Fighting For Famous Swords on the Summit, All Members of the Fleet Are Great Swordsmen

Chapter 97 Robin: For my dream, I am willing to do anything (please subscribe)

Alabasta Coast, Expedition.

"Captain Luo Sen, let's...what are you doing?"

Nami walked into the captain's room and looked strangely at Hina and Gion, who were wearing Marine uniforms and standing beside Luo Sen in handsome poses.

"Marine took the Baroque Works agents I had left behind.""

"So these two are going to compensate me and let me draw pictures of them in various clothes.39

Luo Sen stopped his brush and carefully compared the painting in his hand with Hina and Gion directly opposite.

"I have to say, the two of you look your best in the original Marine clothes on the boat."5

"Handsome and beautiful coexist.

Luo Sen smiled and handed the two portraits of Gion and Hina in his hands.

"Heh, Hina thought you liked the picture of us in swimsuits more.

Hina took the picture, her eyes could not help flashing a light.

"This it different from our standing posture just now?

While speaking, Hina looked at Luo Sen suspiciously.

"My words here are a portrait of me casting Moon's Breath."

"Hina's a portrait of her wielding the Breath of Fire sword.

"Your Excellency Luo Sen, are you planning to give us these two paintings?"

Gion asked.

"Well, you guys also gave me a lot of good looks and drew a lot of portraits.

"I've drawn your portraits in Marine uniforms here too."

"And the two of you learned the breath of the moon and the breath of fire respectively from me."

"Although it is a transaction, it is also a fate between us.

"The two paintings in your hands can be regarded as a gift of identification between you and me."

"If you like it, remember to bind it and hang it on the wall."

Luo Sen said, got up and put the brushes and a set of drawings into the drawing cabinet beside him.

"Nice portrait, Hina will give you face and hang it up.

Hina nodded slightly and put the blueprint behind her.

"Then I'm really honored."

Luo Sen laughed.

"The other 000, can you leave if the two of you are okay?

"It's almost time for us to set sail.

Hearing Luo Sen's order to evict the guests, Gion and Hina nodded.

After saying hello to Nami and others, the two left the Explorer and returned to the Marine warship.

Departure and head towards Naval Headquarters.

"Captain Luo Sen, just let them go? 35'

"Without Demon fruit power, Namik can't further liberate Zanpakutō.95

After the Marine warship left, Nuo Qigao walked up to Luo Sen and asked.

"There's no way this can be done. The senior agent has already been taken away by another Marine warship."

"It's my fault, I didn't ask questions after getting along for so many days.

"You don't have to worry, although the senior agents have been taken away.

"But I was able to find other Demon fruit powers.

"That Nico Robin, don't know how to call me and tell me what's going on here."

Luo Sen shook his head and said with a sigh.

"Captain Luo Sen, are you blaming me?

This is, a familiar voice from Luo Sen and the others rang behind everyone.

"Nico Robin, it's you!"

"You woman, do you know that because of your relationship, let me and Captain Luo Sen...

As soon as Vivi saw Nico Robin, he walked towards her in a hurry.

"Did you marry Captain Luo Sen because of me?"

The corners of Nico Robin's mouth rose, interrupting Vivi's words directly.

" know?"

"Hehe, it's spread all over Alabasta, how could I not know.

"You know it! You can still laugh... Damn it, do you know that this woman is making me so miserable!"

"Really, but I think you're quite happy when you're on tour. Or, do you think it's a hassle to marry Captain Luo Sen? You don't like Captain Luo Sen?"

"No...that's not what I meant!

Vivi hurriedly shook her head and explained.

"Okay, stop making fun of Vivi."

"Robin, you are such a black-hearted woman, obviously I let you see the historical text stone tablet.""

"You actually told Cobra that Vivi was pregnant with my baby?

"Also, why don't you give me a call these days?

"If I had known earlier that Hina and the others had left with the senior agents, I could have stopped them in time.""

Luo Sen walked up to Nico Robin and looked at her helplessly.

"Sorry, Captain Luo Sen."

"Because of Marine's extensive manhunt in Alabasta.

"I had to hide all the time, and as for the phone bug, I missed it when I was hiding from Marine.

"I am very sorry for the loss you have caused Captain Luo Sen, so I can contribute my strength to you in your next voyage.

Nico Robin put his hand on his heart and his face was very sincere.

"You don't look so sincere, Nico Robin."

"Also, I should have said that it would be a little troublesome to sail with you.

"Besides, my mates don't necessarily agree that you sail with us. 95

"You said yes, Nami, Vivi, Nokigao?"

Nuoqi senior girls nodded, affirming Luo Sen's statement.

"Is that so..." Robin turned to look at Nami and the others behind him.

