Back to D.G, Chen Liang asked someone from the company's network security department to help hide the IP address.

Then, he used the computer to log on to the black market website that Yu Ji said.

To enter the website, you first need to read a user notice, which basically means that users must fill in personal information carefully and truthfully, and the website guarantees that there will be no risk of leakage.

Then, as with all websites, a new user registration is required.

After getting everything done, Chen Liang, who registered an account, wandered around the website with great interest.

This is obviously an overseas website, and all the text is in English.

Fortunately, Chen Liang graduated with a book at least. When he took the test for Level 4, his scores were quite high, and there were basically no obstacles to browsing.

The more he walked around, the more surprised he felt, as if he had discovered a brand new continent.

It is true that Yu Ji did not exaggerate, the ‘commodities’ on this website are all-encompassing, even omnipresent!

Moreover, Yu Ji had obviously hidden it deliberately just now.

AH-64 Apache helicopter: take-off weight of 6552 kg, maximum allowable speed of 365 kilometers per hour, maximum level flight speed and cruising speed of 293 kilometers per hour, maximum climb rate of 4.32 msec, practical ceiling of 6,400 meters, hovering altitude of 4570 Meters, range of 482 kilometers, endurance time of 1 hour 50 minutes, maximum endurance time of 3 hours and 9 minutes, limit overload +3.5-0.5g...

B-2 Ghost Stealth Strategic Bomber: Two weapon bays can be equipped with rotating missile launchers, which can carry a total of 16 AGM-129 advanced cruise missiles, 80 227 kg Mk82 bombs, 16 joint direct attack weapons, and 16 908 kg Mk84 bombs, 36 M117 incendiary bombs, 36 CBU-87899798 cluster bombs, etc. Size data: The captain is 21.03 meters in length, 5.18 meters in height, 52.43 meters in wingspan and 33 degrees of wing sweep angle. Weight and payload: Empty weight: 45360-49900 kg, maximum weapon load: 18144 kg, maximum in-flight fuel volume: 81650-90720 kg, normal take-off weight: 152,635 kg...

DDG-1000 destroyer: It is 183 meters long, has a displacement of 14,500 tons, has 80 launchers, and can launch "Tomahawk" land attack cruise missiles and other types of missiles. Compared with the "Arleigh Burke" class guided missile destroyer, DDG-1000's surface firepower and anti-ship missile capabilities have been increased by three times, radar radiation area has been reduced by 50 times, air defense capabilities have been increased by 10 times, and offshore combat capabilities have been increased by 10 Times...

Where is just the so-called artwork.

The merchandise hanging out here is as simple as shocking the world!

And, it's not like that kind of gossip website, a certain news, deliberately put up a cryptic headline in order to attract people's attention.

Under products such as Apache helicopters, you can also see the real transaction records!

This undoubtedly shows that these products are real, some people are really selling them, and some people are actually buying them.

Chen Liang was amazed, and his worldview was a bit subverted.

These things were hard to imagine from his previous vision.

Military weapons, cutting-edge technology equipment, advanced mechanical drawings, cultural relics and artworks, and even human organs...

If you have money, you can buy almost everything on this website.

Chen Liang couldn't help but exhale deeply.

Compared with this website, Ma Yun's purchase of treasures is just like a house.

Not to mention buying treasures, even the most powerful e-commerce platform in the world, Yamaxun, is nothing compared to it!


The more terrifying the site, the more favorable it is for him.

Seeing so many shocking commodities hanging on it, Chen Liang suddenly discovered that "Mona Lisa" was not too special.

Immediately, he suppressed the violent ups and downs, hit the keyboard, and quickly edited a post to publish the news of the sale of "Mona Lisa".



Bezos International Trade Group.

Because of the magic of the Internet, Chen Liang's posts in the East China Sea were quickly captured by people thousands of miles away.

"BOSS, someone posted in the Pure Land, saying that they are going to sell "Mona Lisa's Smile"!"

Pure land.

It is the name of the black market website.

There is a strong contrast between the name of the website and the business.

"The news is true?!"

In the office full of science and technology, the group boss Bezos' eyes suddenly pierced when he saw the subordinates breaking in.

The theft of the Mona Lisa was taken as a shame and shame, and he has been pursuing it, but nothing has been found.

To this end, he has dealt with several subordinates.

There is an old saying in the East that paper cannot hold fire.

He didn't believe that the other party could really do it without a trace.

Sure enough, it's finally showing off!

The subordinate immediately put the laptop he was holding in front of the boss.

"Look, BOSS, this post was just published an hour ago, and the publisher is a new account, just registered soon."

Bezoston looked at the computer screen.

The Bezos Group, on the surface of a trading company, is actually a transnational criminal group.

The evil is full.

Do no evil.

audacious in the extreme.

Even France's national treasure "Mona Lisa's Smile" dared to steal, and it was a fucking success!

But I don’t know that a mountain is higher than a mountain.

Just when they were looking for a buyer, the masterpiece hidden in the group's basement security room was heavily guarded, but it disappeared!

This is undoubtedly a great shame for a criminal group!

Bezos's face was gloomy, with murderous intent in his eyes, staring at Chen Liang's recent post on the screen.

"Have you found his IP address?"

"No. Pure Land has always been very strict in terms of user information security and confidentiality. We have tried hard, but there is still no way to break it. At present, only the user should be from the Dragon Kingdom."

"Long Country?"

Hearing this address, Bezos frowned slightly, very surprised.

As we all know, the Dragon Kingdom is a country with relatively strict supervision. Unlike the West, it is not easy to move outside of their territory.

At the same time, there is one thing that makes Bezos very puzzled.

Was the "Mona Lisa" stored in the basement of the group evading their company's heavy eyes and ears and was transported to the Dragon Kingdom thousands of miles away without knowing it?

Or does this seller post false information?

It should not be possible.

As we all know, publishing false information on the Pure Land and fooling others can have very serious consequences.

The energy behind the establishment of such a website can be imagined.

No one should be stupid enough to make such a joke.

"BOSS, the technical department has confirmed many times that this user's IP address is indeed from the territory of Dragonland, but we still can't grasp the specific city in which it is located."


Bezos scolded ferociously.

He stole his things and dared to auction them off the Pure Land in a grandiose way. This is completely disregarding him.

"Let me keep an eye on him! Hide his identity, get in touch with him in the name of the buyer, find a way to dig out his actual address, I want things, and I want his people!"

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