From Slave To Ruler

Chapter 31 - Over the Table.

While Z was still wrestling with Dalerus' fingers, a thousand ideas went through her head consulting her safety. She was sure that if she was to face 5 men, it would be rather hard for them to attack her. Well they might be able to attack her but it won't exactly be a fair fight. Depending on every individual attacker's physical strength, if she faced 5 averagely fit grown men, they will share a similar fate to the man beneath their feet. It's big stronger men that she fears, they can be a huge risk if they have set an eye on her.

Apart from that, if she was caught off guard or overwhelmed by numbers, she wouldn't get so lucky. Imagine if a thief broke in where she is sleeping, with actual aims to steal that is. Seeing her partially n.a.k.e.d would trigger most men around these parts, even if their intention wasn't to ****. The April heat can be overwhelming, it is only logical to sleep with less clothes on. It is her right and privacy. She can sleep entirely n.a.k.e.d if she pleased. 

Point is, even though she is a light sleeper, she can easily be overwhelmed if a thief has feet light enough. She could get tied up which would almost completely prevent her from defending herself. Even though she's no doubt tough, if her guard is down, tragedy would follow with ease.

There are even quite a few stories of rapists sneaking in houses and catching women and even young girls off Guard. These stories are based on true facts, actual tragedies that happened right here in Hawk Kingdom.

If they catch Z off guard the same as they did with those innocent woman, catching her partially n.a.k.e.d. **** is certain. Especially considering her highly s.e.x.u.a.lly attractive feminine features. Even many none rapist men by now likely have dreams about getting in bed with her, unfortunately some of those men are even married. It's a shame really. But it proves the point! Safety measures have to be taken.

After giving it a long deep thought, Now with 4 of his fingers under her death grip, she proceeded to say. "Alright, I agree with you. I can't be left alone unprotected. These rapists can really be unpredictable and would stop at nothing to get what they want." Dalerus smiled at her agreement, today especially she is agreeing more with him. Putting ego aside and using reason, it really is warming his heart.

Although one of his fingers almost broken due to her intensive thinking(And of course her method of making him to stop teasing her), the thought of him staying with her 24/7, protecting her at all cost forced in butterflies into his stomach. He really wanted to stay here and protect her! "I'd be honored to..."

"But I don't want you protecting me." She interrupted his sentence before he could even finish it. Her wordplay was projected a bit rudely, but in one way or the other she valued his skillset enough to not let him waste time here and go get things done!

"Who else can you possibly trust in this Kingdom to protect you?!" He asked in shock with his tone rising. Not in anger, but in surprise! "I know you don't trust anyone since no one is actually protecting you from bad people like him."

Seeing his little bit of outburst, she grabbed his entire hand and pulled him closer, which calmed his anger down a bit and made him hugely nervous instead. And since the chair he was sitting on is too short, he was practically squatting a foot away from it. Finally finding the guts to make eye contact with him again, she proceeded to speak with such confidence. Which made Dalerus even more nervous without doubt. "Look, I do want you around. I wouldn't trust anyone more than you when it comes to providing protection for me. But without you out there making this project happen, we might as well throw this task down the river."

Noticing what her actual point is, he felt at ease in his heart. And was more than flattered to be of such importance to her plans. Her way of expressions made him get continuous goosebumps for a few seconds, it is certain to say that he liked every second of it.

Totally forgetting that she was holding on to him(thanks to her making him very nervous), he proceeded to sit back on his chair and accidentally pulled Z along with him.

Being ridiculously very off Guard this time for some reason, she got accidentally pulled over the table with ease and almost fell head first towards the hard wooden plank flooring. 

Thankfully she didn't fall on those wooden planks, because with Dalerus' help who desperately tried to prevent such an injury, she front flipped and accidentally fell over him.

When she landed on him, he was forced to tip over and fall from his short chair(which doesn't have back support), along with her. His back broke the fall thankfully. Both of them escaped this mostly unscaved.

While holding in his laughter became tremendously hard for him, her face was boiling red once more. Point is, she wasn't angry at all. Shy, would be the best word to describe it. But this time she was twice as shy and her face was twice as red. She is both embarrassed because she was caught off Guard this easily and very shy because she was over him.

Finding herself sitting over his belly, she wanted to get up but was so nervous and shy that she literally forgot how to do that, as if it didn't exist at all. I know what you're thinking, and I asked you to stop thinking that. Naughty naughty.

Because no she doesn't want to get in bed with him, in fact she is so not used to receiving love from a male figure, that even a kiss on the cheek would feel more than getting in bed for her. Her shyness levels from receiving just a simple kiss on the cheek, can rise uncontrollably above the roof. Her shyness levels if she actually got in bed with someone, would be highly unpredictable and maybe even a bit dangerous.

He however, wasn't shy at all towards the situation but instead keeps laughing and laughing. It wasn't an awkward laugh either, it was genuinely heartfelt laughter which got stronger and stronger each time he glanced upon her abnormally red shy face.

"Shut up." She whispered with a big blush as she forced him to beat himself with his own hands. 




"Alright alright I'll stop laughing, for now." He assured while Z was still actually sitting on his belly.

"Good." She replied with her blush still remaining above her red cheeks, taking a long time before it would fade away after this cute little scene.

"Can you get off now?" He asked with his mouth hurting from all of the laughter. But the big genuine smile was still on his face.

"Oh right, sorry about tha... Wait! Why should I apologize, you are the one who pulled me over the table." She replied as she stood up and helped him get up as well. Luckily, she wasn't wearing a dress.

Still a little bit confused about how she was pulled this easily, he answered. "Well I just wanted to sit, I had no idea that you could be pulled over the table this easily. Why did you let your guard down?"

"Shut up." With the redness on her face returning, which informed Dalerus a little bit more about this situation, specifically why she let her Guard down. He gave out a big smile as soon as he figured it out, while Z was completely avoiding eye contact. Her face went through enough today, she can't find the guts to tell him the real reason why she let her guard down. Especially since he would no doubt tease her!

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