"Pigs advance, pigs advance, pigs advance!!!"

Um... so noisy.

I pulled the quilt to the top of my head and buried myself in the warm quilt. Unexpectedly, the door was kicked open in the next second: "Ichigo - don't sleep, get up and fight with me!"


"One guardian, one guardian!"



"It's so noisy!" I jerked up and sat up straight, "Waking up before the sun rises is a blasphemy against the sun—and, who is Ichigo? My name is Ichito!"

"Good heart!"


I decided to respond to his expectations and have a big fight with him.

But thinking in my heart is one thing, and taking action is another. After I wake up, I just want to ask the other person about the specific situation in this world.

Inosuke saw that I had been slow to go out to fight, and kicked the door open again and walked in.

"Ah, just in time," I looked at the rumbling mushroom soup in the pot, "Want something to eat?"

The other party's stance that he was going to pick quarrels and stir up trouble immediately gave up. Although he argued a few words, he still sat down honestly, and obediently took the soup I handed over and drank it upside down.


I rubbed my eyes. There was no lotion in the mountains, and there was no place to put the lenses, so I slept with them all night. When I opened my eyes today, I didn't feel too uncomfortable.

There is no way to go on like this, so I simply took off the contact lenses slowly and threw them out the window.

Anyway, this is just a novel world, it doesn't matter if I expose my eyes... Just as I was thinking about it, I found that Inosuke was staring at me all the time, and the soup in his hand was dripping down because of the improper posture of holding the bowl.

It seems that even the novel world will be surprised by the existence of Baiyan.

I stretched out my hand and shook it in front of his eyes, who knew that the other party suddenly grabbed my wrist and pressed my arm down, his green eyes were full of surprise: "Your eyes have changed color, how did you do it, tell me quickly, Ben The uncle has to play it too!"

Me: "This... needs some special props."

"What props, give me one too!"


"Hey, are you listening to me, Isshin Hyuga!"

"...It's Hyuga Ichito!!!"

In the end, I suppressed his excitement because it was a specialty of my hometown, and Inosuke looked a little disappointed.

My heart softened, I went to him and comforted: "I will bring you a copy when I go home next time."

What a big deal, I will be ok if I buy the color contact lenses and let me wear the book again.

"Your soup is all spilled, I'll go and refill it for you." After that, I turned around and filled him a bowl of mushroom soup and brought it to him, "Speaking of which, what would you like to have at noon?"

"If you are in the mountains, you can only eat game. The fish you ate yesterday must be changed today, um... I'll go out and catch a pheasant or a hare later, but it's not very nutritious to eat these alone, or I'll go get some more. Make honey fruit tea with honey, Einosuke, what kind of fruit do you like?"

After I said these words to myself, I looked at Inosuke, not knowing what was going on, the latter's expression was a little dazed, and there were soft, soft bubbles floating around him.


"...Ah," Inosuke just woke up, "Whatever, whatever!"

Immediately afterwards, he put the boar's headgear on his head, and rushed out as if he was running away.


Did I say something wrong?

Inosuke's mood remained the same for a while. When it was almost noon, he reappeared and said that he wanted to compete with me on who hunted more animals. I was almost used to his character, so I went with him without a word.

Inosuke's way of hunting is the same as that of wild beasts. No matter what kind of creature the opponent is, just rush up and do it. At his insistence, I can only go hunting in another direction.

The food resources in the mountains are still quite rich. After catching a few game, I returned the same way, and Inosuke was already waiting in front of the cabin.

"One, two, three, four... Haha, I have one more than you!"

Looking at Inosuke's elated appearance, I always have a kind of mentality of the head of a kindergarten in mystical kindergarten where my child is cheering for some small achievements, and his mood is also getting better.

So, I raised my arm and put my hand on his pig head: "Well, Inosuke is great."


"Want to eat braised or steamed for lunch, oh yes, don't throw away the rest of the animal skin, I'll see if I can sew a quilt out, the one you're covering is too thin." gift in return.

Small bubbles appeared around Inosuke again, he was stunned for a while, and then suddenly shouted: "Yes, **** it - don't make me feel light again, Hyuga Ichigo!"

"It's Hyuga Kazuki—forget it, Ichigo, Ichigo."

I have given up struggling.

During lunch, Inosuke said to me with rice in his mouth, "Hey Ichigo, what are your fingers made of, why does my body hurt so much after poking me last time?"

"It's made of meat," I replied after eating a piece of hare meat, "that's our family's secret technique, the scientific name is acupuncture.


"There are 720 acupuncture points on the human body. Generally speaking, pressing acupuncture points is only used to treat diseases. However," I paused, drank a mouthful of vegetable soup and continued, "acupuncture points also Harmful and harmless, my ancestors turned acupuncture into combat, focusing on the acupuncture points that are crucial to the human body, cutting off their energy transmission from the inside of the body, causing damage to the meridians. In this way, although the surface does not bleed, it has already fundamentally It deprives the opponent of the possibility of fighting."

