First Player

Chapter 1040: One thousand and thirty-eight

 Noel gave Su Mingan a prop.


  【Temporary human skin mask (blue level)

  Durability: 5/5

Type: Disguise props

 Manufacturer: Seruo

Note: After wearing it, it will change one's appearance and body shape, and it will become invalid after the durability is exhausted. 】


"This is the human skin mask I specially selected for you. You put it on first." Noel said.

Su Ming'an is really not suitable to show up now, after all, he still doesn't know what the world is like. He put on a human skin mask, the lines on his face changed from soft to sharp, the tail of his eyes drooped slightly, and his pupils turned into a deep blue like the vast ocean.

In this way, it is really impossible to tell who he is.

"A lot of things happened during the three hours or so when you were unconscious." Noel said: "Under the heavy rain of special medicine, time moved backwards very quickly..."

"Wait a minute, I'll eat rose blood to recover." Su Mingan took a few rose blood. Although 0san definitely has sequelae, at least his condition has improved.

 He and Noel exchanged current information.

 The gods cover up the past and the future by covering up people's cognition. But when the heavy rain of special medicine awakens people's awareness, the past and the future will return.

 Time is never a straight line in the tenth world, and what separates time is only "space".

When crossing the edge of the world, people are equivalent to crossing the timeline divisions of "past, present, and future" and jumping to another timeline. That's why Su Mingan met Alice's home in the steam age only after he crossed the edge of the world - because what he crossed at that time was not simply "space", but "timeline".

 Time is flat here, spread out in the form of terraces, just like sliced ​​mooncakes. Whichever attribute is more prominent, it is designated as an era. For example, if there is more stuffing with five kernels, it is the real world. If there is more egg yolk filling, it is the steam age. The one with more beef filling is Lou Yue Shi.

The tentacle monster guarding the edge of the world is more like a guardian of time. It will prevent people from going to a timeline that does not belong to them. Only by defeating the tentacle monster can you achieve a "timeline jump" and eat mooncakes with different fillings.

This is obviously very difficult. Even Chaoyan had to fight her life to defeat it, and she only defeated the tentacle monster in the [Real World←→Steam Age].

At the beginning of the dungeon, Su Ming'an had seen another tentacle monster - the one that gave Su Ming'an the Eye of the Old at the seaside. That tentacle monster should be guarding the time boundary of [Lou Yue Kingdom ← → an unknown era]. If Su Ming'an had the ability to kill it at that time, then Su Ming'an would be able to reach an era that he has not seen yet, maybe it is the primitive era, maybe it is the Zerg interstellar era, you can't tell.

It is worth mentioning that when Su Lin tried to cross the edge of the world by boat, Su Lin also encountered a tentacle monster. There should be an era behind that tentacle monster. It's just that Su Lin chose to adjust the ship and return home instead of forcing a way.

 —At every angle at the edge of the world, there may be an era. As long as you cross it, you can reach it.

Therefore, the edges of the world in all directions in this world should be close to different eras, just like the boundaries between countries - maybe 30 degrees east by south is the Louyue era, 40 degrees west by north is the steam age, and north by 40 degrees is the steam age. At a certain angle in the south is another era hundreds of years ago. It's just that - people have only seen the Louyue Age and the Steam Age so far.

As for why the tentacle monsters want to stop people - maybe this random jump in the timeline is not a good thing. Perhaps, the tentacle monster is an existence similar to the "will of the world".

 “It’s an amazing idea...” Su Mingan said slowly.

 During the communication with Noel, he discovered that the world is like this——

 ‘Era’ has become a visual map, spread out over the world. As long as you cross the edge of the world, you can reach a new era, whether it is the past era or the future era.

"Just like a navigator exploring the new world. Our ship sails on the sea, and as long as it breaks the iceberg, we can reach a new era." Noel smiled. He liked this romantic idea very much: "It's so interesting. Those of us What will the era look like before we have a glimpse of it?”

Those players who obey the gods obediently will not be able to see those magnificent and colorful eras.

"Let me give you an example. Suppose I have three strawberry puddings here, one is called the present world, one is called the Louyue era, and one is called the steam era." Noel placed the three strawberry puddings on the crow feathers and tapped one of them with the silver fork. Pudding: "The strawberry on this pudding in this world is supposed to be you."

Su Mingan listened seriously. However, Noel's appearance of beating the pudding was not very serious.

"One day, you were given a mark of control by the gods, and you wanted to get rid of this mark of control - so you activated the teleportation props and went to Li Mingyue for help." Noel said: "Li Mingyue said, 'Just wait for Chaoyan to defeat the tentacle monster on the beach. , you can cross the edge of the world and release the control mark.’ And then—”

Su Mingan remembered the situation at that time.

It was the early morning of the seventh day of the dungeon. He went to rescue Chao Yan and met Su Wensheng at the beach. He was cut in half and died. He also discovered "Xiao Su's return file". It was only after he crossed the edge of the world and reached the steam age that the control marks on his body were lifted.

“What is the principle of ‘the control mark can be released by crossing the edge of the world’?” Su Mingan thought.

"'Causal line'?" Noel tentatively proposed a possibility: "Your strawberry was originally on the pudding of this world, so you were contaminated with the sugar threads of the pudding of this world. When you went to the steam pudding, the sugar on your body The sugar thread was torn into pieces with a 'click', so your control mark in this world is invalid."

