Frost Wings

Chapter 12: Paste your face bug

12 Make your face a bug

"what are you saying?"

"Of course, I'm just exploring a possibility, because in my opinion, your plan to conquer the earth looks very stupid." Bai He sighed.

"Stupid? Our plan has been tempered and prepared for any possible birth plan. The earthlings can't stop us at all."

"Perhaps, but after hearing your current confrontation with the so-called Wallfacers, why do I feel like a child playing games?"

"What did you say?" The three-body man was stunned: "Is there any problem with the countermeasures we adopted?"

The other Trisolarans also stopped.

"It's an obvious omission. How can you think that your thinking will be transparent? It doesn't matter if the people of the earth believe it stupidly. The problem is that with such advanced technology, you will still commit such fallacies that you take for granted in science. Really Amazing!"

The three-body man was silent. He looked at Bai He for a while, then waved his hand to signal behind him that a three-body man started recording ticking before a set of recording equipment.

"...Please make it clearer."

"I will say a little more, the first question, the sophon you developed has a complete higher intelligence. Compared with the human brain, which one is more complex in structure?"

"...It's incomparable." Following Baihe's train of thought, Santiyu's popularity became even more confused: "The computing system built into the Sophon Array is several generations more powerful than the most advanced supercomputer on earth, and its intelligence has reached complete autonomy. Only in this way can the calculation of energy conversion be completed in the complex cosmic space, but how can it be compared with the human brain?"

"Of course it can be compared. In addition to the background programs that control physiological problems, the content of thinking and memory in the human brain is about 100,000 GB in bytes on average. Humans can use even less in their lifetime activities, and a supercomputer can use it. The data that can be processed can reach 10 million GB, the operating frequency of the human brain is less than one kilohertz, and the supercomputer of the earth has reached 100 million as early as dozens of earth years ago. Although the pheromone of the human brain transmits information is not It's as simple as 0 and 1, but there are only a dozen neurotransmitters plus conditioning!

If I had Sophon's information-gathering ability and computing power, I wouldn't need to go to great lengths to collect information or control cult puppets like you do! It is only necessary to record the observation of the transmitter mechanism of the human brain. Isn’t it enough to count the relationship between neural movement and thinking with billions of samples on the earth? With your technological conditions, is it difficult to achieve the effect of reading thoughts? Why do you think that the minds of human beings, a creature that has just separated from the ape race for less than a few million years, are transparent and unobservable? "

Bai He laughed: "It's really interesting to see that you have such a powerful technical ability, and you go to great lengths to battle wits and courage with a group of primitive people in primitive ways."

A dead silence controlled the laboratory, and there seemed to be a difficult voice from time to time along with the light on one or two of the Trisolarans. Gradually, the Trisolarans began to talk to each other, seeming to be caught in a heated discussion, and gradually, more and more. Trisolarans from many places walked into the laboratory and discussed it until Bai He yawned.

"It's strange that you would tell us all this knowledge. We didn't realize it before."

It wasn't until a long time passed before the three-body talent returned to Baihe.

Of course you don't realize it, this is because the author didn't let you know.

Baihe Heart Road.

As a sci-fi author with strong humanistic feelings, the author of Three-Body Problem dares to express some ideas in his works and expresses them successfully, which is undoubtedly commendable.

However, in any case, science fiction is based on fantasy rather than real science. The lack of professional knowledge has created many bugs in "The Three-Body Problem", and some attributes of the author himself have magnified these bugs.

The mistake that young literary and artistic people often make is to habitually sanctify their minds and souls, so in the author's not very serious deliberation, human thinking has become a 'transparent and unmonitored' thing, and it is superfluous for The Trisolarans set the attribute of 'not used to the way of thinking of human beings, and feel incomprehensible to human psychological activities', so that in the second episode, facing the strong pressure of the Trisolarans, the Earthlings even sent a few wall faces Those who use the dark forest to solve the Trisolaran.