Inosuke didn't say anything, just continued stuffing food into his mouth... Seriously, there are not many people who look so wild and beautiful online.

After dinner, I packed up my things a little, and then went down the mountain under the pretext of going for a walk to digest my food.

At least figure out what this place is.

In the old forest deep in the mountains, only Inosuke lives alone, and the foothills are also sparsely populated. I searched for a while with my eyes open before I found a family.

The host told me that this is Mount Otake in Okutama County, Tokyo, and it was the Taisho era. My first reaction at that time was—this novel was actually created in the real world? !

"Don't you even know about this?" The man's name was Xiaozhi, and he looked at me with strange eyes, "A stranger?"

I replied without blushing and heartbeat: "Yes, I came from the other side of the mountain."

Hearing this, the other party's expression suddenly changed.

He looked left and right for a while, and quickly pulled me aside: "Have you ever met a weirdo wearing a boar hood?"

I was about to nod my head, but in the end I shook my head.

"Huh, that's fine, that's fine."

He piqued my curiosity: "Did that weirdo do anything outrageous to you?"

"It's more than excessive, it's just a loss of conscience!" Xiaozhi became excited, "You know, he—"

"Xiaozhi, who are you talking to?" A woman's voice came from the room.

"Ah, it's alright, just a little girl asking for directions," he replied inside, then looked at me, "Don't say it, don't you have to hurry, if you want to reach the town before dark, you must leave immediately. Row."

"That's right, thank you, uncle."

"...Just call me big brother!"

After I left, I could still hear Xiaozhi's exhortation from a distance: "If you encounter that weird person, you must take a detour!"

Thanks for the advice...sadly late.

Back on the mountain, I found that Inosuke was jabbing at the trunk of the tree hard, and said with a ruthless force: "What did this tree do to you that you hate it so much?"

"I'm trying to decipher your acupuncture technique!"

Poke poke poke poke.

"No, that, I don't want to discourage your enthusiasm, but... Forget it," I actually wanted to ask him how he came to the conclusion that he had to poke the tree first to crack the soft fist, "Today I'm going down the mountain. I turned around and saw an uncle named Xiaozhi, do you know him?"

"Huh, I seem to know each other." Inosuke changed his hand and continued to poke and poke.

"Have you had contact?"

"I went to his house for dinner when I was young. He was disrespectful to me. I beat him up and then occupied his house."

...At first, I thought that Xiaoji's reaction was too much, but now it's not easy to see the other party.

"Okay!" Inosuke suddenly shouted, then turned to face me, "I have cracked your family secret technique, come and fight me!"

I was still stunned, he had already rushed over, so scared that I hurriedly dodged to the side, but the former could not stop the car due to inertia, and crashed directly into the wooden house that was not very strong.

I just heard the hut rumbling and collapsed.

I froze in place, and it took me a long time to realize what happened: "—Inosuke, you idiot!!!"

I finally set up the front of the hall!

I have a hard time washing the ingredients!

The fur quilt I managed to get into shape!

Give me back my hard work!

No, calm down Ichigo Hinata, ah no, Ichito Hinata, this house was built by Inosuke himself, he must be more uncomfortable than me now...

"Hahahahaha, this uncle is so amazing that he knocked down the house all of a sudden, hahahahahaha!"

...that's weird!

That afternoon, I originally wanted to go to the mountains to see if I could be lucky enough to encounter a murder case, so I rolled up my sleeves, tied my hair into a high ponytail, and straddled the board with iron nails, trying to fix the broken Wall" pieced together.

I didn't let Inosuke intervene. I was afraid that he would smash the assembled materials when he was excited. I'm afraid it would be me who would make the murder case...

Hey wait, in this case, if I capture myself, can I return to the real world?

Repairing the house is a big project, and it wasn't fully repaired until night fell. Inosuke and I could only sleep outside, looking at the sky full of stars, and that dangerous thought resurfaced in my heart... No, no, this is a crime, you Calm me down!

Inosuke took off the hood, he lay on the ground, looked up at the sky and said, "By the way, I haven't asked where you came from."

He had never seen anyone else in the mountains before, but now that I suddenly appeared and refused to leave, it was only natural for him to ask.

"From Yokohama, here to investigate a case," I put my arms behind my head, "By the way, Inosuke, since you have been living in the mountains, have you noticed anything wrong here, or , do you think there is any problem here?"

"Of course there is."

"what? What?"

"My question is, why is Mr. Inosuke so perfect!"


Inosuke was suddenly upset: "Hey, Ichigo, why are you suddenly silent? Am I right?"


"It's no use pretending to be asleep, I know you're still awake!"


"Hey, I don't care about you," Inosuke turned over, "I will definitely fall asleep before you!"

About ten minutes later, there was a slight snoring next to me, and I opened my eyes with mixed feelings.

Hey, where is the murder case...

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