Hero Association M City Branch, First War Room.

The leader of the group who found the treasure gave instructions in an orderly manner.

"Don't report the sealing of the operation data to the headquarters, let our branch handle it by itself! By the way, I also want to give us the future S-class of M City a resounding hero name..."

He frowned and pondered for a while, and finally tapped a few times on the keyboard in front of him, with a satisfied smile on his face: "Then call him 'King'!"

At this moment, the picture on the big screen shook violently, and then "snapped" and turned into a black screen.

The corners of the team leader's mouth twitched, "Ash! What's going on in the city!! Have you saved the video material just now!? "

Save, save, preserve! But the drone seems to have crashed," the staff member named Ash pouted, "I'll just say that the reliability of this thing is a problem." "

“...... Shut up! You crow's mouth!! "


M City Pedestrian Street.


Qiao Sen raised his head slightly, and in the field of vision of the "Heart Net", the drone hovering overhead had nothing to hide.

What boring people are playing with surveillance....

An electromagnetic interference shot was transmitted, and the directional EMP directly destroyed the electronic components of the drone, and the four rotors suddenly lost control and locked up, swaying as if they were drunk and plunged into the rubble.

At this time, the sharp-eyed Qiao Sen suddenly found the words "M City Branch of the Hero Association" printed on it before the drone fell.

Ah, it turned out to be your own home?

It seems to have been made a mistake...

Someone looked around weakly and was relieved to find that the nearby surveillance facilities had been destroyed in the battle just now.

"It's time for us to go! Saitama!

"Eh, are you in such a hurry all of a sudden?" Saitama looked up at the tail of the setting sun on the horizon, "But also, it's getting dark!"

"Why don't you stay, I'll treat you to a meal?" King said.

"Save for another time," Jossen patted him on the shoulder, "I have a hunch that we'll meet again soon."


was stunned, and in the next second, Qiao Sen had already pressed Saitama's shoulder, and the two disappeared in an instant in the fluctuating blue light.


Z City, no man's land.

Saitama propped up a large pot on the gas stove, and it was full of octopus flakes.

He had wanted to drink the rare fresh seafood that Jossen shared, but the latter verbally refused, saying that he would rather eat instant noodles than something from the weirdos.

"Speaking of which, why are you so optimistic about that person and gave him a business card?"

Saitama flicked the octopus fillet in the pot and wondered.

Qiao Sen lay on the tatami mat in the living room and looked through the latest city evening newspaper, and replied nonchalantly: "Because, that person has the potential to become a hero."


Saitama thought about it, not seeing any qualities in that person that matched the hero's.

"Oh, don't underestimate people, even if it's you, if you 1V1 with him on some projects, you will be abused to the core."

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

Saitama didn't believe it, and her voice became significantly louder: "How did you come up with such an arbitrary conclusion?" Don't underestimate me so much! "

Oh?" Qiao Sen entered the first place mode of arching fire, "Is it?" I asked him for a phone number before I left, would you like to try it? "

Try it and you'll die!"

"Oh? Then you wait!

Qiao Sen took out his mobile phone, and before he could dial the number, a call happened to come in.

Take a look at the name of the note -


Strange, could it be that King figured it out so quickly?

"Hello, this is Jossen."

"Josen-san! Help me! It's a big deal! Hearing a

panicked voice on the other end of the phone, Qiao Sen suddenly sat up straight: "What's going on?" You're not going to meet weirdos again, are you? "

Weirdos? Belch...... That's not true, it's the heroes and the Hero Association who have found me! "


Qiao Sen immediately thought of the drone that was shot down by him "by mistake", wouldn't it be to come to the door to ask for compensation?

But after listening to King's story, I realized that this was not the case at all.


M City Center Apartment, 22nd floor.

With a "ding" sound, the elevator arrived.

Two black suits stepped out of it, and one of them glanced at the door number: "It should be here, right?"

"According to the information, the gentleman lives alone all the year round, and this is the address in front of him."

"Okay, then ring the doorbell!"

Inside the apartment.

King carefully opened the slightly torn love simulation game disc case, and was relieved to see that the game disc with the pink two-dimensional girl printed on it was intact.

"Great! My beloved wife was not injured because of this accident, and I was worried that I wouldn't be able to renew my relationship with my wife! What a blessing in misfortune! Mua


was at home, King completely released his instinct to hold the disc and kiss it fiercely, and then put it in the game console's reading slot.

After a short time, the reading ended, and a cute pink two-dimensional girl appeared on the screen, and the sweet clip sound hit King's heart.

"Long time no see, Ernie sauce! During the time when you are away, do you think about your son well? Hey, I want Ernie sauce too! "

Oooo Hatko-chan race high!! "


Just then, the doorbell rang.

Like a basin of cold water poured from the top of his head, King's eyes were full of two-dimensional wives, and his hand shook, and he almost didn't throw the gamepad out on the spot.

"Uh... Taken aback, who is it at this time!?

After calming his frightened mood, King pressed the pause button and muttered to the door.

The long-awaited meeting was interrupted, and Rao was timid, like King, and his face was a little unhappy at this time.



- the door opened, and the two Hero Guild black suits took a deep breath and opened their mouths just as they were about to speak, when an oppressive figure appeared in front

of them - the light of the room fell from behind King, casting a heavy shadow on his impatient face.

The three scars running through the cheeks and the slightly furrowed brows formed a terrifying face that could make a child stop crying, even the two adults felt a dark cloud pressing down on their heads, and the suffocating aura of the strong man rushed to their faces, and even the air seemed to carry a trace of the smell of rust of bloody rain.

Coo Dong -

the two black suits subconsciously swallowed their saliva, feeling like a flat boat in a storm, struggling and swaying in the stormy waves, and there was a possibility of sinking at any time.

"We are the staff of the Hero Association! Please believe that we have absolutely no ill intentions!! "

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