Fighting the Martial Universe

Chapter 2433: : Chaos Dao Body

Chapter 2431 Chaos Dao Body

Ba Ye's body swallowed Li Light Rail and Luo Yunfei.

Now, Ba Ye is on the verge of promotion, extremely lacking energy, and swallowing the two is enough to make up for the energy he needs.

Moreover, the Eighth Master at this moment is truly in the most violent state, let alone swallowing the two middle stages of Taoism, even if he dares to approach him in the later stage of Taoism, he will be assimilated by his chaotic aura.

When everyone saw this scene, they stepped back a few steps, not daring to get closer.

"This is the body of the ancient chaos beast, and now he is in a state of promotion!"

"Why did he directly reveal his body? He actually swallowed two warriors in the middle stage of Taoism directly!"

The faces of many warriors are full of doubts.

For the ancient chaos beast, they just heard about it.

A casual cultivator with very old qualifications also opened his mouth and said: "This is because he was severely injured and was forced out of his body. Normally, it is the easiest for him to attack the realm of Dao and be promoted with a human body. Promotion is much more difficult."

Zhang Mofan was still entangled by the three late stages of Taoism. When he saw these changes, he thought in his heart: "Little Eight, you have to hold on!"

He knew in his heart that Ba Ye was forced to be forced out of his body.

Jian Qingyang and Yu Xiantian both stopped and watched this scene.

There were waves in their hearts. Looking at the huge figure, they still had lingering fears. They felt a kind of pressure. Not only Jian Qingyang, but even Yu Xiantian, were reluctant to see this scene and see the rise of the Eighth Master.

Jian Qingyang didn't say anything. He and Ba Ye had a grudge, and wanted to **** the key from Ba Ye.

As for Yu Xiantian, as the strongest genius in the land of sacred beasts, he naturally did not want to see Ba ​​Ye grow up like this.

Based on the deeds of the Eighth Master, plus the original Chaos Ancient Beast, this time the battle for Dongfu is over, and the Eighth Master's ranking will definitely advance by leaps and bounds, and may even rank above the Imperial Xiantian.

"Never allow him to be promoted successfully!"

Yu Xiantian held a long whip in his hand, conveying bursts of spirituality, and rushed to the Eighth Master.


The void trembles, like a piece of rag being torn apart, a whip shocks, shocking people's bones, making people fall into the abyss.

All casual cultivators were very shocked. This Yu Xiantian took the initiative to attack the Eighth Master, very ruthless.

Now, Ba Ye is in the critical period of promotion, if someone takes action, the consequences will be disastrous.

"you dare!"

Zhang Mofan looked at this scene, yelled, and got rid of the three Martial Artists of the late Taoist stage, and rushed away quickly.

The Pixiu divine beast on the side rushed towards Yu Xiantian with a wave of its giant claws.


The space was crazily shattered at this moment, as if no one could stop this blow.


The power of the vast ocean is maddening and suffocating.

"Unexpectedly, Yu Xiantian would attack him. It seems that he also knows that this guy will be a threat in the future, so let me help you!"

Jian Qingyang smiled slightly, his figure turned into a sword light, and he rushed directly, a sword swept, and the giant claws of the brave beast bombarded away.


Pai Yao screamed, the huge palm was cut off abruptly, and blood splashed.

Half a giant claw fell from the air to the ground, causing a huge sensation.

"It's just a beast that can't transform, dare to intercept me!"

Jian Qingyang disdainfully said.

After Yu Xiantian saw Jian Qingyang help him block a blow, the power of the long whip became stronger and stronger, and it blasted towards the ancient chaos beast.

"The mountains and rivers are broken!"

Zhang Mofan's eyes were scarlet, and he snapped his fingers fiercely, toward the position in front of the ancient chaos beast.


The sky collapsed, and the space in front of Yu Xiantian began to fall apart, resisting Yu Xiantian from moving forward.

"That was Huang Qing's method. He was able to break the space. Could it be that he had mastered what space method he failed?"

"He should have mastered some kind of spatial magic weapon."


Everyone was shocked.

Yu Xiantian sneered and said: "There are such methods, but I will not let a person who threaten my status exist, Dao Gui Snake Whip!"

As he spoke, the long whip in his hand kept dancing.

That whip shadow turned into long snakes, and flew away in the gap of space fragmentation, blasting towards the ancient chaotic beast.

Many people know that if those whip shadows are bombarded, the ancient chaos beast will undoubtedly die.

Even if the Chaos Ancient Beast goes against the sky, its strength is only so small after all, and it is still in a critical period of breakthrough. If it is hit, it will definitely not end well.


Those whip shadows bombarded in the chaos.

Everyone could see that the chaotic air began to condense crazily and turned into a chaotic ancient beast, and then continued to shrink, condense, and transform into a human figure, which is truly the eighth master.

I saw him surrounded by chaotic energy, and then completely converged. He looked at Yu Xiantian and said: "Thank you for the blow that allowed me to successfully break through to the realm of Daozhen and condense Dao body. Now, my chaotic Dao body has become , If you want to kill me, you can come forward!"

Now, in the early days of his promotion to Daozhen, he condensed the Dao body, and it was not an ordinary Dao body. It was full of strong confidence. He was not afraid of challenges. Jian Qingyang injured the Pixiu divine beast, and he had to repay this hatred.

Although, with the magical powers of the Pixiu divine beast, as long as you swallow a lot, you can grow giant claws again, but it really hurts the origin.


This world suddenly boiled, and many casual cultivators were extremely shocked.

This Zhu Ba, who was just promoted to Daozhen, actually wanted to challenge Jian Qingyang and Yu Xiantian. Both of them had the fighting power of the late Dao Enlightenment.

"What an arrogant person, I want to see how much your strength has improved after being promoted to Daozhen!"

Yu Xiantian was so arrogant that he rushed to the Eighth Master again.

This Eighth Master is a great threat to him and must be killed.

Zhang Mofan saw this scene and said: "Xiao Ba, it is not easy to fight with them, we will retreat temporarily, wait three days, and then fight with them!"

Fighting now has no meaning at all.

Winning or losing is meaningless, but it may be profited by those casual fishermen.

"But, they hurt Xiao Pai Yao!"

Ba Ye gritted his teeth.

"After three days, we will get back all the interest even with the principal!"

Zhang Mofan said.

Eighth master pondered for a moment, and finally nodded, his body turned into a large amount of chaotic air, and he swept away Pai Xiu and Zhang Mofan directly.

Yu Xiantian repeatedly lashed and blasted towards the Chaos Qi, but found that he couldn't hurt him at all. His face was also incredulous: "His Taoism is so powerful, I can't hurt his body?"

(End of this chapter)

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