Gunfire rang out at the entrance of the chemical plant.

It's like setting off fireworks.

All kinds of bullets were flying around.

Inside the factory.

The top floor of the staff dormitory.

In a luxurious room.

The middle-aged and mature woman was leaning against the window, looking outside, and said to the muscular man behind her who was getting dressed: "Hurry up and get dressed and leave."

While putting on his pants, the man slowly walked up behind her, hooked her chin with one hand and gave her a long passionate kiss.

Then he laughed in a low voice: "Auntie, are you afraid that your son and your husband will know?"


The woman smiled and gave him a wink: "Aren't you afraid? If my son finds out, you may feel worse than a dead pig.

"Auntie, if you don't tell me, and I don't tell you, no one will know. No one dares to come up on this floor, right?

"Okay, stop grinding and get out of here."

"Auntie, are you still looking for me tomorrow?"

"talk later."

"What about what you promised me?"

The woman glared at him: "Get out of here if I tell you to. I will definitely give you what I promised you when it's time to give it to you. What are you talking about? Get out of here."

The flesh on the man's face twitched.

But he still suppressed his anger.

Just when he was about to turn around and leave, he suddenly looked at the sky outside the window and wondered: "What is that??"

"what? What?"

The woman also looked back.


A bright light grew bigger and bigger.

The woman said angrily: "It must be my son and they are shooting to welcome the old man back. Huh? Why is the light getting bigger and bigger... Oh my god!"

A scream.

The bright light in the sky has fallen down.


A huge fireball burst out instantly on the top floor of the entire dormitory building.

Women and men were torn to pieces by the terrifying force of the explosion.

The whole building collapsed.

The chemical plant suddenly became noisy.

The gunfire at the factory gate stopped abruptly.

Everyone looked back in the direction of the dormitory building in confusion.

Wei Guoqiang slowly got up from the ground and watched in horror as the dormitory building collapsed and caught fire with thick smoke billowing. He suddenly screamed: "Mom!"

Another bright light pierced the sky.


The administration building was bombed.

Wei Guoqiang suddenly woke up, turned to look at the upper floor of a building outside the factory and shouted angrily: "Over there, go and arrest people."

Everyone at the door was furious.

Turn around and run.

As a result, before he could run more than ten meters, a mortar shell fell in front of him.


The huge explosion power directly blew the few people in front into pieces.

The ones in the back were also injured by the exploding gravel and shrapnel, and lay down in pieces.

Wei Guoqiang was dumbfounded.

He immediately ducked behind a metal (aiaf) can and never dared to come out again.


Mortar shells were fired into the factory one after another.

Warehouses, laboratories, administrative buildings, dormitory buildings, almost most of the buildings were collapsed by the bombing.

It's the military.

Must be someone from the military.

Why can they allocate manpower to attack chemical plants?

Even mortars?

However, there were people guarding the chemical plant, so why didn’t anyone call the police?

To be able to bring such a powerful attack, there must be hundreds of people coming, right?

Why is there no alarm at all?

Wei Guoqiang was confused.

Seeing everything he had worked so hard to slowly turn into a sea of ​​fire, his eyes were bloodshot and red, and he punched the ground hard.

It’s over!

All is lost.

My parents are gone.

All resources are gone.

Even those women and slaves...



Wei Guoqiang suddenly woke up.

He carefully identified the bombed places.

They are all in the area where their own people are.

That is the area where the armed personnel of the factory are located.

There are nearly 500 people in the factory, most of them are ordinary people who come here to survive through the power of the chemical factory.

Those ordinary people are concentrated in the large factory buildings in the factory area.

However, the large factory building has never been bombed.

Strange, how do people in the military know the distribution of personnel within the factory?

Wei Guoqiang can be sure that there will never be a traitor in the factory.

Where did the military get the information?


Is it that woman?

The only thing Wei Guoqiang could think of was the crazy woman who had been harassing the chemical factory earlier.

It is said that he is an instructor of the SWAT team.

Her younger sister was chased and intercepted when she was in school, and ended up being hit and killed by a speedster.

So this woman always wanted revenge.

She lingered around for a long time.

You may already be familiar with the layout of the factory.

Could it be her?

Suddenly, the explosions stopped.

The entire factory area turned into a sea of ​​flames, and screams could be heard endlessly.

Wei Guoqiang did not dare to come out easily, fearing that the attackers from a distance were still targeting the factory, so he kept hiding behind the metal cans.

One minute, five minutes, ten minutes.

Half an hour later.

The ordinary people hiding in the large factory opened the door and ran out in a swarm. They all ran towards the factory gate in fear.

Wuyang Wuyang's.

There must be at least two hundred people.

Wei Guoqiang's heart moved.

When this large crowd rushed over, he immediately blended into the crowd.

The crowd surged out.

Everyone was busy running for their lives.

Adults, children and old people screamed and screamed.

Very good cover.

Wei Guoqiang sneered in his heart.

If the power is destroyed, it will be destroyed.

As long as he doesn't die, he will be able to make a comeback sooner or later.

Suddenly, he saw that there were many armed men among the crowd behind him, and he quickly whistled towards the back.

Those people discovered Wei Guoqiang's figure and immediately came to his side.

Slowly, another twenty people gathered around Wei Guoqiang.

These people still have their weapons.

Wei Guoqiang turned around and asked for a micro punch, pulled over a subordinate and whispered: "Mix in the crowd, leave the factory and go east. There are still a few cars hidden there. We are going back to the city."

"Okay, Brother Qiang."

More than two dozen people spread the news by word of mouth, and everyone was ready.

Soon, people rushed out of the factory gate.

Wei Guoqiang was secretly happy when he saw that he could leave the factory. Just as he was about to speed up and squeeze out, there was suddenly a loud bang in the night sky.

A man with a gun behind him was shot down.

Damn it!

It's a sniper rifle.

Everyone screamed in fear and ran away.

Wei Guoqiang also quickly held his head and prepared to run away.

Never thought about it.


There was another gunshot.

A bullet penetrated his shoulder fiercely and shot through his body.

Wei Guoqiang screamed and fell directly on the road.

Everyone else was terrified.

The group of people with guns subconsciously turned around at the entrance of the factory, and they all rushed towards the place where Wei Guoqiang said the car was hidden.

Wei Guoqiang endured the severe pain, raised his head and roared: "Don't get in a fucking bunch, spread out and run, spread out..."

Before he could finish speaking, a rocket streaked across the night sky with a bright tail of fire, and hit the middle of the group of people with incredible accuracy.

There was a loud bang.

Everyone was lying down.

One by one, they were lying on the ground moaning and screaming.

Wei Guoqiang's teeth were itching with hatred.

Don't be afraid of opponents who are like gods, but be afraid of teammates who are like pigs.

It's really over this time. .

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