First Player

Chapter 1070: One thousand zero sixty-eight

Chapter 1070 Chapter One Thousand and Sixty-Eight·[Later, I raised an orange cat. 】

“They only care about their mortgage, their children’s inability to live in school district housing, and whether their boss is in a good mood today... How could they care about what’s on the edge of the world? How could they see the truth in the central control room?”

“Once people are addicted to tranquility and their thoughts and lives become solid day by day, they will not pay attention to the vastness of the universe. They will take it for granted that the gods are right.”

"But your act of retrieving history has made many people realize the truth. Your act of promoting special medicine rain in the name of the old gods has made people start to feel resentful, and they finally discovered that there are still people from many eras who are related to each other. They were parallel... This destruction was no longer silent. They 'discovered' each other parallel."

“It was you who changed them, it was you who awakened them, it was you who made this world so intense, so...vivid. It became no longer lifeless, and all the vitality was awakened.”

His tone seemed to be telling words of comfort, giving people the illusion that they were valued, but the conversation suddenly changed—

"You have committed a heinous crime, Su Ming'an."

“You made their deaths materialize. The frogs in the warm water began to rebel. Their deaths should have been silent, painless, and integrated in an instant.”

"But you let them endure the pain of war, let them endure the pain of being pierced by weapons and cannonballs, let them endure the sorrow of wives and children being separated, and the elderly and orphans. You let them walk out of the city where order has long been stable and become wanderers. The refugees are hungry and fed, and their relatives are displaced..."

“…You have committed a heinous crime, Su Ming’an.”

Although he said the crime was extremely heinous, there was no trace of hatred on Su Wensheng's face, only sadness. His expression became more and more painful every inch, and every word felt like a stab in his own throat.


  【As if it shouldn't be like this before. The spring breeze and flowers should stay here, and there should be no gods in the sky. 】

I thought some people would raise objections, or at least feel that we should retrieve history, but under the dim sky, I only saw the silent majority. 】

  【I don’t like the way the world is. 】


Su Mingan looked at Su Wensheng.

"So you are not loyal to the gods?" Su Mingan said: "Although you have always been consistent with the gods, at this time, you are actually trying to persuade me not to fuse. So you have been fighting with the gods, right?"

He felt that this should be the case. No matter how dark Su Wensheng became, he would definitely not want to obey the gods in his heart. It makes sense for him to be a spy who endures humiliation and endures hardships, which is more in line with his "personality".

However, Su Wensheng shook his head.

“No. I do belong to the gods. Because I was in despair and only the gods saved me, so I will do things for him.”

Su Mingan frowned.

 “You don’t have to think too highly of me, Su Mingan.” Su Wensheng shrugged:

"'Su Wensheng' is just a 19-year-old high school student. How great can he be? If a 19-year-old young man suddenly said that he wanted to save the world, was suddenly full of consciousness, never regretted, and was selfless to a terrifying level, do you think it would be realistic? ?"


Su Mingan thought to himself.

 Reality does not require logic.

 He himself is like this.


  【Later, I raised an orange cat. The orange cat always looks at me with a lazy look, as if he is pitying me. 】

  【After all, I know that my thoughts are meaningless and I can't change anything. I'm just an ordinary person. 】


“…Why are you telling me this information?” Su Mingan said.

Su Wensheng coughed, and bubbles appeared in the blood. He covered his abdomen to cover the embarrassing wound, and blood spread from between his fingers.

“I once buried an orange cat and watched its fat body sink into the soil little by little.” Su Wensheng said:

“I once called the phone to ask how the people I fought to save were doing, but all I heard was a cold response.”

“I once hit my hand with a shovel, swallowed washing powder in a dark cell, was electrocuted until I begged for mercy, and was tortured and starved to the point of death for several days and nights.”

“I knelt down and begged the doctors to save Xiaoli’s life, but in the end she was only one day away from being on the operating table, and there was no body left.”

“I have begged again and again to leave my life to myself and not to place my hope on people from another world, but I have been greeted by the hail of bullets by the lake and the lies of the godfather. The world has never favored me, and finally I woke up.”

"At the last moment of my life, I performed an act with a different 'possibility' - unlike Su Wensheng who drowned, I did not wait for death stupidly, I prayed to the gods."

“In the cold, dark lake, with heavy blood loss, I closed my eyes and prayed. I prayed, God, save me, it’s too cold here.”

“At that moment, I opened my eyes and saw the dark bottom of the lake full of my blood—except for the distant blue full moon in the sky, which was an outstretched hand of the gods, emitting a halo.”

 “He said, From now on I will no longer be powerless.”


  【I slowly put down the phone. I suddenly felt that I had been drowning in the deep sea since I was born, falling bit by bit and never rising. 】

  【For the first time, I felt that the world had finally defeated me. 】

  【I can't help but question in my heart——】


"I became the right-hand man of the gods. The gods healed me, gave me strength, and gave me weapons. I broke through the badending of 'drowning in the lake'. I didn't stupidly close my eyes at the bottom of the lake and wait to die. I finally... The finalized ending extends the possibility of 'survival'." Su Wensheng's voice breathed out every word, each word pronounced clearly:

"The spirit said, as long as I prevent you from approaching the double shadow, you will not die, I will not die, and no one will die."

"Yes, of course I know what His words mean - only the other 9999 eras that I cannot see will die. Of course my era will not die. As for you, as long as the gods save you from the 9999 worlds that are destined to be destroyed. If you pick it out of the thread and put it in the remaining timeline, you won't die."

“In this way, the Godfather, Tao Meng, Jiang Xiaoshan, Su Luoluo, and Teacher Xia Jiawen who I know well will not die. The gods will retain the world line where I am.”


