Freelance Artist

Chapter 459 Far ahead!

The same composition, different lyrics, finally formed two songs, which is a bit like "one fish and two meals".

But in fact, neither "Song of the Sunset" nor "Song of Thousands of Ques" is the original version of this composition.

The original version of the composition actually came from the notebook.

This shouldn’t surprise anyone. After all, anyone who has done some research on the Hong Kong Philharmonic knows:

Around the 1990s, covers of original songs in Hong Kong and Taiwan reached a peak period.

At that time, most of the Hong Kong and Taiwan music superstars had a few covers of Japanese songs, especially several national treasure-level singers such as Nakajima Miyuki, who were directly eliminated by Hong Kong and Taiwan.

No wonder everyone says:

Miyuki Nakajima supports most of the Chinese music scene.

In the 1990s, this was a fact of life.

In fact, because of this incident, Wong Ka Kui once publicly expressed ridicule and anger. He said that there is no music in Hong Kong's music scene, only entertainment.

In the original public opinion, songs from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan were once jokingly called the "Chinese group".

The reason why I mentioned this specifically is mainly because the song "The Easily Injured Woman" written by Lin Zhibai for Li Xiao will be released at eight o'clock in the evening.

The source of this song is Miyuki Nakajima of this book!

Lin Zhibai couldn't help but think that if Blue Star also had Miyuki Nakajima, then she must be a top songwriter, and a top singer-songwriter with both songwriting and singing abilities!

Because Nakajima Miyuki has had a habit since her debut:

I insist on singing my own works and basically never cover them, except for a few exceptions.

For example, some songs were written by Miyuki Nakajima and composed by Juri Goto.

It can be said that Miyuki Nakajima is a singer who insists on pure originality and achieves the ultimate.

It is for this reason that Miyuki Nakajima can support most of the artists in the Chinese music industry. You must know that many well-known singers became famous by covering her songs.

Also known as……

Although Miyuki Nakajima is of Japanese nationality, she can be regarded as a godmother-level existence in the Chinese music scene.

that's all.

Come eight o'clock in the evening.

Li Xiao's performance was written by Lin Zhibai, but actually originated from Miyuki Nakajima. "The Easily Wounded Woman" which helped Faye Wong become famous after it was translated into Chinese in her previous life, has been officially released!

Because Lin Zhibai specifically mentioned:

Li Xiao's song is his last song of the season.

Therefore, both Lin Zhibai's fans and some netizens paying attention to the new song list have high expectations for this song!

At the same time the song was released, countless people clicked and listened to it immediately.

"As people get drunker and get deeper into the night, how close we are at this moment, our thoughts seem to be shaking, and the contradictions are getting deeper; the heart that was once broken allows you to get closer today, so many comforts and questions are secretly reborn..."

Some songs need to be listened to several times to feel the charm.

And some songs are inherently ear-catching and can move the audience in an instant.

There is no doubt that "Easily Wounded Woman" is such a song, especially the chorus!

"It's hard to control my feelings, but I am actually an extremely vulnerable woman. Please cherish my heart if it comes or goes suddenly. If you understand that I will continue to be passionately in love with this easily injured woman, don't wait, please kiss me passionately at this moment..." …”

Li Xiao's voice is of course different from Faye Wong's.

However, there are some similarities in certain characteristics, probably the sound characteristics that are also relatively ethereal, but also have a sense of story.

Otherwise, Lin Zhibai would not have thought of giving this song to Li Xiao.

You know, it's not just that the songs Lin Zhibai gave them were so successful in their previous lives, but they will definitely become popular if they are given to anyone to sing in this life.

Most popular songs usually have to meet the compatibility requirements between the singer and the song.

Faye Wong and "Easily Wounded Woman" fit perfectly, so she became a hit.

Li Xiao's compatibility with this song is equally good, so he was able to impress the audience immediately!

Fortunately, Lin Zhibai has a very accurate vision in this regard——

At least since Lin Zhibai's debut, he has basically never had any problems arranging certain songs for certain people.

After listening to this song.

Li Xiao's not-so-large fan base in Qizhou was very moved!

Not only was I moved by the song itself, but I was also moved by Lin Zhibai's ability to take such good care of Li Xiao.

Someone also made a special analysis:

"Teacher Bai Di didn't favor one over the other. The quality of the songs he gave to Qinzhou's friends were all of a very high standard. He didn't say he was obviously partial to anyone. The most important thing is that these songs all fit well with the singers. Gao, I guess it was tailor-made by Lin Zhibai according to the style of these friends."

