Fortunately, the Main Line is at Hogwarts

Chapter 121 Beast Legion (Part 1)

Civet, a very rare magical creature, has the highest level of danger. It has the magical characteristic of splitting when attacked, whether it is a magical attack or a physical attack.

They are the guards of the French Ministry of Magic, and generally very few infiltrators can escape from their siege.

The leopard in front of him is obviously not a civet, a leopard is not a cat, and it is not a cat leopard, but it has the unique magical characteristics of a civet, which is the trouble with Scar's beast army.

They have been baptized by the magic of reversing time and space, and it seems that some kind of magic traces remain on them, turning them into magical creatures.

In other words, before the reversal of time and space, the more ordinary existence, after the reversal of time and space, the more this magical power will be obtained.

For example, Gaston, an ordinary man who is a muscular man, and beasts such as Scar.

Witches such as Theodora, Maleficent, and Godo will not get this kind of benefit, and even the former will temporarily lose their magic power as the price of casting spells.

[Discovered target: Scar's Beast Legion]

[Name: Black Panther Geddon]

[Challenge level: 18]

[Agility: 750]

[Remember: it is dangerous. ]

[Remember 2: Compared to before. ]

[Remember 3: Because it seems to have the ability of a civet, do you know what a civet is? ]

The clothes around Charles' waist slowly deformed, and he used the transfiguration technique to turn into a scabbard. The mithril long sword returned to its sheath. He patted the bleeding black horse that was still whining.


he whispered.

As a product of Transfiguration, although the injury looks serious, it is actually just a show.

Following Charles' whisper, it stomped its front hooves lightly, then kicked its hind hooves hard, and rushed out like a sharp arrow. It started very fast, and it almost turned into an afterimage in the blink of an eye, like the wind. Run wildly out of the forest.


The black panther let out a stern roar, followed the movement of the black horse, and also turned into an afterimage, accelerating crazily. Its speed was also not slow. As a leopard creature, short-distance sprinting was its strong point.

At the same time, at this moment, the entire forest seemed to come alive.



Countless shiny lights emerged from the darkness, dark green, dark purple, they were pairs of eyes, the pupils of beasts.

The forest rustled, and there seemed to be countless sharp arrows passing through it, and the black shadows flashed past, as if making people feel that what they saw was just an illusion.

In the darkness, a lion exuding a gloomy aura gently crouched behind a rock. It looked at Charles who was running out of the forest on horseback, and said coldly.


This time, it finally sounded like the king of beasts.

But unfortunately, this momentum only lasted for less than half a second, because the next moment, on a certain big tree, a long-billed parrot flapped its wings and repeated with the same tone as Scar.

"Catch up and kill him!"


Charles lowered his body and put his whole body on the horse's back. The trees on both sides were retreating rapidly, and sometimes only blurred afterimages could be seen.

He could hear the rustling sound coming from behind, it was the army of beasts chasing after him.

Scar's beast army is not easy to deal with. When the Red Queen's poker and chess pieces army, Sugar Plum Fairy's Nutcracker, and Theodora's flying monkey army are not in place, Scar's beast army is the main force in the early stage. A beast is a boss.

According to the normal game flow, at Char's current level, it is absolutely impossible to single out the entire beast army, and it is even dangerous to face the previous black panther alone.

5x dangerous magical creatures are no joke, there are some creatures that even Dumbledore would have a hard time dealing with.

Of course, like Newt Scamander, knowing the characteristics, characteristics, and weaknesses of magical creatures can be comforted by means other than magic.

But the problem is that there are many magical creatures that don't have obvious characteristics that can be used, or, even if they have, that characteristic is fatal to humans.

This is a magical creature of level 5x.

In the normal game process, if you encounter the plot of the Princess Alliance in the first grade, you need to defeat the Scar Legion one by one, and you may need to use external forces.

This means that Shire needs to give up the fairy wand, which will be taken by Termani, making her one of the later bosses.

But now it's not in the game. Although Ciel's level is still very low, his skills have broken through the level limit. He doesn't need to learn magic as the level increases as in the game, and do it step by step.

He has everything under control now.

And to a wizard, magic is power.


A horse cannot outrun a leopard.

Accompanied by the heat and howling, Charles saw that the black panther was still chasing after him, and even got close to the horse's tail.


Seeing that it only needed a big jump to hang onto the horse's leg, Charles had to raise his wand again and shoot a red light at it.

But facing Charles' spell, not only did the two black panthers not dodge, but they bumped into each other in a tacit understanding, as if they were waiting for Charles to attack them so that they could divide again.

There were still two black panthers on the ground, and the expected split into four did not occur. Instead, they were separated by the black horse again because they adjusted their direction to meet Charr's magic.

Looking at each other in confusion, the two black panthers could only try to catch up again.

Charles knew that it had the characteristics of a civet, so of course he would not attack it, it was just a trick that looked like a spell.

It has no effect at all.

After crossing a fallen tree and throwing off the black panther, the black horse began to run faster and faster, and even Charles could vaguely see the edge of the forest through magic.


But at this moment, he suddenly heard a voice similar to Apparition.

Charles' gaze immediately wandered away.

Before looking for the Scar Legion, Ciel used metaphorical magic to temporarily add dark vision to himself. Even though the forest was extremely dark, it still couldn't trouble him.


A slight hissing sound occurs.

It's a snake.

There is no such thing as a giant python or a big snake in the line of sight.

Maybe it's just a little snake.

But Charles still didn't take it lightly. After thinking for a while, he groped for a finger-length thin thread, wrapped it around the horse's ear, and lit one of them on fire.

Metaphor magic, detonation.

Detonation only needs a lead wire, which is always performed in movies.


The sound is getting closer.

Ciel was sure that a member of the Scar Legion should have stopped him, perhaps with the help of some kind of creature that could apparate.


In the next instant, Charles clearly saw a little purple snake slowly crawling out about ten meters ahead.

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