From NPC To Overlord

Chapter 56: Fusion! Deadly Swordsmanship!

"Looks like you've reached the limit of your talent."

His [Upgrading Plus Points] natal talent can only improve the Mortal Realm Cultivation Technique at present. A Breathing Technique that comprehends the sense of qi will cultivate 300 years of internal strength. the limit of the law.

Gu Chong touched his chin and felt a little pity, he still wanted to get five hundred years of internal strength!

Don't look at the three-hundred-year-old inner strength that sounds intimidating, but the quality is definitely not as good as the innate qi.

Gu Chong reckoned that three hundred years of internal strength and one hundred years of innate qi would be enough.

So, he is still not strong enough.

At first, the experience value was 29w. It took 7w experience to deduce the Elephant Armor, and 10w experience to deduce the Tuna tactic. Now the experience value is still 12w. Keep working!

"The hard skills and internal skills have been added, and the next step is the light skills and martial arts!"

Qinggong now has two skills for Gu Chong, one is the flying feather light body art, and the other is the eight-step chasing cicada.

The trick of Piao Yu's light body lies in the word "light body", which can greatly enhance agility, while the eight-step rushing cicada focuses on short-distance bursts.

The two can complement each other and enhance Gu Chong's agility against the enemy.

For King Gou like Gu Chong, both light and hard skills are necessities. If you can't beat you and still can run, then if you can't beat and you can't run, then you're done!

In NPC mode, he has only one life!

Without hesitation, Gu Chong directly spent 6w experience points, deduced both Qinggong to the 20th floor, and increased his agility by 32 points.

Then he turned his attention to a few swordsmanships on his body.

He now has the "Golden Light Sword Technique", "Da Xumi Sword Technique", "Lightning Triple Thorn", "Eclipse Moon Sword Technique" and "Snow Mountain Sword Technique".

There are five swordsmanships in total.

There are too many swordsmanships, and sometimes he has trouble choosing which swordsmanship to use. It's time to solve this problem.


Gu Chong gave an order.

A ray of light flashed on the attribute panel, and the five swordsmanships disappeared at the same time, converging in one place to form a distorted chaos.

At this moment, he felt that five swordsmanship moves appeared in his mind at the same time, only the snow mountain swordsmanship had seventy-two moves.

A total of more than 200 sword moves kept appearing in his mind, as if a villain was using these sword moves back and forth, over and over again.

Slowly, the sword moves in the hands of the villain in his mind became more and more skilled, and the sword moves slowly began to be specious, and the sword moves of one type slowly merged in the hands of the villain.

There are fewer and fewer moves, but the power is increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

As the villain continued to practice back and forth, Gu Chong found that after each reincarnation, the number of sword moves the villain rehearsed in his mind would be a few less. Sword move.

Each of these nine sword moves is a fierce move, a dangerous move, and a killer move!

And the further back, the more powerful the power, the ninth form, the last form, after seeing the power of the villain's drill, Gu Chong felt chills all over his body, feeling that he was not 100% sure to take it!

After the nine-style swordsmanship practice was completed, the five swordsmanships on the attribute power panel also merged into a new swordsmanship.

Skills: Swordsmanship

Category: Swordsmanship

Grade: second-order top

Layering: nine layers

Status: Ninth Floor (Successful)

Introduction: Killing swordsmanship, tricks to kill! Contains nine ultimate moves, must see blood!

Boost (gray) / deduction (bright) / fusion (gray)

Because Gu Chong's previous swordsmanship was extremely high, once the swordsmanship was born, it was a perfect state.

Next, he invested 3w experience points to deduce the killing swordsmanship, and deduced the nine deadly swords into the thirteen deadly swords.

The power is greatly increased.

He threw the remaining more than 2w experience points into the snap fingers magic power and the green needle **** palm.

Directly elevate them to the realm of perfection.

The finger-snapping magical power can increase Gu Chong's long-range attack ability, and the jade palm is the best choice for Yin people.

Both exercises are of great use to him.

As for the Taixuan Jing, Gu Chong did not improve.

The "Tai Xuan Jing" mainly enhances the divine essence, and it can also help to understand the one orifice of the mysterious entrance. Improving the "Tai Xuan Jing" is of great benefit to the promotion of the innate.

However, there are also elements of luck and chance in comprehending the profound entrance. Even if Gu Chong puts in all the experience points, there is no guarantee that he will be promoted to innate within three days.

The experience value in the early stage is limited, and every point of experience value must be used on the blade. Naturally, he will not do such a thing depending on luck.

After some improvement, Gu Chong's strength has undergone earth-shaking changes. Just sitting on the bed, it's like a wild beast lurking there. Just a glance will make people shudder.

He restrained his breath, and the whole person became the same as usual again, the only difference might be that his temperament has changed, and his skin has become whiter.

In the past, he was just an ordinary handyman with a sallow face, but now he is a suave young man like a jade tree in the wind. Although he tried his best to restrain himself, he still had a faint air of stubbornness on his body, which could not be ignored.

"Right now, although I haven't broken through the innate, I can't mobilize the vitality of the world, but my strength should not be weaker than that of a late-stage innate warrior who has cultivated qi to become astral. I just don't know who is stronger or weaker than the little old man Wu Ming.

However, even if he can't take him down, he will never want to keep me. "

Putting on a piece of clothing at will, Gu Chong pushed open the door, entered the house in the wind, and washed away the odor in the house.

After cleaning up the filth in the house, he went to the place where he dined on the unknown island, but instead of the messenger canteen, he went to the canteen of the official members of the Invisible Man Organization.

The handyman's cafeteria didn't even have a meaty smell, so he couldn't fill his stomach at all.


It was noon now, and many people were sitting in the dining hall in twos and threes. When the other official members saw Gu Chong's, they all cast strange glances.

"Ten catties of beef, beef shank!"

Gu Chong found a place to sit down and said carelessly.

"You bastard! Even a little handyman would dare to sit with me, Zhao Kai!"

The thick-browed man opposite Gu Chong was furious, as if he had been greatly humiliated, and immediately slapped the table.

The Invisible Man has a strict organization. From Zhao Kai's point of view, Gu Chong's move is undoubtedly ignoring his superiority and inferiority, and he is also suspected of looking down on him. Otherwise, why would he dare to sit opposite him instead of other people?

"Hun Yuan Shou Zhao Kai? Never heard of it!"

Gu Chong shook his head, looking unhurried.

Everyone else in the dining hall turned their attention to this place with a playful look on their faces.

Someone who didn't think it was a big deal shouted, "It's because people look down on you, so why don't you give him some color!"

"Never heard of it? Very good!"

Zhao Kai laughed angrily, and slammed it on the table, a wine bowl had been pressed into the table, as if it had been embedded there.

Wine bowls and wooden tables are fragile things. To be able to do this, this palm strength is no trivial matter, at least making more than half of the people on the field look dignified.

Zhao Kai was trying to test Gu Chong. Although he was angry, he did not lose his mind.

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon on Wumingdao, and Gu Chong's spirit and energy are far beyond comparison, naturally he would not really treat Gu Chong as an ordinary handyman.

"What kind of skill is it to compete with the table!"

Gu Chong smiled, submerged his inner strength, and suddenly squeaked, the wine bowl originally embedded in the table unexpectedly jumped out automatically and hit Zhao Kai's face, leaving a red mark on the boss.

This kind of skill is much higher than Zhao Kai's.


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