With analysis.

The song's reputation has also come out.

Word-of-mouth is mainly reflected in the song comment area and Lin Zhibai’s live broadcast room.

"The last song of the season by The Richest Man. Just listening to the verse makes me feel like I'm enjoying a bath in my ears. The chorus even makes me excited. I really like Li Xiao's ethereal and sad song. Voice.”

"It is indeed the finale of the season for the richest man!"

"Compared with most of the songs on the list, this song is far ahead. No, it should be said that the creative strength of the richest man is far ahead of his peers!"

"The richest man is also far ahead in the new song chart!"

"This song expresses the helpless feeling of a woman who is often hurt in love but can't help but look forward to love. Conflict and sorrow are the feelings of this song... What I am curious about now is whether a rich man, a big man, writes this kind of Why are songs with a bit of bitterness from a woman's perspective so easy to pick up?"

"Hahaha, this is not the first time that the richest man has written a song from a female perspective."

"The richest man can not only write songs from a woman's perspective, but also directly express a woman's voice. How can you explain this!"

"It can only be said that there are such monsters with extraordinary talents in the world."

"There are so many things that cannot be explained about the richest man. Compared with his ability to write songs from a female perspective, his ever-changing voice, his skills that seem to have been born in his mother's womb, his proficiency in poetry, painting, and calligraphy, this kind of You monster, don’t try to use conventional methods to analyze it, as the analysis will not yield results.”

The market will not mistreat good songs.

Along with the good reputation of "Easily Injured Woman", the download volume of this song also soared rapidly!

The recommendations of this song by major music software are also specially marked:

This song is the last song Lin Zhibai composed this season!

He was really drained!

Perhaps it’s because the gimmick of “Lin Zhibai’s last song of the season” is indeed very topical.

Although Li Xiao is not popular in Qizhou, after boarding Lin Zhibai's express train, the number of downloads of this song can be said to be getting higher and higher!

In just one night, "Easily Wounded Woman" rushed to the tenth place!

The second day.

This song became more and more courageous, rushing to ninth, rushing to eighth, rushing to seventh, and finally rushed towards the sixth position!

Master Jiu broke into a cold sweat.

Is Lin Zhibai’s last song of the season so powerful?

The quality of my "Sun" is definitely very good. Although it can't be said to be my peak work, under normal circumstances, winning the first place on the new song chart would be stress-free!

As a result, I met Lin Zhibai this month who was trying to set a record!

I originally wanted to finish fifth overall, at least "top five" sounded good to my ears, but I was so beaten by "Under the Fuji" that I had no choice but to finish sixth.

But now looking at the opponent's posture, he didn't even leave the sixth place to himself?

This is too much!

I am a senior after all!

Do you know how to respect the old and love the young?

It's a pity that the complaints in Master Jiu's heart cannot stop the overall situation.

Now the whole Internet is paying attention to Lin Zhibai, his performance on the new song list is really dazzling!

So now, as long as the quality of Lin Zhibaifa's songs is good enough, the public will immediately place him in a corresponding position!

As a result, two days after the song was released, the new song chart changed drastically again!

First: The crime of not being romantic

Second: I like you

Third: Midnight Serenade

Fourth: Break up with good intentions

Fifth: At the foot of Mount Fuji

Sixth: Women who are easily injured

Seventh: Sun

Eighth: Love Story Part 1

Ninth: Follow

Tenth: I like you (Qiye version)

Before comparison, it can be seen that Lin Zhibai's "Superstar in Troubled Times" fell out of the top ten. After all, that song was at the bottom of the top ten before.

Anyway, "The Easily Wounded Woman" has been added.

And it was a reinforcement, and it went straight to sixth place on the new song list. Even Lord Jiu was pushed down a notch!

As for the seventh master and the eighth master, they naturally lost one of them.

Especially Qi Ye, whose "Like You" is now at the bottom of the top ten!

If you hadn't been paying attention to the list all the time, you would definitely feel that this scene at this moment is very unreal:

The new song written by Master Qi can still be in the top five no matter how bad it is!

How could he be reduced to being in the top ten?

Master Qi was helpless.

What can he do? He is also in despair. He can only blame Lin Zhibai for being so fierce this month!

The only thing worth celebrating is:

Although Lin Zhibai is fierce, he has his limits. He finally ran out of songs!

