Frost Wings

Chapter 205: lost saint

what the hell?

As soon as Bai He stepped out of the small door, he found that the church behind him moved back a distance of more than a thousand meters in an instant, and the world in front of him seemed to have suddenly turned upside down. He immediately felt unwell, but when he turned back, he saw Aleister stood in the darkness with an upside-down orientation.

"Huh? Why do I turn upside down and you are still standing?" Bai He asked strangely.

"I also want to ask this question, Mr. Bai." Aleister spread out his hands: "You may not realize that my experience is exactly the same as yours."

"That's weird." Bai He thought about it for a while: "If the two of us are upside down at the same time, then we think the other side should not be like this, but should be standing upside down or upright at the same time."

"This is the problem of this space itself." Aleister shrugged: "Mr. Bai, take a step forward and try."

Bai He Yiyan took a step forward, and as he took this step, the world was spinning in front of him again, as if in an instant, he took another step for an unknown distance, but at this time, he saw it in front of his sight. Aleister, who was standing in front of her, was standing.

Bai He lit a cigarette and frowned slightly.

"You feel it?" Aleister turned his head, Shirakawa saw his head facing the other direction, but was talking to himself.

"Yes, what the **** is this?" Bai He asked, "Is the law of this space changed? Or some special ecstasy?"

"That gentleman probably doesn't like rude and unwise people to see him." Aleister's tone was a little helpless.

"Go back and try."

"Wait, no!"

Just as Shirakawa turned his head, he heard Aleister's stop: "I can't turn around."

"As long as you turn around and take a step, you will forever lose the chance to see him." Aleister said: "This is a word with that little poem."

"Can you tell me who wrote that stupid poem?" Bai He said angrily.


"Are you sure the news he left is true? He wasn't crazy when he wrote this?" Bai He had a headache.

"I don't know if he is crazy or not, but crazy people can tell the truth." Aleister shook his head: "The problem now is that this person is obviously not going to tell us what is going on here."

"Could this be the effect of magic?" Baihe asked.

"Not necessarily, this is obviously not the real world. According to my understanding, it should be a different space like the realm of the gods or the realm of the devil. In this space, by changing the appropriate physical rules, this effect can probably be caused. , who knows if the gravity here will change direction between your steps, or the light will be chaotically deflected in different trajectories, or the law of distance and direction will undergo subversive changes, this is difficult sure thing."

"Then how do you think we should get out of here?" Bai He looked around and shrugged helplessly: "The master doesn't seem to have left us a signpost."

"No, he stayed." Aleister said, suddenly lowered his head and stared at a place with piercing eyes.

Having received the lesson just now, Bai He did not look directly at that place. God knows where the light will be deflected. He looked around for a while, and finally saw a slightly lighter black track above his head.

"—Wrong ideas do not lead to correct conclusions."

"Ha, is this a reminder?"

Bai He let out a long laugh and continued to walk forward.

"Huh? Don't act rashly?" Aleister watched Baihe step forward recklessly and raised his hand in surprise to stop it, but saw Baihe's body teleporting a few directions as he stepped forward in space, but only a dozen steps. He was a little surprised when his effort reached the line of gray writing.

"This old man likes to make a fuss about his concepts and understanding, and I think my consciousness is relatively normal. Since my consciousness is normal, then the rules of this space must be deceiving my senses."

Baihe lit the pipe that had just been extinguished: "The direction, distance and even gravity here are all illusions, Dr. Crowley, just follow the feeling and go."

"Follow... the feeling?" Aleister took a step forward in disbelief, looking at the direction and distance of the sudden change again: "Is it that simple?"

"Wrong. If you go like this, the final result can only be to turn around before you die, because your senses can't give you the right direction at all." Bai He said.

"This is an illusion? No, it's impossible." Aleister said: "This is definitely not a magic illusion, does it come from the rules?"

"Of course this is not a magic illusion, this is a philosophical illusion." Baihe breathed out a smoke ring: "Dr. Crowley, do you think that the so-called front, back, left, right, up, down, long and short concepts, All because of what?"

"This is the definition of human beings." Aleister said: "These are the properties of matter."

"The previous sentence is correct." Bai He said: "These are the definitions made by human beings for the properties of matter. They do not belong to matter, but belong to thinking itself. They only have meaning when we think and act. Imperceptible matter itself, these definitions mean nothing - they definitely don't define every property of themselves the way we do."

