Fighting the Martial Universe

Chapter 2379: : Mysterious Wooden Box

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In the space of the mountain and river map, Zhang Mofan sits crouched on a mountain, taking the holy water for washing spirits to practice.

The washing spirit holy water rushed into Zhang Mofan's sea of ​​consciousness and began to warm Qiongyu's holy spirit body.

"This spiritual washing holy water is worthy of a rare treasure of heaven and earth. I must use the resources of this time to directly break into the Taoist realm. Only when I have cultivated to the Taoist realm can I enter the room and be able to use the Taoist law."

Zhang Mofan is even powerful in Dao Fa, perhaps with some of his own methods, he can reach the level of two or three thousand Dao Fa, but it is not much higher.

Of course, there are still some ways to evolve the martial arts you have cultivated into Taoism through your own cultivation. Of course, this is a very difficult thing.

Now, instead of thinking about evolving Taoism and martial arts, but about attacking Taoism.

This time, in addition to the two treasures of heaven, material and earth, Ren Qianqian also gave him one hundred thousand pill, which is also a reward for becoming the emperor’s favorite. He directly threw the one hundred thousand pill to baby dragon for retribution. Founding the original Dao Dan.

"Dao Fa, this time in retreat, I must be promoted to Dao Fa!"

Zhang Mofan's eyes flickered, he blocked and closed his eyes, and began to practice.

While practicing, time also passed slowly.

Heavenly Desolate Lord Realm is vast and vast, and every place is full of many adventures and miracles.

Every adventure can even cause countless clues and opportunities.

And often these opportunities can make people soar into the sky, and even directly board the list of talented people.

Once, there was a little-known warrior who suddenly broke into the cave of a Dao realm with ten layers of Dao and a strong man, obtained its inheritance, and finally improved by leaps and bounds. This warrior’s cultivation talent was not weak, but his own background was too bad. Up.

Later, he was inherited by the strong, improved his own background, and even inherited his divine body.

It is precisely because of these legends that countless casual cultivators are willing to go to those many dangerous places to seek those adventures.

The four major areas of the Heavenly Desolate Realm, the land of the beasts.

The land of the sacred beasts is the area under the jurisdiction of the sect of the sacred beasts.

Few people go to a quiet island, but when someone arrives at that island, they will find that the island is full of dangers, and a grayish-white mist bred in its center.

That kind of fog looks like an ordinary fog, but if someone with an ordinary Dao realm touches it, they will find that the fog is very scary and corrosive.

At this time, the fog had been completely shaken away, but a very fierce fighting sound was transmitted from the islands inside, like the sky and the earth.

"Well, what a terrifying cave mansion, who is the cave mansion that left behind, has such a thrilling formation."

"However, our business is not at a loss. With the help of that cave mansion, we wiped out all of our enemies, and snatched a wooden box from their hands. What is in this wooden box?"


At this moment, three men and two women, servants of the wind and dust, fled from the mist, and their eyes were full of enthusiasm.

The thing in this wooden box must be a treasure.

He snatched this wooden box from the opponents, who had to defend them desperately, but was cut to death by the ban of the big formation. They were lucky enough to escape from the inside after only nine deaths.

The leading man stretched out his hand and wanted to open the wooden box. However, as soon as he touched his hand, he discovered that a seal formation was floating on the surface of the wooden box.

"This formation is very curious, I can clearly feel that there is a very powerful force in the formation, if I forcefully destroy it, I am afraid that even the wooden box will be destroyed directly."

"Able to place such a powerful restriction in a small wooden box, there must be some amazing treasure in it."

"Brother, tell me, what should we do? We can't open it with our abilities, there is only one way, and that is to sell to the chamber of commerce."

The headed man, who appeared to be middle-aged, wore a black armor and had a strong aura, was actually a strong man in the early days of Daozhen. He pondered for a while, and said: "The general chamber of commerce may not be difficult to identify this treasure. If it is sold to the strong The Chamber of Commerce, I’m afraid they will eat black and **** our things."

He can, the treasure in that box is very precious.

Can the things in that cave be ordinary?

"That cave mansion must be the cave mansion of a Dao realm strong man, can it be ordinary?"

Black armor middle-aged road.

These things are enough for a chamber of commerce to violate any morality, obliterate them, kill people and steal treasures, they are just warriors of the real world, and they are not worth mentioning in front of large chambers of commerce.

"Boss, what should I do? It's useless for us to keep this wooden box. We can't open the wooden A man said to the middle-aged black armor.

"We sell things to Tianhuang Pavilion, and Tianhuang Pavilion is the most authoritative."

The eyes of the middle-aged black armor also showed light.

He heard people say that if you get any adventure treasure, you can give it to Tianhuang Pavilion.

Tianhuang Pavilion is not too interested in Qiyubao. What they are interested in is investigating some clues from that treasure.

For example, who is the cave mansion?

As for the Tianhuang Pavilion, there are four major areas, which can be regarded as the four sub-chambers of the Tianhuang Pavilion.

Tianhuang Branch Pavilion has seven floors in total.

At this time, in the second layer, the middle-aged black armor handed the wooden box to a steward in the branch, saying: "This is what we got from a strong man's cave, but we didn't go deep. , It triggered the forbidden formation inside, and only escaped after nine deaths. However, we got this wooden box. Unfortunately, this wooden box contains formations. We couldn't open it, so we planned to give it to you Tianhuang Pavilion."

The steward took a look and touched the wooden box. Small formations appeared on it. He was also secretly surprised: "This formation is really powerful. Although I can break it forcibly, there is no guarantee that it will not be destroyed. "

"What? Can't even you get rid of it?"

The middle-aged black armor was extremely surprised.

But he knew that this stewardship had at least the strength of the Dao Realm Five Layer Dao Enlightenment Realm, and even the Dao Realm Experts could not break the restriction.

What is in it?


Guan Shi shook his head and said: "I can break it, but I can't do it forcibly. I can't guarantee that the wooden box will not be destroyed. As long as the wooden box can be opened, perhaps we can guess what that thing is.

(End of this chapter)

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