Jiang Cheng found a sign tied to the cat's neck. He picked it up and looked at it. The sign says a person's contact information.

Jiang Cheng guessed that this person was the owner of the cat, and planned to return the cat to him.

According to the detailed address provided by this sign, Jiang Cheng walked in the direction of the cat owner's house according to this address.

Jiang Cheng petted the kitten and said, "I will send you to your master soon. If he looks at you, you won't fly into the sky casually."

In fact, what Jiang Cheng thinks is, how could this master be so powerful that he trained you to fly in the sky.

Jiang Cheng thought to himself, the cat owner’s house is far away, so I will use the jumping technique to quickly reach the cat’s house.

Jiang Cheng jumped up after performing the jumping technique. The cat was curious about where Jiang Cheng would take it to jump.

But Jiang Cheng jumped half a meter and didn't rise any more, his jumping technique failed.

Jiang Cheng said: "If you fail to perform a jumping technique with people, is it the same with animals?"

Jiang Cheng thinks that it is possible that only one person can perform the jumping technique, and one more person or animal will not work.

It turns out that this technique has such limitations, Jiang Cheng no longer relies on jumping technique to go to the cat owner's house.

Jiang Cheng looked at the address provided by the sign and said, "It's really far from here to there."

Jiang Cheng planned to use teleport, but he did it but found that he and the cat were still there.

Is it the same as jumping technique that can only be used by one person to have an effect?

Jiang Cheng stopped relying on any spells and simply walked to find the cat owner's house.

Walked a distance, after a while.

Why don't you call a taxi? I'm tired after walking for so long.

Thinking about this, Jiang Cheng called a taxi and got into the taxi with the cat.

Jiang Cheng told the driver the address of the cat owner's house, and the driver took them off.

Jiang Cheng put the cat on the back seat and let it move around freely.

Jiang Cheng found that although the cat walked and jumped around in the back seat for a while, it would never float up again.

Jiang Cheng thinks that maybe a cat will find a way to fly to the sky when it is in danger. It is really a special cat.

After driving for some distance, the driver finally drove them to the cat’s house.

Jiang Cheng found that the door of the cat owner's house was closed tightly, and no one responded to any knock on the door.

The neighbor was returning from shopping for food and saw Jiang Cheng knocking on the door and said to him, "Don't knock, there is no one at home~〃."

Jiang Cheng asked, "Where did the owner of this house go?"

The neighbor said: "They went to the airport, and they want to fly to the UK, as if they took off at five o'clock in the afternoon."

Jiang Cheng checked the time, and it was five o'clock in two and a half hours, so he had to get to the airport quickly.

The taxi just now left, Jiang Cheng hired another taxi and took the cat there.

The driver asked Jiang Cheng: "Where to go?"

Jiang Cheng said: "Go to the airport, hurry, and be there as soon as possible."

The driver increased his horsepower and drove quickly to the airport.

It was almost four o'clock when Jiang Cheng finally arrived at the airport.

Jiang Cheng got out of the car and quickly ran to the airport with the cat.

The driver saw that Jiang Cheng didn't pay the fare and left, shouting, "You haven't paid for the car yet!"

The driver also got out of the car and chased Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Cheng came to the airport, people with luggage were walking around, people waiting for the plane were everywhere.

Jiang Cheng came to the security checkpoint. He thought that maybe the cat owner was waiting for the security check in the line.

So let the cat see if there is an owner in these teams, or let the people in the team look at the cat in his arms, maybe the owner in the team will come out and claim it if he sees the cat. .

Jiang Cheng watched the people who were waiting for the security check as they walked in one by one, and said, "Could the cat owner have already checked the security, right?"

At this time, the cat seemed to have discovered something, jumped out of Jiang Cheng's arms, and walked into the team.

In the crowd waiting for the security check, a little boy looked at the cat walking towards him. He picked up the cat and said to the woman beside him: "Mom, this cat is back."

The woman looked at the sign tied to the cat's neck. It was indeed her cat. She touched the cat and said, "You cat who loves to play, just come back to us now."

When Jiang Cheng saw that the cat had found its owner, he was relieved.

The driver found Jiang Cheng and said to him: "Sir, you didn't give me the money for your car."

Jiang Cheng remembered that he had not paid the fare, so he took cash from his body and gave it to the driver, saying, "I forgot to pay the fare, sorry."

After Jiang Cheng paid the driver the fare, he left the airport.

He thought to himself: I should go back, just use teleport.

Just when Jiang Cheng wanted to use teleportation to return to the villa, he found something floating in the sky.

He looked at the object in the sky carefully, as if it were a baby carriage.

How could the baby carriage float in the air? And it keeps going up.

Jiang Cheng saw some people standing on the ground in the distance, and they all looked up at the baby carriage floating in the air.

Jiang Cheng found that the baby carriage floating in the sky was still tied to a balloon. It was just a small balloon that could take the baby carriage up to the sky?

Jiang Cheng finds it incredible. If there are a lot of balloons, it can be justified, but there is only one balloon, and the weight is far less than that of a stroller.

It was such a balloon that really brought the stroller up to the sky.

Jiang Cheng thought to himself, is there a baby in the stroller? If you let the stroller fly upwards and take the baby to higher and higher places, it would not be good.

Jiang Cheng used teleportation to come to the side of the crowd watching the stroller. There was a woman inside sobbing while looking at the sky, ". ˇMy child, he flew to the sky, who can help me make this stroller? Stop it?"

There is a baby in the stroller, so Jiang Cheng can't just sit back and watch.

Jiang Cheng came to a place where people were not paying attention, and cast invisibility on himself.

Jiang Cheng looked at his pale blue body and thought to himself, just like this when he took the stroller off with a jumping technique, no one would notice me.

Jiang Cheng jumped to the top of the building, saw the direction the stroller was going to fly, and jumped there again.

When Jiang Cheng jumped near the stroller, suddenly a strong wind blew over.

The stroller was blown away from Jiang Cheng by the strong wind, so Jiang Cheng couldn't reach the stroller without reaching out.

Jiang Cheng landed on the ground. He once again spotted the baby carriage floating in the air and thought: The strong wind just now came for soy sauce, so this time it won't show up again.

Jiang Cheng performed his jumping technique again and jumped towards the stroller.

Jiang Cheng saw that he was about to come near the stroller, and he reached out and grabbed the stroller.

Jiang Cheng thought he would pull the stroller to the ground, but the stroller that was still floating told him that he did not bring the stroller to the ground smoothly, and he moved with the movement of the stroller.

Although Jiang Cheng hugged the stroller, the stroller continued to float high in the sky with Jiang Cheng. Joe.

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