
Chapter 10


I was able to calm down a little.
Since there is no way to help my situation I at least want to do something to become more comfortable.












Kyska is astonishing.
Her ability to perceive and how she concludes is top.
I just wish she wouldn't talk as if I'm not here.

Next, Kyska is settling herself opposite me at the table.
I try to start with an introduction.


"HieeEk, HiieEE, Hieeelk!" (E)


It seems because I've got accustomed to these creaks my ability decreased.
This will be a hard piece of work.




The one time I would wish for these creatures to lie.


"HieElk; hieell; hiell; hieellloo! Myeee; myiie; mye, my! Neeek; neEmk; neEm; neameE; namee! IeeEks, ieEtz; ies; is! EEeeryEEEs; EEerieEs; Eeryies; Eryes; Erys! Heello mye namee ies Erys!" (E)


I'm panting now.
This is really hard.
It is so prone to derail if you aren't totally focused.




Devastating honest this insect.


"Ieeet ies ea; a biiet; biit! Buuit; buut; but mooorreee beEcauuseee peeEeopleE; peeoplee mieeeght beeEcomE; beecome sceeea;scaaeerr; scaareed." (E)


I won't go away from this.
I made too many concessions.
My voice I want back!




She starts with weird shifting around her mandibles.


"Screak, scree, seE; IeeE, Iee, ceeE, ceaen, tuo." (S)




Her logic has no obvious flaws.
I never said that I don't want to meet people in the future.
It might become difficult, yet if not for the wings and the stinger there are no obvious inhuman traits.
If I can somehow cover those I might be seen as normal.
Also, it would help me when I'm training to recover my ability to talk normally if the other party could talk normally as well.






Suki was right.
I don't have a choice in this.
It happens on its own without me having control over anything.
I can only comply or kill myself.
But killing me is no option.

Also, this treatment feels somewhat nice to my strained body.
And it was straining.
It sipped at me.
It all feels so mechanical, automated.
They emerge are taken away and taken care of until they hatch.
Then they will act in some kind of role.


I stay unresponsive for a while, but they don't stop their treatment.
They keep on going, feeling that I'm still in a bad state.
I feel so terrible thinking about my situation and how to cope with it.

However, those two seem nice.
It's not as if they bear any direct fault for my situation.
As frightening their looks where at first, they are devoted.
It feels like affection to me.
However, I'm afraid if this is just a role they play to the convenient thing.





Knowing Kyska this is maybe the greatest concession she could make.
The queen is absolute to her and then I am like this in her view.




So they only have this one job.




Everything so that I am kept ready, huh?

I am put into this tub.
I notice this time consciously how I sink in, below the surface of this weird substance.
First, it is a little frightening, as the other times my mouth stayed free in the beginning, but I note fast that I can still breathe fine in that stuff.
That must have been the case since the first time.
The two make sure that all parts of me are properly drowned and I fast fall into sleep.

This was all too much.

And I really need a break.


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