First Player

Chapter 1049: one thousand zero forty-seven

Chapter 1049 Chapter One Thousand and Forty-Seven · "The old gods raised their scepters."

 “Cheers to this victory!”


 Under the bright lights, Su Mingan raised his glass and signaled to people.

 This is the ninth day of the dungeon. He has already rushed to the front line and settled in the Niyi Democratic Alliance near the second tower. This is a celebration banquet for victory.

“Lord God.” The woman in a luxurious red dress held up his hand, her eyes soft and respectful: “Am I lucky enough to dance with you?”

 She is Princess Aina of the Principality of Dedexi, and one of the first countries to form an alliance with Su Mingan.

Su Mingan was about to speak, but Yang Qi, who was guarding Su Mingan closely, said: "No! How can gods dance with mortals!"

Yang Qi’s voice is cold and his appearance is like an old tree. Princess Aina was so frightened by this sound that she turned pale and quickly backed away.

"Master God, why are you here?" Shangqing also came over immediately: "Since you call the world in the name of the old god, you must maintain your godhood and not get too close to people."

Lu Ye whispered: "Su Ming'an, don't let people get too close to you. If someone mixes in to assassinate you, it will be a big blow to your prestige. In this world, faith is more important than anything else. You don't need this kind of celebration party. participate."

Looking at people's reverent but slightly alienated eyes, Su Ming'an knew clearly that this war was different from the past - it was a divine war, not a simple territorial war. "God" wants people to believe that he is "God" so that faith can have a foundation.

So he left the party and stood alone in the night.

The orange water was shining in the wine glass. Su Mingan stared at the complicated and gorgeous clothes on his body. It fit him so well.

He threw aside the divine staff made of gold and precious stones. This divine staff had no power and was just a gorgeous stick. But the "Myth of the Old Gods" he fabricated himself gave people respect for him and prevented him from letting go of the stick.

 "Su Ming'an..." came the voice of Chang Ge.


"We can't delay it any longer. If the Alien King doesn't revive, we won't be able to hold on without allies." Changge said, "You didn't find another person with a bright red python on his body. This shows that there is a carrier that can revive the Alien King." There's only Alice. We can only sacrifice Alice."

Su Mingan shook the orange juice in the glass. He once thought that he could find other methods in "The Witch's Narrative", but unfortunately he did not find it.

 “I always feel... it shouldn’t be like this.” Su Mingan said.


Su Mingan let her bite her shoulder and looked at the color in her eyes - it was a bright red python. It seemed like there was something sealed in her body. 】

  【Alice's pupils trembled: "I have often heard news recently that the alien king is about to be born. Could it be that... the alien king is sealed in my body? That's why I lost my mind?"


 Is her fate destined?

 Destined to become the carrier of the alien king?

 She is not very smart and has no talent. She can only barely protect herself with swordsmanship. Even when she became a goddess, the gods wanted to set a trap for Su Mingan. She has not received any luck in her life, and all her numerical values ​​are very poor.

He saved her on a snowy night. At that time, he thought that she would definitely play an extremely important role in the future, because she was the protagonist, and the protagonist could save the building from falling. But the system didn't tell him - "an extremely important role", which refers to becoming the carrier of the alien king Susheng.

 Is the protagonist whose mission is sacrifice really the protagonist?

"We can't delay it any longer. The war situation is not stable. By awakening the alien king, we can go deep into the ancient ruins, retrieve the history of thousands of years ago, and defeat the gods." Chang Ge said: "I am just making suggestions. I regard you as my host."

“I still feel something is wrong. I’ll wait for another half day and then look for other possibilities.” Su Mingan said.

This was not out of perceptual factors, but because he keenly felt that it would not be right to sacrifice Alice like this. Moreover, he didn't trust Changge either.

 “Okay.” Chang Ge’s voice disappeared.


The second rain of special effects medicine is about to come. This time, the army will send the Immortal Talisman and Special Effect Medicine into the depths of the enemy.

