First Player

Chapter 1093: One thousand and ninety-one

 【Possessed character: Li Mingyue (the fourth manager)】

【Current plot direction: The gods announce the erasure of history → Teleport and escape into the experimental city → Agree to participate in the Peace Festival → The location of Jiuyou is discovered → Xia Jiawen abandons Jiuyou → Trek for fifty years to find the place where the Utopia was established → Reincarnation]

  【You have completed the cause and effect tracing of "Li Mingyue", and the map has been lit up. 】


  【Old God, you are back. 】Blood characters appeared on the mirror.

Su Mingan found himself standing in front of the original mirror. Yueyue next to her has been waiting for a while, candlelight fluttering on the wall.

 “I…” he said, his voice hoarse. After experiencing Li Mingyue's life, although the sense of immersion is not that strong, it is still a considerable impact.

No wonder Jiuyou’s Utopia exists at the same time in Daoya City.

No wonder Li Mingyue always looked at him deeply when he was distributing bread in the square.

No wonder there is a "Rule Book" that is almost finished on Li Mingyue's desk. The paper is worn and yellowed.

No wonder when he first met Li Mingyue, Li Mingyue was discussing the issue of "pears" and "apples" with Burris.

—If an apple claims to be an apple, its appearance is an apple, social recognition is an apple, and self-recognition is an apple, then even if its essence is a pear, it is now an apple.

—But what if society and appearance alone fixed it as an apple, and it always claimed to be a pear?

—What’s the use? The whole world thinks it is an apple, so it can only be an apple. No matter how much you emphasize it or claim it is a pear, even if its essence is really a pear, everyone will judge it to be an apple.

At that time, Li Mingyue turned out to be confused about his own nature. Even though he has been reincarnated for more than ten generations, he still can't figure out the "Schrödinger's Cat" problem. Is he actually Li Mingyue from thousands of years ago? Did his consciousness originate from thousands of years ago, or did his ego accept him and me?

But he still remembered the instructions of the first generation Li Mingyue - to cultivate the carrier of the old gods, to personally guide the old gods in the ideal country, and not to be soft-hearted towards the carrier... until the lake east of Daoya City was filled with moonlight.

 “Are you okay?” Yueyue held Su Mingan’s arm.

 “What…did you see?” Su Mingan asked.

"I saw your past, everything went according to plan, but when you were ten years old, I found a way to prevent the car accident, and then you lived a happy life. The world game didn't happen either, and you became a A very famous up master, and we have been living very close to each other since then, and I will stay with you... until you are gray-haired." Yueyue said.

 Listening to Yueyue’s telling, it is a very beautiful story.

"I see... What you see is a possibility in my life." Su Mingan held his head and said: "There are hundreds of millions of roads in this life, and every fork in the road will lead to a different direction. If my father's If the car accident had not happened, my life would have taken a completely different direction."

“But what you are looking at is Li Mingyue’s life, not mine.” Yueyue said.

"It should have something to do with our identities. I am the 'Angel of Order', and what I see is the life of Li Mingyue, the Angel of Order. You are a saint, without any special identity. What you see is our own life." Su Mingan thought Saying: "Mirror, am I right?"

 The red letter in the mirror appeared: [Yes. The first life you see is related to your identity. The life you see later is related to your performance in the first period of life - now, please look at your hands. 】

Su Mingan lowered his head.

A picture appeared in my hand, a bit like a mind map. From the initial dot, various large branches spread out, and from each large branch, many small branches spread out. Now Su Mingan lit up a big branch called "Li Mingyue". The small branches inside said "Did not escape into Jiuyou", "Escaped into Jiuyou", "Stop Xia Jiawen from abandoning Jiuyou", "Didn't stop it" Xia Jiawen abandons Jiuyou" and many other possibilities. Su Mingan only highlighted the possibility of "escaping into Jiuyou" and "did not stop Xia Jiawen from abandoning Jiuyou".

 He looked at the picture in Yueyue's hand, which was very similar to his picture. The big branches read "did not prevent the car accident", "prevented the car accident", "did not run away from home", "ran away from home", etc. There are countless small branches, such as "choose psychology major", "choose finance major", "choose postgraduate entrance examination", "choose employment", and many other possibilities, which are like a maze of life.


