Flirt [Interstellar]

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"Liao Bo [Interstellar]" Author: Nuo Nuo


Lin Yi lived to thirty-five years old in his last life. He became famous when he was young and arrogant by nature. He sang and acted as well. He died just as he was about to win the Grand Slam of various awards.

Open your eyes again, Lin Yi is already in the interstellar age, has become a fragile omega that can be deceived and has lost fertility.

At the Star Network press conference, the reporter cited Qin Nuo, the strongest Marshal of the Empire, as an example, contemptuously and disparaged: "A low-level omega like you can't stand by the Marshal in this life, right?"

Lin Yi's eyes drooped slightly, and his lips slowly opened: "Are you going to make a bet?"

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Content Tag: Tianzhijiaozi Entertainment Circle Sweet Wen Shuangwen

Search Keyword: Protagonist: Lin Yi

Brief Comment on Works

Lin Yi lived to thirty-five years old in his last life. He became famous when he was young and arrogant by nature. He sang and acted as well. He died just as he was about to win the Grand Slam of various awards. Open your eyes again, Lin Yi is already in the interstellar age, has become a fragile omega that can be deceived and has lost fertility. When he first entered the entertainment circle, he was already full of ill-informed, and he was being identified as a peerless black heart lotus by netizens. . Lin Yi decided to set a few small goals for herself first, get rid of the black material first, and then casually bubble the man at the top of the empire. This article is reborn from the protagonist in the interstellar age, cut into the black material, the plot is compact, and the story is turbulent. Created a protagonist who dared to love and hate, bravely resisted injustice and rigid system, not following the trend and flying with confidence. The protagonist’s counterattack is the main line between the transition and the transition, vividly depicting the characters and experiences of the protagonist and the supporting actors. Even the artificial intelligence in the article is extraordinarily cute and natural, unique, and is a good article worth reading.

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