 His eyes were dim and determined, as if reflecting the eight-year-old himself.

When he said this, his speaking speed increased slightly, as if a collision was occurring deep in his heart:

  “—I finally saved [my world].”


  —What exactly did I save? 】


“I finally killed the darkness that I hated. God can help me get rid of the ugly politicians and the rats in the gutter, leaving behind the brightest and most beautiful world line.”


How can I shake this deep-rooted darkness? 】   …

"I finally ended my powerlessness in the past. I have knowledge, strength, and helpers. I can easily save whoever I want and destroy any dark experimental city I want. In my world line, I have saved countless people. Including many children like Xiaoli.”


How can I save a soul that is doomed to die? 】


"I did not die meaninglessly. I at least... preserved the world I grew up in. Otherwise, there is no better way." He suddenly laughed happily: "I at least killed ten thousand people. The fate of one has preserved the eight billion people in this world."


How can I kill this eternal destiny? 】


The night is about to engulf the outline of the central control room, and the sunlight outside the door fades little by little. The light gradually became different between light and dark, and the young man's eyebrows were gleaming in the confrontation between day and night.

Su Mingan realized that the toes of his shoes were on the last line of daylight. The Su Wensheng in front of him was completely hidden in the dim night, and his originally soft facial features were tainted with sharp edges, as cold as a blade.

 The 19-year-old young man with great love has been walking like this until now. People can't understand why he became like this, but actually...

“…I don’t understand.” Su Mingan pursed her lips.


  【I don't understand. 】

  【I asked the orange cat why. 】


 Actually, he can understand.

 Because there is no way out, because the ideal is cut off, because life comes to an end, because the person you trust the most throws himself into death...In the end there is only one way to go.

There are only gods.

 Only the gods are left.

If you want to preserve your own world, this is the only way. But if you don't obey, you won't be able to save anything.

 For Su Wensheng, this is the only way. If he disagrees, the first thing the gods will destroy is his world line. It is equivalent to putting thousands of worlds in front of Su Lin and asking these thousands of worlds and Praia - which one do you choose?

 So his behavioral logic and dark mentality...Su Mingan can completely figure it out and understand it.

The person who drives the tram is a god, and Su Wensheng is the one who pulls the tram pole. He pulls the tram pole and witnesses the tram heading towards the track where Su Mingan is standing, avoiding Su Wensheng's own world. The **** drove the tram roaring past, so everyone hated Su Wensheng.


Su Mingan saw Su Wensheng’s pale face.

There seemed to be a thin layer of glass between them. After removing the mist, he saw Su Wensheng's expression, his pupils were slightly narrowed and his lips were pursed, as if he was missing him.


Today's Su Mingan is very much like Su Wensheng before he fell into the lake. His heart is still warm, and he thinks that as long as he runs fast enough, he will be able to lead everyone to the finish line.

Eighteen-year-old Su Wensheng also looks very much like Su Mingan today, with bright eyes and hot blood. He was originally trained according to Su Mingan.

—Just like Su Mingan’s time continues to flow in, gradually reshaping Su Wensheng’s life.

When Su Mingan took over Su Wensheng's schoolbag and became Su Wensheng, Su Wensheng also prayed to the gods at the same moment, breaking away from the "Su Ming'an" part and finally belonging to himself.

Through the glass, Su Mingan seemed to see an orange cat.

 And he became the cat.


 【NPC (Su Wensheng) favorability: 100-2 points! 】



 Suddenly, violent sirens sounded all around, and blazing red light flashed, which seemed to be the triggering sound of the defense system. The muzzle of the black hole was pointed at them.

“This city seems to have triggered attack mode. All weapons will start attacking us.” Su Lin said: “Did Su Wensheng do it?”

"Stop." Su Ming'an grabbed Su Wensheng's bow tie: "Since you don't want the world to merge, isn't the only way left to awaken the alien king? Remove the attack mode."

They clearly have the same position, and Su Wensheng has no reason to hinder him.

Su Wensheng coughed up a mouthful of blood, put his hand on the back of Su Ming'an's hand, and revealed a rare and vivid look in his eyes:

"If...I can easily betray the you think the gods will still send me to stop you? The control of the Mechanical not in my hands at all."

Su Mingan’s pupils narrowed.

No wonder... Su Wensheng looked defenseless. It's not that he hid enough weapons, but that behind him... there was really nothing.

With no weapon support or barrier protection, he was really just standing on a high platform wearing civilian clothes. Tell Su Mingan the truth about these world lines.

Su Wensheng has obviously been informing Su Ming'an of all kinds of information from the beginning.

"The moment I came here, I understood that I was just an abandoned son. It doesn't matter whether I let you go or not. The gods will definitely...activate the mechanical city. Because...I can't mobilize most of the firearms at all, Even if you kill me from the beginning, the gods will not save me..." Su Wensheng coughed up blood.

 The blood in his palm was hot, but Su Mingan felt cold in his heart.

 …that’s all.

 …Just like this, the gods abandoned Su Wensheng and ignored him. It was clear that Su Wensheng was a person that He valued very much, but when Su Mingan came, the God instantly stopped paying attention to him and changed his face very quickly. Even when Su Wensheng was pierced by Su Lin's sword, the **** did not appear. Instead, he directly activated the attack mode of the mechanical city without caring about his life or death.

Su Wensheng laughed a few times and choked on blood again. He lost too much blood and his face was as white as snow: "There is a high probability... that the gods have even figured out that I will tell this information... He just wants to see me on purpose. Betrayal... even, He just wants you to know this information and then force you to go back..."

 “My world line has been protected.”

“When I stood on the stage and said ABCD...maybe I was just waiting for you...waiting for you to do something to me..."

 (End of this chapter)

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