Josson dispersed the thunder wrapped around his arms and helped 616 Peter, who was lying on the sofa, change into a comfortable position.

"Thanks, man, thank you for not bringing me another electrotherapy package," the middle-aged Peter from Universe 616 sighed with relief and quipped through the pain all over his body, "Of course, if you can bring me some healing medicine, then I will definitely be grateful." "

Under the torn suit was a bloody wound, some of which had been hit by high-energy weapons, and some had been cut and pierced by sharp weapons, which looked very shocking.

"How can Spider-Man's base be missing?"

Seeing this, Aunt Mei brought the medical kit as soon as possible.

"I'll help."

Jossen took the initiative to take the spider-colored medical kit from Aunt May's hand, and took out the wound medicine, alcohol, and bandages from it to help Peter deal with the wound.

"Bear with the pain, you're not lightly hurt."

"It's okay, these are just minor injuries, I think back then... Oh! I mean, man, maybe your bandaging technique could be improved?

"Of course, I haven't used these things much since my debut."

“...... Can I apply for that young lady to come and help me? "

An hour passed.

Based on a damaged USB stick provided by Miles, Penny and her spider companion work together to make a copy of a "key" capable of controlling the particle collider, and satisfactorily engrave her own stamp on the back of it.

With Aunt May's consent, Miles chose a suit for himself and 616 Peter, the latter can directly use the classic suit in red and blue colors, the polymer material used in the suit ensures that the figure can be worn out of shape, and his own suit is spray-painted in his favorite style.

Use black as the main color with a red cobweb pattern.

Shadow Spider-Man said it was great.

The arrival of the two also brings Josson the last fantasy card of the Spider Superpowers series.

[Fantasy Card: Spider Static

] [Card Type: Ability Card

] [Rarity: SR] [

Introduction: Spider Super Power, Spider-Man relies on it to fly on the wall. 【Effect

1: Adsorption Capacity】

【Control the interatomic interaction force (such as static electricity) at the molecular boundary, so that the body can be adsorbed to the surface of the object and quickly climb and move.

[Effect 2: Bioelectricity]

[Ultimate Spider-Man is better at controlling the electrical charge in his body and is able to control the electric current in battle. The

reason why I say this is the last one is because the stand-in immediately reminds Jossen that multiple cards can be fused.

【Fantasy Card: Spider Superpowers】×7【

Fusion!】 The

stand-in ability is activated, and the cards are fused!

[Fantasy Card: Spider Superpower

] [Card Type: Ability Card

] [Rarity: SSR] [

Introduction: As long as you wear a mask, both people and people can be Spider-Man. [

Effect 1: Spider Detection]

[1. Predict danger; 2. Spider time. [

Effect 2: Spider Physical Ability]

[1. Spider power (super strength, super long play); 2. Spider agility (super agility, silent action); 3. Spider endurance (super endurance, peak state); 4. Spider self-healing (self-healing factor, toxin immunity)

] [Effect 3: Spider static electricity] [

1. Adsorption capacity; 2. Biocurrent. [

Effect 4: Combat Expert]

[1. Fighting Master; 2. Proficient in firearms. The

power of the card is fused in the body, and Jossen's second SSR ability card is born.

What was originally a single bonus-based system has evolved into a complete superpower system, and the interlinkage between abilities has undergone an indescribable chemical reaction, and the effect has been multiplied.

After completing a breakthrough in the limit of racial growth, the body was fully strengthened like a volcanic eruption, and after that, Qiao Sen vaguely felt the existence of a bottleneck.

It's real, but it's not solid, as if it can be pierced with a little more force.

After spending a long time with Saitama, Qiao Sen is no stranger to the existence of the limiter, and he doesn't have much awe.

It's a big deal, it's a hot pot thing.

If one meal doesn't work, then two.

What's more, the current Jossen has not yet reached the real limit.

As if in response to his wishes, the stand-in delivered prompts in time.

[Normal-level attribute cards can no longer provide enhancement effects, and they need to be fused to use them.] [

Fusion formula: attribute N card× 10 = attribute R card]

"Hey, man, your name is Jossen, right?" Changing into a brand new suit, 616 Peter approached Jossen with a plate full of food, "Is it my delusion? It feels like you're not the same as before.

Qiao Sen pointed not far away: "Is it the same as that kid?"

On the other side of the base, Miles solemnly changed into his suit and carefully examined every detail.

"That's right, it's a feeling, it's hard to describe in words."

616 Peter leaned on the coffee table, munching on the sandwich that Aunt May had prepared in advance, and the injuries on his face had recovered.

"His words probably found his own way, and I integrated my own strength." Qiao Sen clenched his fists, and the green tendons on his arms appeared, "Sometimes it's not a good thing to have too many things.

616 Peter nodded in agreement as he ate, "You're right.

"Can you tell me what happened to you?" Jossen asked, "Gwen said before that Miles didn't have a long time to get superpowers, but his performance after coming to the base is definitely not a rookie. "

Well, what do you say..."616 Peter hesitated for a moment, and whispered back, "As we left, we ran into Miles' uncle... He's a prowler, serving Kim, and that was before of course! To help us escape, Miles' uncle ends up betraying Kim and..."

"Okay, I see."

Qiao Sen nodded, it seems that the little black spider still has not escaped the fate of the sacrifice of his relatives...


Suddenly, Jossen sensed!

Like, I just had a full "spider superpower", right?

So, can I return it?

Stand-in: Pick up Ga, verbally dig the road!

Qiao Sen: "..."

After thinking about it, the friends who played the most well around him after crossing over were a fierce old man with two dragons in his bare hands, and another man with hair loss who was training.

That's fine.

"Guys, it's time for us to go," Miles, who was the landlord and changed into a black spider suit, clapped his hands and summoned everyone, and the Spider-Man present gathered one after another

, "Kim will definitely start the particle pair again, we won't let him do this, it's time to end this!"

A group of Spider-Man geared up: "Let's go!"

Among them, the youngest Spider-Man, Peter Pock, was the most radical: "Let's them!" Shadow

Spider-Man reminded: "Hey, your words are blocked, you can't swear."

Peter Pock came up with a flying pig combo on the spot: "Then beat them up!" Shadow

Spider-Man couldn't help but hold his forehead: "..."

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