It turns out that the daytime maze they are walking in is a maze composed of everyone's life path. Each branch leads to distinct possibilities. This is precisely the embodied concept of the line of cause and effect—the beginning and the end, the cause produces the effect.

Su Mingan understood why Mirror emphasized the concept of "tens of millions of roads" at the beginning.


  【So, let’s start the daytime session. 】

  "There are tens of millions of paths in a person's life. If life is turned into a game, every key decision point will determine the ending of a person's life, whether the ending is HE or BE."]

["Are you satisfied with your life so far? If you were given the opportunity to make a new choice, if you were given the opportunity to save and load files - just like a game, would you be willing to play this game called 'life' again? Game?"]


 But Su Mingan basically did not affect Li Mingyue's actions, which means that what he saw was real history. Li Mingyue in history also chose the life path of "escaping into Jiuyou" and "did not stop Xia Jiawen from abandoning Jiuyou". If Su Mingan interfered with Li Mingyue's actions and acted completely differently at key points, Li Mingyue's life would lead in another direction and differ from historical facts. In the same way, if Yueyue had not prevented the car accident, what she would have seen would be the same life as Su Ming'an now, and there would be no possibility of happiness.

"...It's like the authority of 'observation'." Su Mingan said: "Or 'calculation' is more appropriate. Which cause you choose will lead to what effect. If you don't interfere with anything, it will be historical facts. If you interfere, you will see New life possibilities.”

Yueyue suddenly realized. She saw dozens of unlit endings on the far right side of her map. They were all gray, and they were all possibilities for Su Mingan's life, and she only lit up one now:


[HE·Game Path (Select "Prevent Car Accidents", "Psychology Major", "Not Further Studies to Postgraduate Entrance Examination", "Freelance Career", "Deeply Focus on Horror Games", and "Never Get Married for Life" to get this ending): Su Ming'an After graduating from college, he accumulated 800,000 fans with his superb gaming skills. After a horror game video became popular, he launched a series of similar videos one after another, attracting a large number of fans. His father also supported him in choosing a free career so that he would not have to worry about living expenses. Later, Su Mingan accidentally caught the attention of a foreign powerhouse and eventually became a major game anchor with tens of millions of fans. People often say that he always has a rookie friend by his side, and every time this rookie friend brings a lot of program results. And the rookie friend also stayed with him for a long time, until decades later there was no news from him...]


Su Ming'an coughed: "It looks a bit funny." ...It really doesn't look like a life he can get out of. Millions of fans are too far away from him. These life paths deliberately ignore the existence of the world game, only his possibilities as an ordinary person.

 Wait a minute, this "foreign power" cannot be a certain way.

Yue Yue said: "It's not funny. If it were you, there would be such a possibility. Moreover, you would have thousands of possibilities... I still feel that this possibility is not worthy of you. You are worth it." A better life.”

 Her eyes were firm.

 …But now this possibility no longer exists.

Su Mingan looked down at the ending he had played:


[TE·Blue Full Moon (choose "escape into the Nine Netherworld", "agree to participate in the Peace Festival", "did not notice the selfishness of the researchers", "did not stop Xia Jiawen from abandoning the Nine Netherworld", "traveled fifty years to find the Utopia" This ending can be obtained by "Establishment Place" and "Successful Reincarnation"): The reincarnation of Li Mingyue has been looking for a suitable place to establish the Utopia. He traveled all over the world and served as a national teacher, a pope, and a garden director... Later he Finally, a suitable location was chosen—the royal capital of Louyue Kingdom. This place is far away from the stars, the terrain is low, and there is the person most similar to the old gods in the world - the eldest prince Su Shaoqing. He established a utopia here, isolated from the prying eyes of overlapping shadows.

 Later, times changed and years passed, several dynasties died at the end of their lifespan, the feudal monarchy was overthrown, and the electrical age came. The Louyue Imperial Capital became the original site of Daoya City in Ubang State, and a new small city was born. Li Mingyue built a school and a church here and became a godfather. He took care of a little boy named Su Wensheng until the little boy became more and more like...

