don't we need to continue the pursuit? 39

Tashigi took the long knife in his arms and walked up to Smoker.

"Leave the Straw Hats and the others alone, let's go to Alabasta first.

Smoker put the phone bug back in his pants pocket and looked down at Tashigi:

"Luo Sen, appeared in Alabasta, and defeated Shichibukai Crocodile with three partners."

"Defeat Shichibukai Crocodile? Is Mr. Luo Sen's power so strong?! Wait, three partners?

"Yes, it is indeed three partners. According to the information from Hina, Luo Sen seems to have invited the princess of Alabasta to become a partner, and also taught her the style of swordsmanship that can control ice.

Smoker nodded and continued:

"The princess of Alabasta, seems to have done a great job fighting Crocodile.

"Tashigi, you are familiar with Luo Sen.

"Among the swordsmanship genres that Luo Sen knows, are there any swordsmanship genres that can create ice?"

"I remember that in the story of the 'Ghost Slayer' he gave you, it seems that there is no swordsmanship that can control the ice.

"It's the ghost of the 'winding second' that seems to be able to use the power to manipulate ice."

After so many days, Smoker has also found the opportunity to watch the "Demon Slayer" manga in Tashigi's hands.

See the style of swordsmanship that Luo Sen also used in the real world.

Naturally, Smoker doesn't just treat "Demon Slayer" as just a story.

Smoker also appreciates the swordsmen of the Ghost Killing Squad depicted in the story.

Even sacrificing his life to kill evil spirits, is this not the justice he wants.

"I didn't see Luo Sen using a sword technique that could call out ice."

"However, according to the story of 'Demon Slayer', swordsmen seem to be able to create different styles of swordsmanship according to their own methods."5

"Although it is not recorded in the comic books, perhaps Mr. Luo Sen can develop a swordsmanship style using ice.

"Colonel Smoker, are we going to Alabasta to hold Mr. Luo Sen accountable for killing Crocodile?

Tashigi asked worriedly.

"Rest assured, that Crocodile intends to subvert Alabasta's kingship.

“What Luo Sen did was recognized and appreciated by King Alabasta.35

"We went over to just work with Hina and the others to find out what Crocodile was doing in Alabasta.

"After all, our current location is not too far from Alabasta."

"And after this mission is over, you may need to explain to the people above about your swordsmanship.

Smoker said.

"My swordsmanship?"

Tashigi frowned.

"Hmph, the people above are very curious about the speed at which Luo Sen's partners become stronger."

"Probably think that Luo Sen's breathing method instructing you and Nami et al. has more powerful strength than Marine's ordinary training method. 99

"Don't think about it, if this breathing technique really has this kind of power. 35

"Would he have made it so easy to popularize it?"

"Tashigi, didn't you learn the swordsmanship taught by Luo Sen in a daze?"

"Forget it, don't worry about those people above."

"Compared to this, you should really want to meet Luo Sen.""

"I haven't seen each other these days, just to catch up with him, lest he be taken away by Nami and Nokigao.

Smoker patted Tashigi on the shoulder and walked up to the other Marines.

"Really, Colonel Smoker said that again..."

Tashigi blushed, but he didn't deny Smoker's statement that he liked Luo Sen.

"Water breathing, according to the breathing method can indeed improve the function of the human body.

" did my body get used to this breathing method?"

Tashigi murmured, thinking of Luo Sen training himself, with a bit of confusion on his face.

Like what Smoker just said, she seems to be just doing something on Luo Sen's advice.

It seems that it is not so easy to summarize the method of water breathing.

"Alright, so you don't have to worry about me teaching the water breathing method to others."

"And Luo Sen is not happy."

Tashigi looked up and ran quickly to where Smoker was.

‘Luo Sen, we meet again!’

'I don't know how he is doing now.

'Nami and Nokigao... Probably haven't been with him yet?'

Thinking of being able to meet Luo Sen again soon, Tashigi was both excited and a little worried.

Alabasta, King City!


"Have you caught a cold, Captain Luo Sen?

Vivi got off Luo Sen's back and looked at Luo Sen strangely.

She didn't notice that the father Kobra, childhood sweetheart Kosha and others in front of her also looked at her with strange eyes.

"Don't worry, it's just that your nose is itchy all of a sudden."

Luo Sen waved his hand, indicating that Vivi doesn't need to care.

"By the way, King Cobra, what about Nico Robin?"

"Where is she now?"

Although Luo Sen felt that the agreement between himself and Nico Robin had been reached, he no longer owed her anything.

But since the Crocodile had to be dealt with before, the departure was too abrupt.

