First Player

Chapter 1085: One thousand eighty-three

Chapter 1085 Chapter One Thousand and Eighty-Three·Millennium·"One Year of the Heavenly Generation"

Su Mingan said: "Then you shouldn't drag me into the third party."

 Victory for a third party is difficult. Not only do you have to kill three witches, but you also have to escape the banishment vote from the good guys camp. This also means that Su Mingan and Lu Shunuoer cannot win together unless they can also obtain props with additional effects.

Yue Yue made a suggestion: "In the next night session, five people have the right to vote. They are you, No. 5 Mizushima Kawakora, No. 6 Xue Qixia, No. 7 Eli, and No. 11 Burris. We need your and Burris's If Eli doesn’t defect to Mizushima Kawakora on the 7th, we can at least get a tie vote.”

“What is your identity?”

Yueyue said: "Saints do not have any special abilities."

Su Mingan thought about it and realized that third parties also have benefits. In addition to the four votes from Noel, Lu Shu, Lu Meng, and Yueyue, there is also one vote from Burris, which is equivalent to a majority of the votes.

 He did not reveal his identity to Burris. Because he considered a possibility - before being selected by a third party, the witch has a higher priority. The identity of the witch is enough to be overwritten by any identity without being awakened. If there is an unawakened witch among him, Yueyue, and Burris, the situation will become very troublesome. At that time, which of the third party's victory conditions takes precedence, or the witch's victory conditions?

 He is the Angel of Order, the most useful of the three angels, and can play a role in every night. Whether they are Judgment Angels or Killing Angels, their identities can be easily proven, but Angels of Order do not have any ability to identify themselves, and the Witch is definitely trying to find the Angel of Order.

 Ten minutes later, the discussion time ends.

Su Mingan was teleported alone into a pure white space.


  【Angel of Order No. 1, please choose the person to be "exonerated" today. 】


 “Noel No. 4.” Su Mingan said.

 Noel will be punished during the day, and his condition is definitely not good.


 【Judgment Angel No. 1, decided to protect Player No. 4. 】

  【Action has been determined. 】

     Day is coming. 】


Su Mingan’s eyes lit up.

 He was standing on a long corridor, with dimly burning candles on both sides. Yue Yue stood beside him, watching carefully.

There is nothing special in the corridor, the scarlet carpet stretches all the way.

“This place is a bit like a haunted house maze in an amusement park. It’s dark and the lights are dim. When you walk around the corner, ghosts will jump out and scare you.” Yueyue looked around.

"In the daytime session, are we going to walk through the maze?" Su Mingan observed for a moment: "In this case, no matter which door we enter through, we may still encounter each other in the end. If we encounter someone alone, it means that person is probably a witch and will kill him. companion. However, since there is a link to use the identity, it means that the witch has probably used the knife. A contestant has died somewhere we can't see. The witch's knife every night should be instant death, and the witch is in You can also kill people in the maze, which means the number of people will be reduced very quickly."

Yueyue nodded: "You are not dead, which means that the current witch does not have deep hostility towards you."

 Their communication is always smooth, especially for games.

But it’s hard to say whether the second witch and the third witch will directly attack Su Ming’an. Since this witch-hunting game does not have a setting similar to a 'prophet' and can only rely on the judgment of the angel of judgment to recommend people, the identity is very unclear.

They walked for a long time without encountering anyone or a fork in the road. It was always a one-way road moving forward. The maze was quiet except for the sound of their own footsteps. The atmosphere was a bit depressing, as if there were dark eyes staring at them.

Su Mingan turned on his watch A Du. The walls were covered with colorful murals, full of mythological color. Angels hold long bows and rain down, the burning on the cross, the bright red python falling into the darkness, a dozen civilians kneeling before the starry sky...there are countless myths and stories.

“Ahead is the first fork in the road.” Yueyue raised her hand.

Su Mingan stepped forward and saw a mirror.


  【Old God, you are back. 】

  【I have been waiting here for a long time. 】

Bright red writing appeared on the mirror.

Su Mingan said: "Who are you?"


I existed thousands of years ago, and only my obsession remains here. To keep the game fair, I can't tell you more. You'll understand everything by the time the game is over. 】

  —The thousand-year sail is about to set sail, are you ready? 】


Even though he was in a dark corridor, Su Mingan felt his heartbeat speed up. His hand touched the mirror, which was cold.