This is also the first war in a head-on collision. The previous tragic wars can only be called small fights on this scale. This time the gods will not let go and will do their best to send troops.

Su Mingan also knew the importance of this war. If they win, it means that history will be awakened for hundreds of more years, and a lot of information will emerge. If it fails, it means that the awakening of history has ended at this point.

He stood on the city wall, supporting the wall with his hands, and suddenly felt dizzy.

—A dense crowd of people stood under the city wall, the number of which was so overwhelming that it made one’s scalp numb. Their facial features spread from being visible to the naked eye to being invisible, like dense black clouds overlapping one another.

 The golden and red flag is fluttering in the wind. This is the lighthouse flag designed by Yue Yue for him. When you see this banner, you know that the army belongs to the old gods.

In the past three years, many modern cities have become abandoned areas similar to Daoya City. The number of casualties increased sharply, cities were destroyed by alien species frequently, small wars surrounding faith and land continued, and panic and despair spread every moment. Displaced people form a wave of refugees that spread throughout the world.

—The sword Mizushima Kawakora slashed against the old gods in the sky three years ago was the beginning of everything.

 The history brought back by the rain of special effects medicine, the theocratic war brought about by the steam age, the awakening of alien species brought about by the unearthed ruins...several fuses were ignited at that moment.

 At the beginning, the military tried to maintain order and joined forces with the coalition government to save large cities that were invaded by alien species. However, three days after the operation ended, the large city fell again. Even Prince Bivis of the Lello Empire could only look at the city that had fallen again and cry out in pain.

 Since then, the military has also tried to recruit troops and expand its military scale. But people are divided and it is difficult to have strong appeal. As a result, under the auspices of Li Yuxuan and others, large forces such as the military and the coalition government were completely split into two factions.

 —A group of people who believe in gods. They believe in the oracle that "the gods will not destroy the world. It was the old gods who recalled history, causing the alien species to resurrect and causing heavy casualties."

 —One group believes in the old gods. They believe that "the old gods are trying their best to recall history in order to gain powerful power and prevent the gods from destroying the world. The old gods love mankind." This kind of oracle.

Perhaps, both sides are correct.

Perhaps what separates them is just a "Tower of Babel" descended by invisible hands.

Since then, tens of billions of people have been completely divided into two groups, either believing in gods or believing in old gods. With the blessing of the steam age, the Holy Alliance Army became more and more crazy. As long as someone said anything bad about the gods, they would be burned at the stake, causing countless people to leave their homes and flock to the cities that supported the old gods. There are also countless people who feel fear and choose to stay safely under the rule of gods.

 The coalition government exists in name only, has lost its appeal and coercive power, and acts as a mascot to help some countries coordinate government affairs. Many councilors and generals have taken refuge in the twin gods, eager to climb to a position that they could not climb in their previous lives under this greatly changed order. Just like Evelin, the "attendant of the old gods" beside Su Ming'an, she used to be an inconspicuous parliamentarian, but now she can assume the position of military command, one person above ten thousand people. This war gave her the opportunity to advance. There are many people like her.

Su Mingan looked at the countless people under the city wall. Their military uniforms were not uniform and came in various colors. These armies come from all over the world, many belong to various countries, many are independent alliances, and many are scattered guerrillas.

 They looked at him with reverence, faith, respect, and jealousy...

Even with the name of the Old God, not everyone wants to join the war. Many were simply displaced and forced to join the military. Many people hope to gain fame and honor their ancestors. There are also many people who must win the war to keep their loved ones alive because their cities were destroyed. More people know that the gods want to destroy the world, so they fight to the death.

 But anyway, they chose Him...Him.

“Lord God, microphone.” Someone handed over the sound transmission tool.

Su Mingan took the microphone. He felt as if he was in a never-ending dream. After each speech, there would be another speech. After every war, there will be another war.

The sun pierced his pupils, and he blinked slightly sourly, preparing sentences in his mouth. No one would have thought that this old **** who gave a speech in front of millions of soldiers and civilians would be nervous about a class speech six months ago.