Luo Sen felt that he still had to say goodbye to Nico Robin.

"Her words, she had already left after seeing what she wanted to see.

"But she said that she will meet you later, Luo Sen. 35

Cobra said as he approached Luo Sen and Vivi.

Then a pair of eyes looked up and down Luo Sen, as if trying to figure out everything about Luo Sen.

"Well, King Cobra, is there anything in me that deserves your attention?

Luo Sen asked suspiciously.

"There's nothing strange about it, I just think Luo Sen, you're a real talent, haha.

"This time, I really want to thank you for your help."

"If it wasn't for your help, Alabasta's situation would have been difficult.

"Come on, Vivi, Luo Sen, and this Miss Nami, Miss Nuoqigao."5

"I have prepared a banquet for you, please come with me.

Cobra happily patted Luo Sen and Vivi on the shoulders, took the lead out of the royal room, and walked towards the banquet hall.

"Vivi, isn't your father a little weird.

"And that childhood sweetheart of yours, and that guard, I feel a little strange."

Luo Sen and Vivi walked together, put their head close to her ear and whispered.

With Luo Sen's Observation Haki perception ability, he could naturally feel the strange eyes that Cobra, Bell and others looked at him and Vivi.

"I don't know, maybe everyone wants to thank you, Captain Luo Sen.

Vivi also whispered.

"Really? 33

Luo Sen looked at Cobra and the others suspiciously, feeling that something was wrong with them.

Ask for flowers•

‘Forget it, compared to this, the knives in the hands of Gaka and Bell are more important.

Shaking his head, Luo Sen continued to whisper:

Vivi, remember the deal you wanted to make with me in the first place?

"The first deal? You mean the famous knife in Bell's hand?"

"That's right! Not only the famous sword in Bell's hand, but also the famous sword in Gaka's hand, please help me to come. 35

"Even Gaka's knife? Captain Luo Sen, you must be too greedy.

"There's no way, who said that the knives in their hands are all famous knives of the fast knife level. I am a famous knife hunter. I can't let go of the famous knives when I see them."

"Okay! I'll go to Bell and Gaka and ask later. But... Captain Luo Sen, can you promise me one thing? 99

"What's the matter? Everyone is a partner, and I will agree to anything I can.

"It's not too difficult, I want to ask Captain Luo Sen to help teach Gaka and Bell your swordsmanship, so I think I can better get a knife from them.

Vivi whispered.

After the Baroque Works thing.

Vivi increasingly felt the importance of protecting a country and strength.


"Captain Luo Sen, you used to teach a Marine named Tashigi the swordsmanship of water breathing."

"I can definitely teach other people related swordsmanship."

"In order to prevent something like Crocodile from happening again in Alabasta, I want this country to have two stronger fighters.

"Captain Luo Sen, can you satisfy such a small request from your crew?"

Speaking of which, Vivi couldn't help but stretched out his two hands and grabbed Luo Sen's palm.

"Teach Gaka and Bell the swordsmanship?" Luo Sen looked at Bell and Gaka, "It's not impossible.

"I'll be staying in Alabasta for a few days anyway."

"You can take advantage of this time to teach Gaka and Bell. 35

"But whether they can learn it depends on the talents of the two of them."

"You see, Vivi.

Breathing swordsmanship is not so easy to learn.

When you can't use the system's power-ups to quickly master the related swordsmanship genres, you can only learn the breathing sword style by relying on your own hard conditions.

Luo Sen doesn't think that everyone in this world can have the qualification to learn the breathing method and sword type like Tashigi.

There are not so many people who can master other breathing methods as fast as Tashigi.

"Thank you Captain Luo Sen, as long as you are willing to teach me, I am happy enough.

With a bright smile on Vivi's face, she hugged Luo Sen's arm tightly.

Seeing this scene, Cobra, who was walking in front, couldn't help but be more certain of what Nico Robin said before leaving.

‘Vivi has finally found a home.

'Vivi wants to go on an adventure with Luo Sen after hearing what Robin said.

‘With Luo Sen’s power, Vivi should be able to be protected.

'The only remaining problem is the wedding. ’

'Having the children, as expected, the wedding must be held soon. ’

Cobra nodded secretly in his heart, and then Gaka, who was close to the side, asked in a low voice:

"Jaka, are you ready for the wedding-related matters?"

"Don't worry, His Royal Highness." Gaka patted his chest, "Everything is ready, and the posters about the propaganda have been distributed to all parts of the country.

"Is that so, I'm relieved."

Cobra patted his chest with relief on his face.


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