 It was very quiet, except for Yue Yue's gaze, which was very cold, like a stray moonlight.

 “...Thank you for your hard work.” Su Mingan said.

 Thank you for your hard work.

 The salvation plan that spans a millennium, the transmission of information that spans a millennium, the persistence and watchfulness that spans a millennium... thirty or forty generations.

The protector of the Taoist court is facing the face, the rule book is away from the bright moon, Xiao Jingsan has lost himself, the black magpie...

 Hide history with myths, and carry on prayers with reincarnation.

 Thank you for your hard work.


  【So, let’s start our daytime session. 】The words in blood appeared:

  "There are tens of millions of paths in a person's life. If life is turned into a game, every key decision point will determine the ending of a person's life, whether the ending is HE or BE."]

["Are you satisfied with your life so far? If you were given the opportunity to make a new choice, if you were given the opportunity to save and load files - just like a game, would you be willing to play this game called 'life' again? Game?"]

  【Every time you encounter a fork in the road, you will enter a story. 】

  【Now please answer:】

  【Do you value "self" or "others" more? 】


Yueyue was a little confused: "What is this?"

Su Mingan was silent for a moment and said: "It feels like a strategy to attack the heart. The answer should lead to a certain result. Let me think about it...I will answer, others."

The amethyst was twinkling, the candles on both sides moved automatically without wind, and the face of a white-haired man appeared on the mirror. Before Su Mingan could take a closer look, the scene around him suddenly changed -

Waves of light also appeared around Yueyue's body at the same time. Before she could hold Su Mingan's hand, she disappeared into the light.


Yueyue opened her eyes.

 She was standing in a hospital corridor. There were many people waiting anxiously on the chairs in the hall. Their faces were old and their cheeks were wrinkled. There were cans of water and soup bowls at their feet.

Yueyue hasn’t seen this kind of scene for a long time. Most people in the world game have regained their youthful beauty, and things like canned water and soup bowls will be kept in their portable space. There was something strange about this scene.

  No one could see her, she was like a wandering ghost, until a voice came from a room, "Giving birth!"

She seemed to feel something and floated over.

 Whose birth is this?

 Until she saw a man striding in.

…That is.

She recognized the man instantly. He was almost the same as the one on the tombstone. The face is square and the temperament is awe-inspiring. Su Changming.

 He didn't even have time to take off his uniform before he obviously rushed back from work.

Yueyue still remembers this unsmiling uncle. When he was alive, Su Mingan still smiled often and had no wounds on his body. Later, Su Mingan seemed to be much silent. Occasionally when sweeping the tomb, Yueyue would see him standing in front of the tombstone for a long time, wiping the photos on the tombstone. He stood there all morning.

“It’s a boy, he’s very cute.” The nurse told Su Changming.

Su Changming's expression did not change much. He grinned and said to himself: "Then as Wang An said, let's call the boy... Ming An. It has a very good meaning."

 “My mother and I hope that he will...”

 “Bright, smooth, peaceful.”


Su Mingan opened his eyes.

He saw the aircraft flying high, resembling a jackdaw, with silver-gray armor outlining its sharp cannons.

People are running away outside the window. The scattered white buildings have an aesthetic feeling of ice and snow, but they reveal the extreme coldness of technology. Cold voices came from sound-producing instruments everywhere:

 “From now on, a new **** has arrived, and the old **** has passed away.”

 “From now on, a new **** has arrived, and the old **** has passed away.”

At this time, Su Mingan lowered his head and found that he was holding a book in his hand, as if he was teaching, with complex formulas and patterns floating on the podium.

This is…

 He suddenly reacted.

 …thousands of years ago?

“…Teacher, the new **** wants to kill everyone who supports the old god. General Qin asked me to take you out of the city first!” A young man with a handsome face ran out of the door and grabbed Su Mingan’s arm.

Su Mingan said subconsciously: "Students..."

This sentence was not what he wanted to say, but blurted out. It seems that he is semi-substituted, similar to emotional resonance. If he does not actively interfere, his body will act on its own.

"The new gods will not make things difficult for them! But you are different. In the eyes of the new gods, you are a great believer of the old gods..." The young man ran out with Su Mingan.