“According to statistics, more than 2.1 billion people have participated in this large-scale war...the war revolves around the old gods and gods, aliens and humans, black mist and land.” Su Mingan said:

 For a moment, people became quiet.

Yamada Machichi raised the flag for him, and the flag rustled in the wind.

"Twenty-three countries, twenty-seven independent cities, and a total of fifty independent political entities participated in this war. Participants include, but are not limited to, members of the World Military, United Government Guards, Dream Patrollers, and City Guardians , members of the self-rescue alliance, the Holy Alliance Army, believers of the old Holy See, spontaneously organized wandering armies, the Louyue Talisman and Seal Corps, mercenaries, city defense troops, and ordinary people... Its scale is very large, spreading all over the world, and has risen to the level of the 'War of Civilizations' 's level."

"Many wars have no clear purpose, just for survival. The heavy rain of special effects medicine has brought about many historical issues that have long been forgotten. Some allied countries fought against each other and fell apart. But more wars are just for one reason - you Do you believe in the old gods?”

 “Do you believe—me.”

Su Mingan pointed to his chest.

 “In these years, I have seen many people and many things.”

“The numb and solidified order has lasted for a long time, and many people have not had the power to choose and rise since they were born.”

“In a city that has been abandoned for a long time, a female student with a stained file jumped down. What restricted her was not her lack of effort, but her ancestors’ betrayal of the gods.”

“The anchor of Dream Tour, who is optimistic by nature, obviously has the ambition to reach the top, but he can only be trapped in a small town. He even takes an overdose of medicine every day because of the rule that he can only laugh and not cry.”

“The teacher who was born with a different species must escape into darkness and never see light again in this life, even if he has never harmed anyone. His last lesson makes human desires show the evil of ghosts.”

“An upright and resolute congressman will be pushed onto a high platform and brutally executed just because of a false charge and a demon hunting order.”

“The mother who had been waiting so hard for her son to return home killed her beloved son with her own hands because of the so-called Ark Project, which is a ‘special medicine that cannot awaken history.’”

"There are many...people and things I haven't seen yet."

"I dare not assume that if you choose me, whether I can do better than the gods. I will not promise how much bread or milk to each of you every day. I will only promise that I will do my best to take you into the world without The era of 'Destiny'."

"The era of solidification has passed, and the world has been divided into fragmented lands by turmoil. If you are not satisfied with your past life and want to create a new legend, of course - this is your starting place."

"You can laugh, you can cry, you can sing, you can paint. Whatever is fine. If you are willing to be the last nightingale in the middle of the steel forest, I allow you to sing in the sunshine."

“I promise you to have a free soul that is not controlled by anyone.”

 “I promise you—to have a destiny that is no longer in your hands and is in your own control.”

Su Mingan’s speech lasted for twenty minutes until the emotion value reached the full value.

 He raised his scepter, and the gold and precious stones shone in the sun. His eyes were also like gems.

 In an instant, people shouted his name.

 They shouted—

 Asasto leads us.


 Old God, Asastor.

This is the name Su Mingan found in an ancient book. The ancient book was very vague and the text was intermittent. It should be part of the real name of the old god.

 But he searched through ancient books and could not find the real name of the god. If the gods are those who seek power and usurp the throne, there should be a **** beside Asasto. But nothing was found, as if the gods appeared out of thin air and suddenly wiped out everything about the old gods.

So Su Mingan closed the ancient books and headed to the smoke-filled battlefield.

 The heavy scepter was held in the palm of his hand, and the ruby ​​​​was like the beating heart in people's chests.


  【"General Qin."】


  【"Why don't you continue playing? I like the sound of your piano very much."】

  【“But I don’t like to play, it always reminds me of Him.”】

  【"You will see Him in a thousand years."】

  【"We will finally meet in a thousand years' time to realize the wish of a thousand years of myth."

  【—"Chaoyan Diary"】


 (End of this chapter)

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