 In the years when the millennium was approaching, Li Mingyue of the 16th generation finally met his old friend who had not returned for a long time. A male teacher named Xia Jiawen carried his schoolbag and walked blankly into Daoya City under the afternoon sunshine. Although Teacher Xia could not remember anything, the promise they had made was still engraved deep in his soul. No matter how many years pass, no matter how many times he is reincarnated, the Utopia will always be waiting for him to return home.

  In 829, a young man drowned in the East Lake of Daoya City, and the old **** awakened. The old **** stepped into the Louyue era and tried to go to Penglai Immortal Island. In 622, Li Mingyue used the method of separation of soul and flesh to prevent him from awakening the alien king in advance. It turns out that under insufficient conditions, the alien king cannot be awakened.

 Later, the old gods met Li Mingyue in the present world, and Li Mingyue asked about his wishes. The old gods responded like this:

"Godfather. The definition of happiness is not to blind yourself. I don't want the tragedy of this city to happen forever. Even if there is a happier ending, I would rather face the reality. Empty dreams are meaningless." - Even if there is HAPPYEND, I would also prefer TRUEEND.

On the day of the college entrance examination, Li Mingyue watched the old **** leave the small town and sighed quietly.

The examination bus sped away, leaving the protection of the Utopia. The old eyes in the old gods' bag resonated, and the overlapping shadows cast their gaze. The gods were watching this place - this was the beginning of everything. 】


End to end.

Su Ming'an once thought that the most riddle person was Li Mingyue, but now that he was in a circle, he found that all of Li Mingyue's mentality seemed extremely clear at this moment. In fact, Li Mingyue never deliberately concealed information, every inch of his hesitation, every word he wanted to say And stop, every bit of sadness has traces to follow.

“This feeling of ending is a bit like the Orange Light game I played before.” Yueyue gestured: “Choose one option, which leads to a branch. Selecting the next option leads to another branch.”

 “Really?” Su Mingan didn’t quite understand.

 He glanced at Yueyue’s ending. What Yueyue played was HE, and what he played was TE. It turns out that the difference between them is here - HE is an idealized ending that is caused by human intervention, deliberately avoiding disaster. TE is an ending that actually happened in history without human intervention.

 He thought of the feeling he had occasionally had—the feeling of standing at a crossroads before making a critical decision. He had this feeling when he promised Lu to establish the Peak Alliance in the Eighth World, and when the Peak Alliance recruited new people. It’s like a [bifurcation point in life] at this time.

"Yueyue. If the second life you see is still my life. Try not to change anything. I want to see my true ending." Su Mingan said.

Yueyue looked at him intently for a while and nodded slowly.

The mirror signaled the two of them to continue moving forward. When they reach the next fork in the road, it will be the next life node. "Life" seems to have become a substantial road, whether to the left or right, one by one, the roads are connected together to form this maze.

 But before they could reach the next node, the night session began.


 【Last night, players No. 7, No. 8, and No. 10 died. 】


 On the third night, three deaths occurred. The first two nights of Christmas Eve seemed like a blip.

 The tower will only announce the dead each night, but not the cause of death. This makes their exit intriguing.

 There are only 9 people left on the table. Most people's faces don't look good. They have seen a very long life today.

"I know why the three deaths happened. Agnes is a witch, and she stabbed Alger No. 10. Then she tried to kill Eli No. 7 in the passage, but Eli counter-killed her. I saw it not far away. This scene, but Eli did not appear here, shows that he was probably eliminated during the daytime session. This resulted in a three-death pattern." No. 6 Xue Qixia was the first to speak.

“Can people be eliminated during the daytime session?” Lu Meng, No. 12, asked in surprise.

“If you die unexpectedly before the milestone in your life comes, of course you will be eliminated, because you have neither seen the historical facts nor the new life path.” No. 4 Noel explained.

No. 5 Sora Mizushima clasped his hands together and held his head high:

"-So everyone should have watched a person's life. Today is the night session of the third day, which means that you can watch a complete life every two days. Could you please tell me whose life you are watching? Let me start by saying that what I am looking at is Chao Yan’s life.”

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