"Wait, it's a little wrong." Aleister raised his hand: "This statement denies the objectivity of matter, and even if there is no observer, they still exist."

"Who can detect matter when there is no observer? Who can define the properties of matter that has not been observed? Who has evidence that matter exists when there is no observer?"

"There will be other observers..."

"Are you sure that this other observer really exists? Bring out the evidence." Bai He laughed wickedly: "Put the most extreme metaphor: You can come up with sufficient reasons to prove that you are dead. Didn't the world destroy with your consciousness after that? Don't tell me that they are alive because you died."

"This... This is not a topic that can be proved by logic. Discussions on this topic will only turn into **** in terms of cognition." Aleister frowned: "Does this have anything to do with the predicament we are facing now?"

"Concept." Bai He raised his finger: "You mentioned the concept."

Aleister was stunned for a moment, looking at the line of writing behind Baihe thoughtfully.

"Listen, according to the theory of the person we're going to meet, all knowledge comes from the mind itself, and the properties of matter itself are meaningless, precisely because our mind senses the 'representation' they pass on to us, The processing of our thinking leads to the birth of 'concept' and 'knowledge'. This is the whole process of the birth of knowledge in this theoretical system. "Baihe Dao:" The so-called front, back, left, right, up and down all come from our human brains , the most direct 'representation' given to us by matter, the two are already 108,000 miles apart."

"Wait, according to this statement, the so-called knowledge is still a thing of objectivity." Aleister's forehead showed a few sweats: "Because the 'appearance' it gives to all thinking should be the same."

"This is pure assumption." Bai He shook his head: "Why do you think the world in the eyes of all thinking creatures will be the same? If there is a creature, in their understanding, we think that a long distance can be one step. It takes a long time to cross a short distance, how do you use the short and long that we humans know to correspond to their thinking?"

"However, logic doesn't seem to allow this kind of creature..." Aleister collapsed.

"How can you be sure that all living things or thinking bodies depend on 'logic' to exist?" Bai He blinked: "Can you provide sufficient evidence to prove this proposition?"

Aleister was stunned for a while, shook his head, and decided to turn the subject away: "So, this darkness disturbed the 'knowledge' we created?"

"The 'knowledge' in our minds doesn't correspond to the 'representation' given to us by the objective world." Shirakawa saw Aleister turn away from the topic, and did not continue to ask: "Isn't it amazing that the concept was killed at the source?"

"How did you do it?" Aleister frowned: "Walk around? Or keep moving forward? According to what you said, the 'front' here is also a dual illusion aimed at consciousness and reality, and it is easy to be misled. "

"The easiest way to follow your senses is to close all your senses and move forward according to what you think is 'front' in your consciousness."

Aleister was skeptical: "Just... feel?"

"This 'before' does not exist in matter, but in our consciousness. This feeling is called 'innate experience', and it is the thinking tool by which we can transform 'representation' into 'knowledge', and it is also the source of all the theoretical works of this old man The core idea, Dr. Crowley." Baihe raised a finger: "According to the definition of modern science, you can understand it as the cognitive thinking program that has been continuously enriched and perfected in the evolutionary history of primates for tens of millions of years. Of course, this There are some problems with the theory. But at least it's correct here."


Aleister Crowley followed Shirakawa to the line, and when he turned a corner, the world in front of him changed again.

Aleister looked at the White River, and the dragon gave him an even more strange look.

Bad character, bizarre thoughts, ridiculous behavior and full of fallacies and This image became more and more complicated in his heart, which could only make him sigh at the miracle of the Creator.

He gradually reflected, is it really a good thing to hook up with such an alien?

However, another kind of hunch became clearer in his heart. After experiencing confusion, decision, sacrifice, and hesitation, Aleister is very sure that his future path is mostly a **** road that turns his back on the whole world.

So what's the point of hooking up with a dragon? Besides, he became more and more interested in this dragon.

He stepped forward, the darkness behind him gradually disappeared, his feet stepped on a real ground, the sound of cicadas vibrated his eardrums, brilliant stars and moonlight descended from the sky, and fireflies danced like stars among the flowers and plants.

Bai He raised his head and looked at the second line of words formed by the stars in the sky, and suddenly felt a little pain in the ass.

"There are only two things in the world that can deeply shock our hearts, one is the vast and brilliant starry sky above our heads, and the other is the lofty moral law in our hearts."

Almost forgot, this East Prussian old man was a famous moral emperor.

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