End of this testimonial

  Concluding remarks

   At this point, this book is over.


   Although this is not Rice’s first book, nor is it the first completed book, but it seems that this book is indeed the highest in terms of the completeness of the story.

   So it has a very important meaning to me.

Bleach is my favorite anime, and dnf is also a game I like very much. I am very satisfied to be able to write this novel by combining the two. Although the update is not very powerful, there were outbreaks in the early stage, and there were also outbreaks in the later stage. The update has been smooth and almost never interrupted.

  The animation of the Millennium Bloody Battle of Reaper has been broadcasted. Many settings in it, such as the first generation of the thirteenth team, are different from what I wrote, but I am also very excited, because after waiting for so many years, I finally waited for the animation of the Millennium Bloody Battle of Reaper to come out.

  From the beginning of hoping to be able to move, to seeing the very good quality of the Grim Reaper animation, the excitement in my heart cannot be described in words.

   And at the same time, it is a kind of disappointment that the book is about to end.

   The closer it is to the end, the more so it will be.

In fact, I have been preparing to finish it since last month, but I feel that the story is not finished, and there are still many holes that have not been filled, so I spent another month to fill almost all the holes, and the **** of death has something in my heart. Very special meaning, I really like this manga.

  So when writing about his colleagues, I also want to write a story as complete as possible.

  So, there is an update for this month.

  Kahn reached the realm of great will as he wished, becoming the terminator of the old universe and the pioneer of the new universe, turning the world of Grim Reaper into the world of DNF (laughs).

  Maybe there will be a side story about some things in Kahn’s development world in the future? Maybe it will be posted in the book or directly in the group?

As a Bleach Doujin, I wrote 1.6 million words. I don’t know how it is on other sites, but at least at the beginning I am the Bleach Doujin with the most words. First! You can be a little proud.

It’s not that I can’t continue writing, but as a Bleach fan, when I wrote the Luke chapter and the Demon World chapter, I’ve already left the Grim Reaper, so there’s really no need to write any more after that, let everything end at this moment Bar.

Maybe something will happen to the people on the earth, or the people reincarnated in Arad, but that is not the story of Shinigami, no matter how DNF elements are added, it will still be the same as Shinigami after all, right? In this article, the dove has occupied the magpie's nest.

Well, this is the end of this book, it has come to an end, thanks to the friends who have been following up so far, it is you who gave me the motivation to write, (to be honest, grades are really important for an author , laugh), thanks to the friends in the group for constantly urging updates, thanks to the editor boss for his help, no matter how much...

   I won’t talk about it.


  End of book

  (end of this chapter)

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