
Chapter 47


I still clearly remember the way to the nursery.
That's not too hard, since the whole hive is designed with that giant pillar that contains it at its center.
I think this is because the babies are completely defenseless and could fall prey to any kind of burrowing predator.
The wide vacant space around the pillar makes it impossible for them to enter from the sides and the top and bottom are thoroughly patrolled.
A princess on the other side is by no means defenseless and always under tight personal watch.
Such a single entity doesn't need as many guards as this whole structure in comparison.
And in case of a greater attack, it's better when the princesses are in a position where they can escape on their own.
Meanwhile, the brood can't be moved this easily, so they might have to be left behind.

Yet now I grow a little anxious.
This understanding of the hive's structure was not my own idea, but rather an ingrained instinct.
It would make sense that a princess knows how to build a base if she is ever going to found one.




I think it might be better to speak in insect speech with mum to make her feel like that condition isn't abnormal.






If anyone should know about the procedures there, then the elite nurse, who was assigned to me.





Oh, wonderful.
No more having secrets from my mother.




Sounds convincing.
No one likes it when you mess up their work or insult their mothers.
And the hive is certainly not the right place to call for a revolution.





< As I said, she was a strange one, but I wouldn't say that she acted with malicious intent.> (F)


(nurse 2)


Well, these insects at least never do anything unnecessary.
Mum goes to one of these pods and as soon she comes close promptly clamps her nose.


(nurse 3)


Oh, a cheery younger one.
I would compare her to Suki.




(nurse 3)


Mum should hurry to explain this to her because it feels as this nurse might any moment implode as confused she is.



(nurse 3)


(nurse 1)


(nurse 1)


(nurse 3)


(nurse 3)

(nurse 2)


Mum realizes that she stopped working while talking and immediately tends back to the pod where she took the larvae from.
There she starts to scope its contents out, using an earthen vessel, and pours it in some kind of drainage.
The first nurse is still close to her.


(nurse 2)


(nurse 2)



(nurse 2)


Right now their working chatter becomes very embarrassing for me.
But it seems mum is getting along with her colleagues.
So I should leave now, to avoid bothering them any further.
And to escape their gossiping.


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