Now Guan Lin regrets that this world does not have the glowing cuisine of the small master world, maybe he will have a chance to get it in the future, but he can't do it now.

The lack of luminescence has reduced the shock of this dish by several notches, but this is also something that cannot be helped.

Each world has its own characteristics, and the fantasy cuisine of this world and the glowing cuisine of the small master world have their own characteristics.

However, the appearance of glowing dishes in the future is easy to explain, and one ability explains it.

"Is this really egg fried rice, and why is it made like this?"

Erina Nagikiri couldn't understand how to make fried rice golden, but the golden distribution was so even, and the fullness of the rice grains was surprising, and the aroma was even more addictive.

Anyway, Erina Nagikiri couldn't tie this artwork to egg fried rice.

"Obviously, this is indeed an egg fried rice, yes, so try my egg fried rice first?".

Guan Lin asked, he didn't say that he had to taste Erina's cuisine first, there was no need for this, everyone's food had their own taste.

Although there is a huge gap between the two sides, the cuisine is also different, and it will not be so easy to suppress the taste.

At most, eating crab soup after eating golden fried rice will affect it slightly, but whether it is Seki Lin or Nagi Senzaemon, naturally it will not be affected by this.

"Then let's taste it first, the old man is really interested in this dish. "

Nagi Senzaemon opened his mouth and said, although he has eaten a lot of good things, and he has seen many chefs who are stronger than Guan Lin, but the golden fried rice made by Guan Lin is indeed the first time he has seen it.

After hearing Nagi Senzaemon's words, everyone took the spoon, and it was undoubtedly more convenient to eat fried rice with a spoon.

With a mouthful of golden fried rice, everyone seemed to be in a golden miracle world, and Guan Lin's supreme kitchen heart also exploded at this moment, and a golden emperor statue seemed to appear in front of several people.

That incomparably exaggerated scene immersed the other three except Guan Lin.

"It's really a domineering chef's heart.,Although I've heard Seiichiro say it before.,But after experiencing it myself, I think it's incredible.,Someone would have such a kitchen.。 "

Nagi Senzaemon, who came back to his senses, let out a sigh of relief, and then the clothes on his upper body were directly torn and shattered to the ground.

Seeing this scene, Guan Lin also remembered that this old man was a member of the Nagi family, and the Nagi family had two rogue skills, one was torn clothes, and the other was taught.

These two abilities explode after eating a certain amount of delicious food, but it seems to be a little different now.

The ability to tear clothes is the ability of people with the surname Nagi in the original book, of course, women generally do not have this ability, and the embodiment of Nagi Leonora is only in terms of words.

The degree of tearing of the clothes in the original book represents the deliciousness of what Nagikiri Senzaemon ates.

But now the other party just blew up the clothes on the upper body, which is not in line with the situation, after all, Guan Lin didn't keep his hands, so although this dish is simple, Guan Lin has also put in a lot of effort.

There is no doubt that this level of cooking can already be triggered and taught according to the embodiment of the original book.

But now Nagi Senzaemon has not triggered the teaching, and even the tears of his clothes are only to this extent.

When Guan Lin was at Nagi International before, although Nagi Nagiri Zongwei also had tears in his clothes, he never taught him, and even when he ate some dishes made by special chefs, that would not happen.

At that time, Guan Lin speculated that this teaching ability might have disappeared, but in fact, this was also good news for him.

Compared to the ability to tear clothes, teaching is undoubtedly the ultimate rogue skill, and this thing attacks indiscriminately, and even the people of the Nagi family can't avoid it.

Alice Nagi in the original book suffered a loss in the Nagi Thistle's league.

The existence of teaching has always made Guan Lin more helpless, he can't care about others suffering, but he can't let the people around him suffer, right? But now, this ability is gone.

That's pretty good news. (After thinking about it, this ability was eliminated.,Everyone should be able to understand it.,After all, it's too rogue to teach this ability.,The ability to tear clothes is also slightly weakened).

"It made the old man have such a degree of torn clothes, although this dish seems simple, but it has reached the realm of the special level, although there are still some problems in the kitchen, but there is no doubt that other aspects have reached this level. "

"Coupled with this overbearing chef's heart, if you have to say it, this is already a special chef's cuisine, well, this title is still proposed from you. "

Nagi Senzaemon greeted, and the people outside brought a new dress, and it could be seen that the old man had long been accustomed to torn clothes, and he didn't know how many brand new clothes he had brought with him.

It can only be said that it is indeed very expensive for the men of the Nagi family to eat a meal, especially to eat good things.

"It's incredible, it's just an egg fried rice, but why is it impeccable in terms of texture and taste, and my God's Tongue has no flaws at all except for deliciousness and only deliciousness. "

After Nagi Senzaemon put on a new dress, Erina Nagi and Shinto Scarlet gradually came back to their senses.

But the first time she came back to her senses, she felt incredible.

The tongue of the gods couldn't taste the flaws at all, and she also discovered that this low-grade dish, which she completely despised at all, was made with the simplest ingredients, and it was unbelievable that it could taste so good.

"It's not that there are no flaws, but because your God's tongue is not developed enough to taste the flaws in my cuisine, I have a superhuman sense of smell, and there are actually many flaws in my own cuisine. "

"The so-called flaws are actually a bottomless pit, no matter how much you keep exploring, you can always find new flaws, and you can never be perfect. "

Guan Lin shook his head, if it is replaced by Nagi Managi, then there is no doubt that there must be a lot of flaws in his dish, and even Nagi Nagi will never take a second bite after taking the next bite.

Even the first bite will be spit out directly, because the tongue of the two gods is not of the same grade at all.

Nagi Mangi's God's Tongue has been developed to the point of being completely out of control, and Erina Nagikiri's can only be said to be quite average in terms of development.

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