 …Who am I possessing?

Su Mingan looked back and saw that the students were quickly collecting data and loading them into their own USB drives. The gods are about to erase history, and people are scrambling to preserve it. But Su Mingan knew that these actions were almost useless, the USB disk would be destroyed, people would be brainwashed, and in the end nothing would be left.

 This was thousands of years ago.

 He finally arrived a thousand years ago.

Different from the records in ancient books, this is not a mythical era full of angels, demons, and fires, but an extremely technological era, even far more technological than the current era.

 In the era a thousand years ago, the level of science and technology was completely superior to what it will be in the future. The times seem to have gone back thousands of years, and this is all the work of the gods.

 …So far, Su Mingan doesn’t understand why the gods want to erase history. If this era is allowed to continue to develop for thousands of years, the level of science and technology may be raised to unimaginable levels, and starships and wormhole technology may even be designed to travel far into outer space.

Running on the promenade, Su Mingan looked down at the beauty of the city through the glass—hundreds of tracks crisscrossing the sky, small planes flying across the sky, and people traveling on scooters that automatically climbed over mountains and ridges, carrying similar things to their ears. A Du's highly intelligent instrument. It can be seen from the condition of urban facilities and houses that this era was well-ordered. There are complete facilities for food, clothing, housing and transportation.

However, things are different now. There is blood spreading on the clean ground.

Schools were smashed, financial buildings were blown up, and hospitals were broken into. A large number of rioters poured into the streets, holding electric batons that looked like torches to eradicate those who supported the old gods.

He saw a very tall building in the distance, which looked like it was made of a hexagonal prism, as clean as a gem, with a pure white figure standing on the rooftop. The noble sunlight fell on His shoulders, like a sun falling from the sky.


It was He who started this chaos, it was He who ordered people to riot, and it was He who announced the death of the old gods.

 —The obliterator of history, the usurper of power.

 Thousands of years later, the gods want to expel the shadow because the shadow is an intruder. What were the gods thinking thousands of years ago?

Su Mingan glanced at the figure.

 “…huh?” Watch Ah Du suddenly made a confused sound.

 “What’s wrong?” Su Mingan said.

 ", it's nothing..." Ah Du fell silent.

They ran underground, and the young man stuffed Su Mingan into an instrument. The instrument is shaped like an eggshell, surrounded by red and blue tubes and a dizzying array of joysticks and keyboards.

 He heard the distant shouts of people, gradually coming towards him.

“—This way! There is a big supporter of the Old Gods here!”

"-kill him!"

 At least hundreds of people broke into this place, with loud footsteps.

"You..." As soon as Su Mingan spoke, the eggshell he was in was closed, and the glass cover fell down and closed tightly. He looked at the young man through the glass: "Where are we going?"

"Go find General Qin. I didn't expect the gods to move so fast, damn..." The young man stood outside the eggshell, operating his hands quickly, quickly inputting the teleportation position.

 His fingers were trembling and he was afraid.

"The old **** will come back, he will definitely come back. The gods will definitely be punished..." He trembled to himself.

The footsteps were getting closer and closer, and Su Mingan saw the electric batons and guns in people's hands, and even electromagnetic guns and floating cannons.


The young man pressed a button, the eggshell activated, and the white light lit up. This should be a single-person teleportation device that will send Su Mingan to a safe place.

 He glanced at the young man.

 There is no second transmission device here, it is obviously for emergency use.

“Teacher.” The young man breathed a sigh of relief after activating the teleportation device. He glanced at Su Mingan, his eyes full of expectation:

 “I wish you peace, you must get the old gods back…”


 The next moment.

The crackling sound is like dripping waves.

 “Kill the supporters of the old gods—!”

 “Kill them—!”

The gunfire rang out, and blood spattered on the glass cover of the eggshell, giving off a clean color.

The teleportation started, Su Mingan stretched out his hand and put his fingers on the glass. He saw the regret in the young man's eyes, and then the exploded head covered his vision.

Black blood fell down the glass cover, and his ears became silent for a moment.


 This is the first year of the Tian Dynasty (more than 1100 years ago).

  The new **** comes to power.

 The old gods were declared dead.


   Examination, resume daily update on 11.23



 (End of this chapter)

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