It seems kind of funny.

The nature of thinking, or the nature of soul, is never something sacred and inexplicable, let alone transparent.

Needless to say, modern psychology and human behavior research can’t be done just by means of natural science?

The thinking function of the human brain is simply that the synapses between brain cells transmit information through transmitters. The total amount of information is no more than 100,000 GB, which is only the size of 100 home computer hard drives, and the processing speed does not exceed 1000 Hz. , which is only one-thirtieth the performance of modern CPUs.

Humans can't dissect and monitor the brains of living people on a large scale to build a model of the relationship between thinking and brain activity. Can't the Trisolaran do it?

In the three-body setting, Sophon can penetrate everything, and also has the abnormal multi-threading ability that can interrupt the research of all accelerators on Earth at the same time. Is it difficult to enter the human brain to collect information?

When the Wallface Project came out, the Trisolarans didn't even consider using technology to break the human brain violently, but used puppets and earthlings to play primitive games, which made Baihe feel that he couldn't justify it anyway.

Baihe would like to see how they react when these bugs are put in front of the Trisolarans.

"Oh? Looking at your discussion, it seems that my statement has some truth."

"It doesn't make sense, but it is very feasible." The three-body man sighed: "If we let Sophon start this work from now on, there will be some results in about one or two Eternal Era, and the Wallfacers of Earth are no longer Another problem. The Lie Detection Center's budget has been cut by a third because of this, and they must have some negative views of you now."

"Really?" Bai He raised his eyebrows, expressing helplessness.

Sanshou watched Baihe earnestly for about a minute, and his tone suddenly became serious:

"As long as the new database is established, the earthlings will no longer be able to use their thoughts to resist our conquest, but I am a little confused, as a human being, don't you know that telling us this theory will bring the earthlings What a great catastrophe?"

"The people of this world have nothing to do with me."

Bai He scoffed, how could he have the leisure to be in heat with NPCs in the novel world.

"Then if you are a human, you must be a ruthless and unsympathetic person." The trisolaran sighed: "Is the theory just to reflect your superiority in intelligence and the stupidity of our trisolarans?"

Bai He frowned. The three-body man's sigh really made him very uncomfortable, because it was indeed the case. After he became a white dragon, he clearly felt that his pity for life was fading away.

But matter determines consciousness. For a predator, is this really worth caring about?

Before he could reply to the trisolaran, he saw a few trisolarans who were working as guards pinching the man who was talking to Baihe. They dragged the trisolaran and walked out. , After a while, the three-body talent reappeared, looking a little embarrassed.

Baihe is now able to discern the emotions of the Trisolaran: a dim body indicates depression, meaning that the Trisolaran wants to be unnoticed in this situation, a dazzling light from the body indicates anger, to deter those who provoke him, a bright body He expressed his joy and hoped that more people would accept his emotions.

This trisolaran's mood is very low, standing in front of Baihe's cultivation tank, he seems to be a little depressed.

"Do you mind telling me what happened?" Bai He asked.

"It's not a secret either." The three-body man in the translator sighed: "The head of state's supervision department believes that some of my remarks just now may cause you to give up and continue to communicate with us. The head of state warned me that if the communication is interrupted because of this, I have a high the possibility of being convicted.”

"This is really sad news." Bai He was a little surprised: "But I'm surprised that you three-body people take me so seriously."

"Let's not talk about your peculiar origin for the time being; it's just the conversation just now, the Führer has raised your importance to the second level." The three-body man added: "The first level is the earth conquest plan, you seem to have Ability to contribute to this plan, and you say our plan is stupid, just because we didn't take advantage of the technology properly to deal with the Wallfacer plan?"

"Of course it's not the most stupid." Bai He said: "It is true that your plan to conquer the earth has some loopholes in my opinion, but as far as the plan itself is concerned, it can't be called extremely stupid.

The stupidity I'm talking about is that you used this plan to save the Trisolarans, which is a stupid choice. "

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