"Actually, I have prepared some gifts for everyone, I hope you will accept them."5

While speaking, Robin took out a bag of treasures and a bag of oranges from the package he was carrying and handed them to Nami and Nuoqigao respectively.

"Come on here."

Nuoqigao took the orange and looked at Nami, who had already taken the treasure in a hurry.

"I like oranges very much, it's rare that you can find oranges in this desert country.

"Just, how do you convince Princess Vivi and Captain Luo Sen?"

Nuoqigao said with a light smile.

Robin also smiled and looked at Princess Vivi beside him.

"Princess Vivi, I should have something to do with saving Alabasta.""

"That...but you've also done a lot of bad things for Alabasta."5

Vivi pouted and continued:

"And you don't have to think about me, it's Captain Luo Sen who ultimately decides whether you can get on board.

After speaking, Vivi took two steps back and leaked Luo Sen out.

"Captain Luo Sen, can you accept me?

"What if I say no?

"Please also (chcd) allow me to get on the boat." Robin went to the first two films and took Luo Sen's arm, "Actually, after this incident, I found that I like you..."

"Like me? So be sincere with me? So I can let go and do anything to you? Robin, you mean it.

"As expected of Captain Luo Sen, I can always think of what I want to say.

Robin brushed the strands of hair from his shoulders to the back of his head, and a smile flashed in his eyes.

"Sure enough, even if you pretend to like Captain Luo Sen, you can't fool Captain Luo Sen."

"This is really... I didn't expect that even if you want to sell your hue, it would be such a difficult thing.

"How about this, if Captain Luo Sen agrees with me on board.

"Not only can I change into whatever clothes you want and let you paint, but I can also help you with a therapeutic massage when you need it."

Hearing this, Luo Sen didn't change his face and raised his eyebrows.

"Hey, massage, but I already have a masseuse.

After speaking, Luo Sen also deliberately glanced at Nuo Qigao who was beside him.

Nico Robin smiled and stepped back with both hands to expand his Devil Fruit ability in front of him.

The next moment, Luo Sen found that two arms had grown from his two legs and went straight to his key parts.

‘Damn, is this how Franky was treated in the original book?

Luo Sen was stunned, but he was directly attacked.

Nami and the others who were watching from the side were equally stunned, and at the same time they looked at Nico Robin who was on the side with an incredible expression.

Even Luo Sen, who has read the original book, never thought that Nico Robin would make this move, let alone Nami and others.

"Captain Luo Sen, you know my Devil Fruit ability. 35

"I can make my palms open like flowers anywhere in sight.

"I think this ability of mine should be very suitable for you to relax your body.

Nico Robin laughed.

"Fuck, let me go, you woman!"

Luo Sen complained, and quickly reached out and grabbed Nico Robin's arm created with Devil Fruit ability.

And Robin also unlocked his ability in a timely manner, and looked at Luo Sen without changing his face.

"You woman, I am convinced."

"Do you just want to follow me to see the historical text stone tablet?"

Luo Sen shook his head and looked seriously at the black long straight woman in front of him.

Hearing the words on the historical text stone tablet, Robin's face immediately became extremely serious.

"Mr. Luo Sen, you know.

“It is my long-cherished wish to explore the stone tablets of the text of world history. 99

"In this world, I only know that you know the location of some historical text stone tablets.""

"No matter what, I want to be with you. 35

"It doesn't matter what the price is.

"You said you like my type of woman."

"If you don't plan to shoot me before I don't like you."

"I'm willing to try my best to like you on the voyage.

"You like children, and I will satisfy you too."

"I can give birth to you as much as you want.

Hearing this, Luo Sen still didn't react.

Nami and the others on the side really blushed immediately.

Even the three of them who have a very good impression of Luo Sen have never thought of having a child so far.

Not to mention such a frank confession to Luo Sen.

"You guy... I'm convinced."

"Forget it, I agree with you to join."

"However, in order to avoid trouble, remember to hide your face when you land on the island.

"I don't want to cause any trouble because of you. 35

Luo Sen's voice fell, and Nico Robin immediately smiled.

Although she seemed extremely calm just now, only she knew how nervous she was.

After all, she had used similar words to test Luo Sen before, intending to make him agree to board the ship of the Explorer.

But it didn't work out.

To be honest, she did not have the confidence that she would succeed.

She didn't really breathe a sigh of relief until she saw Luo Sen nodding.

"Stretch out your hand, and I'll stamp you a partner stamp.

"Captain Luo Sen, must the seal of the partner be printed on the back of the hand?

"That's not necessary."

"Since it's not necessarily printed on the palm of your hand, why not print it on my heart?"

Nico Robin chuckled and raised his hand to his stomach.

"Or printed on mine?

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