Chapter 0178 – The Red Card Appears! Race suspense regeneration!!!

When Jiang Hao scored, the referee also blew the whistle for the end of the first half

Whether in terms of the scene or the result, Atletico Madrid, playing at home, suffered a complete defeat against Chelsea.

Home dressing room.

Simeone roared angrily, “You two-stood!!” What the hell is going on!! ”

“Defend!! Defend!! Give me all your eyes on football!! ”

“I don’t want to see that teenager from the East score again!!”

“If he dares to catch the ball again in the second half, give me a tackle!! Shovel hard for labor!!……”

Simeone was utterly furious.

Let’s be honest.

Simeone had never been so angry.

The players of Atletico Madrid on the side could only bow their heads and remain silent, not daring to make any eye contact with Simeone.

Inside, there was laughter.

It’s clear.

Manager Jose Mourinho was extremely pleased with the performance of the Chelsea players in the first half.

He didn’t even make tactical adjustments at halftime… Fifteen minutes later.

In the second half, it was easy to fight again.

Chelsea started the kick-off.

Now that the score between the two teams is 3-1, Chelsea not only have the lead but also three away goals, and for Chelsea, they only need to keep the score until the end of the game.

So after the start of the second half.

Chelsea are not in a hurry to attack.

Mourinho asked his disciples to voluntarily give up the ball and then shrunk the defense.

Fiftieth minute of the game.

Madrid’s tricks began to press hard.

After receiving the football, Turan used his sharp dribbling technique at his feet to pass the interference of Willian and Frank Lampard in midfield!!

Directly into the hinterland of Chelsea, the top position of the arc of the big penalty area!! Fortunately.

At the crucial moment, the defensive midfield titan and the new signing Matic introduced in the winter transfer market immediately appeared in front of Turan!!

Nemanja Matic is physically strong.

He’s very good at using his strengths.

and did not reach out to tackle the ball, but directly engaged in a physical confrontation with Turan…

Due to the obvious physical gap between the two players, Turan could only hurriedly pass the football to the young midfielder, Cork!!

The surroundings of the latter happened to be unguarded.

Cork decisively crosses 45 degrees!!

The first time the war burned in the Chelsea penalty area!! Near the penalty spot,

Atletico Madrid is beautiful, Diego Costa jumps high!!

Rely on the advantage of height and bouncing power.

Beat the veteran central defender Terry!! Forcibly completed the head-shaking attack!! Bang!!!

A crisp sound of hitting the pillar came into the ears.

Atletico Madrid almost scored!!

Chelsea, who escaped, responded immediately.

Petr Cech’s first hand was handed over to Cesar Azpilicueta on the left.

The latter went straight to the ball and found Hazard, who was also located on the wing!!

Hazard did not perform well in the last Premier League game, and in this game, Hazard naturally held a breath in his heart and wanted to prove his strength.

This time.

When Eden Hazard received the football, there was no hesitation at all.

Immediately start accelerating in the middle position!!

Like a blue meteor, it quickly rushed into the top of the arc of the opponent’s big penalty area.

Atletico Madrid’s defenders saw this.

Naturally, he did not dare to be careless.

Two backers, Cork and Gabi, also appeared in front of Hazard from the left and right sides!!

After the latter saw this.

Instead of continuing the pass, he chose to keep going!!

I saw that Hazard made a trip with his right foot and successfully entered the restricted area!! At this moment.

The pressure came to the Atletico Madrid players.

In fact, Atletico Madrid is a team that is good at defense, especially the two central defenders, Miranda and Godin!!

After seeing this, the two players saw this.

Strike decisively!!

At this moment, the two central defenders are like a wall.

appeared in front of Adjara!!

Although the individual ability of Hazard is quite strong, there are more strong players among the strong!!

When Miranda and Godin appear in front of Hazard at the same time,

This Chelsea super breakaway doesn’t have any chances!! That’s it.

Under the pocket of the two stars of Atletico Madrid, Hazard lost the ball! Next second.

Godin didn’t talk nonsense, directly made a long pass, and accurately found the beauty of the front court!!

Diego Costa snatched the football and immediately returned it to Villa!! Followed Huluwa Villa on the line of the big penalty area, decisively raised his foot and shot angrily!! Boom~~

This time, Chelsea’s defence took a slight nap and allowed Atletico Madrid to find an opportunity!!

Villa, as Spain’s most goal-efficient striker ever, as long as he is given the opportunity, then basically nine times out of ten, he can score!!

In this moment…

After receiving the beauty of the event, Villa did not hesitate and made a shot extremely decisively.

This sudden cold arrow made Chelsea’s goalkeeper Petr Cech also not react.

The football flew into the goal.

The score came to 3:2!!

There’s no denying that Villa is past the peak of his career, but a striker with a strong grasp like Villa must not give him a chance to shoot!!

Calderon Stadium stands.

Tens of thousands of fans began chanting Villa’s name.

At the same time, Madrid’s competitors also saw hope of equalizing the score!! When Chelsea’s players re-kicked off.

Immediately encountered the pressure of Atletico Madrid!! When Frank Lampard received the football.

Gabi and Cork and Turan, three players appeared in front of the magic lamp.

And then…… Directly formed the encirclement,

Lampard was not given any passing opportunities at all.

It took only three seconds.

Ma Jing’s midfield successfully completed the tackle.

Sixty minutes into the game, Atletico Madrid, who are playing at home, suddenly began to gain momentum!!

This made the Chelsea players obviously a little uncomfortable.

After Lampard was robbed, he was naturally embarrassed and angry, and counter-robbed as soon as possible! To prevent his opponents from counter-attacking, Frank Lampard made a tackle directly from behind.


When Frank Lampard tackles Cork from behind, the referee also immediately blew the whistle for a foul!!

And then.

Without saying a word.

Straight from the pocket of my blouse, I pulled out a red card!! At this moment, everyone’s are dumbfounded.

Especially the parties, Lampard saw that the referee showed him a red card, and immediately ran to the referee, constantly explaining what it was…

Xilang Sports Live Broadcast Room.

Zhan Jun was also very surprised to explain: “Red card?? The referee’s penalty this time is a little too harsh! ”

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