Su Mingan nodded: "Very vivid reasoning."

 The morning wind passed by, and the crow flew very steadily, like a large platform for Su Mingan and Noel to think for a long time.

Su Mingan has far more information than Noel, and Noel can make conjectures that are like flashes of light. With Su Ming'an's sensitivity to clues and Noel's high IQ, when they sit together and think about the copy together, I am afraid it will be difficult for anyone in the world to surpass them.

Su Mingan searched the memory palace in his mind and described the scenes:

"On the night of the fifth day of the dungeon, God shared His authority with me, and I experienced His feelings. It was a feeling of causal lines throughout my body, and I could observe everything and calculate everything. At that time, I realized that God The ability is likely to be related to cause and effect.”

"On the seventh day of the dungeon. I understand the principle of 'time retrieval'. The first tower allows us to go back to nine years ago to rescue Xiaoli. It is just a matter of climbing towards the past along the established line of cause and effect. So, even at the same time, The existence of three Su Wensheng and two Xiaoli is just the result of the established cause and effect. In the end, not a single Xiaoli will be left." The combination of this information made the two aware of the importance of "cause and effect".

"It seems that 'cause and effect' is the thread that connects everything." Noel knocked the silver cross: "In the eyes of high-dimensional creatures, time, space and cause and effect are not virtual things. In our cognition, they are just concepts. It’s probably the materialized weapon in their hands.”

"I agree." Su Mingan said: "Before the ruined world, I never thought that there would be such a theory as 'three parallel timelines, building a world defense network with dimensions'. They have always been just virtual in my mind. Concepts, but Akto can use the Dawn System to turn them into real weapons and barriers. Then the Old World can also be compared."

“If ‘cause and effect’, like ‘time’ and ‘space’, can be transformed from a virtual concept into a substantive weapon.” Noel moved his fingers slightly, and dozens of puppet threads appeared around him. He lowered his blue eyes: "So - we can vividly compare 'cause and effect' to - silk thread, or puppet thread?"

He twirled the puppet string: "When the operator flips one end of the causal line, the other end will change accordingly. In this way, it becomes a visualization ability."

 Looking into Nuo Er's eyes as blue as the sea.

Su Mingan suddenly remembered the overlapping shadow in the starry sky. It was surrounded by countless lines of cause and effect, and its eyes were as blue as the vast sea.


Su Mingan shook off this idea, he believed in Noel.

“So, we finally have an idea of ​​how to restrain the gods.” Su Mingan said: “As long as we find the ‘puppet silk’ in the hands of the gods, we can stop the gods from continuing to involve cause and effect—destiny can be killed.”

  “—Pah, pah, pah, pah.”

Applause sounded, and Noel had a smile on his face. The warm morning wind pulled the blue ribbon of his hat. He clapped happily: "-Wonderful reasoning, we have come to the result, Su Mingan!"

Su Mingan nodded.

 The task of "Killing Destiny" has always troubled him. This task sounds too abstract. Destiny has no life, how can we kill it?

 But now we have a basic answer.

 —Whoever arranges destiny will be eliminated. Whoever is involved in fate will cut off the puppet string in his hand.

"Okay, the problem is solved. Do you want some pudding?" Noel pointed to the plate.

"No, there is another question..." Su Mingan frowned and thought.

 —Su Wensheng.

There is no doubt that Su Wensheng drowned in the lake of Daoya City. A blackened version of Niu Hulu and Su Wensheng appeared later.

When Su Mingan met Su Wensheng for the first time, Su Wensheng chopped him in half. When they met for the second time, Su Wensheng informed Su Mingan about the clues about Huo Muli'er country, and his attitude suddenly became very friendly.

 There is a huge difference in attitudes before and after.

When Su Mingan asked Su Wensheng the reason, Su Wensheng responded like this:


The opening of the tower will gradually converge and merge the world, and similar primitives will gradually affect each other. Therefore, the kind "Su Wensheng Yuanchu" in other worlds will affect the temperament of my evil "Su Wensheng Yuanchu". 】


 “World line convergence” is obviously also a keyword.

  Based on Chao Yan’s memory—


  【Lou Yue’s Li Guoshi and the current Bishop Li are becoming more and more similar. 】

[Every time a player clears the Dream Patrol game, it is intensifying the integration between the two worlds of "the present world" and "Lou Yue Kingdom" - the reason why these two worlds are so similar to Li Mingyue is because "Lou Yue Kingdom" and "Lou Yue Kingdom" are so similar. The degree of integration in this world is already very high, and the lines of cause and effect are constantly entangled, causing the two worlds to begin to influence each other, like a kind of... world line convergence. 】

Chaoyan remembered that in the first week, Li Mingyue, the national master, still had dark hair. By the tenth week, it was exactly the same as the white hair of Li Mingyue in the current world. 】


 It seems that the Dream Patrol game and the tower are tools to promote the convergence of world lines and help the "fusion of eras."

 “Tower” allows time to flow backwards, bringing the past to the present.

 “Rain” makes time jump forward, bringing the present to the future.

If time is said to be individual puddings that merge into one big pudding, then "Tower" and "Rain" are equivalent to table knives, acting as a "regulator" that can change the area and volume of these puddings. and quantity.

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