This also means that although my "Like You" is ranked tenth, it is still in the top ten.

If it falls out of the top ten, it will be a real loss of face!

In the small group of the three giants in the Qizhou music scene, Ba Ye also lamented: "The current structure of the top ten should be the final result."

Master Qi: "Well, if he does another song, I can't even wait to be in the top ten."

Jiuye: "It's impossible. This is already his last song. Young people nowadays just don't know moderation. They can sing so many good songs in one go for a record. Even though they can win the highest honor this season." Brilliant, but it doesn’t pay off in the long term.”

Master Jiu's words were not meant to be harsh.

It's really not cost-effective. Good songs should be released slowly. Concentrating on releasing songs will lead to a lack of success in the future, and there is a risk of drying up the lake.

However, Master Jiu only misjudged one thing:

For Lin Zhibai, he has too many good songs.

Countless Qizhou netizens also lamented this. Everyone felt that happiness came too suddenly this season——

"In the past, I could only find one or two good songs a season."

"This season, I have a dozen more songs in my collection. Can you believe it!?"

"Haha, because the top ten songs in the previous charts were usually the top three songs, which are worth listening to several times. This time, let alone the top three songs, start listening from the top twenty. There is no bad song. , and even most of them will amaze you!”

"It all depends on Lin Zhibai!"

"I just did some calculations. The classic Qiyu songs that Lin Zhibai contributed this season alone can match the lifetime efforts of countless composers in Qizhou. After all, he is truly a classic in the capital..."

"Now the top six are all Lin Zhibai's songs!"

"This seems to be a brand new record, right?"

"I remember in the previous wave of Master Jiu Conferring Gods, the only song that wasn't his was ranked sixth."

"From this perspective, Lin Zhibai's performance this season is not weaker than Master Jiu back then!"

In the Qizhou music scene.

Jiuye is considered a myth among people in the industry.

In everyone's opinion, Master Jiu's peak achievements may not even be replicated by him now.

And now that Lin Zhibai has been born, his achievements this season are no less than Jiuye. Everyone in the Qizhou music world has a shuddering feeling of seeing through the fog of history and witnessing the birth of a new god with their own eyes!


Although Lin Zhibai has not yet achieved his ultimate goal, he has now become a god in the hearts of his colleagues in Qizhou!

It's a pity that Lin Zhibai wants more than just this level of honor.

Lin Zhibai smiled after noticing that "The Easily Wounded Woman" successfully pushed Jiuye's songs down a notch.

Next, Qin Lian will be invited to appear and take Master Jiu's song to a higher level.

As the saying goes, "warm water boils a frog."

Lin Zhibai felt that if Jiuye's ranking dropped out of the top ten, it might not cause him to have too much rebellious psychology.


Now that things have happened, Lin Zhibai feels that even if Jiuye really wants to cause trouble, it will be difficult for him to succeed. After all, although he has many songs on the list, if he picks one out of the first six, it will definitely be a golden song level classic!

What is worth mentioning is:

Lin Zhibai alone occupied the top six seats on the new song chart.

All major music software platforms have begun to arrange special collection recommendations for him.

People carry people in sedan chairs. This is the logic that the strong will always be strong and the winners will take all. The rich will only get richer. The publicity and exposure Lin Zhibai has received is now the best among the best.

In gaming terms…

Lin Zhibai now is version T0!

Whoever can hitch a ride on Lin Zhibai's car will win!

This has also resulted in many unknown Qizhou celebrities recently wanting to invite Lin Zhibai to sing, almost pushing Shen Kun's threshold.

"Our representatives have been drained..."

The little secretary Wu Xuan could only keep these people away with a polite and polite smile.

After all, she also knew that her representative would never agree to such a thing. Those who wanted to buy songs from Lin Zhibai in the name of custom orders had already paid tens of millions of dollars!

I didn't see Lin Zhibai paying any attention to him.

However, just when everyone thought that "The Easily Injured Woman" was Lin Zhibai's last song of the season.

Today's live broadcast.

Lin Zhibai suddenly coughed and said: "Today I saw "Easily Injured Woman" rushing into the top six. I had been exhausted of ideas and suddenly had a burst of inspiration. I wrote a new song that is very interesting and has been released. Give it to Qin Lian."

There was a pause.

Lin Zhibai said: "The name of this song is "Favorite", and it will be my last song in the true sense of the season!"

audience:? ? ?

Netizen:? ? ?

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