Frost Wings

Chapter 326: get the way

() "Everyone, everyone!"

Bai He looked up and down the pig's feet, and was a little curious, is this Pu Songling's version of Ning Caichen? Or a Chinese Ghost Story version?

Pu Songling's version of Ning Caichen has a heroic temperament, while Ning Caichen from A Chinese Ghost Story is rather wretched and cute, and his experience is even worse.

But stupid people have stupid blessings. Bai He speculated that if he was not here tonight, the wolf demon would have eaten two fugitive slaves first and had enough food and drink, and this allowed the scholar to go to Lanruo Temple to die.

It can be seen that this person is full of blessings.

Bai He looked at this Ning Caichen, and recalled the character design of a Chinese Ghost Story version in his head. After comparing, he felt that some were similar and some were not. He had an idea in his heart, and said with a smile: "Scholar, in the wilderness, like this Recklessly looking for someone to go with you, but not afraid of meeting a goblin?"

Ning Caichen was stunned for a moment, then scratched his head and said, "Uh~ I see that there are guards beside Xiongtai, probably not afraid of monsters."

He closed his hands and bowed down to Baihe twice: "Please, Xiaosheng miscalculated for a while and had nowhere to stay. I hope Xiongtai can do it as soon as it is convenient."

Glancing at Bai He's legs, Ning Caichen shrank his neck and smiled awkwardly: "Not to mention doesn't look like a monster."

Bai He narrowed his eyes, thinking to himself that this brat was reckless, Ye Lu dared to ask someone for help without saying it, and discriminated against the disabled. When he came over, Ning Caichen looked at the two corpses, his face turned pale in an instant, his legs softened and he almost knelt down.

I saw Bai He smiled and said: "The truth is not to be concealed from Xiongtai, I am the famous thief Bai Master Bai. I came to this barren mountain and wild mountains today, and I got these two licensed products, and I will fill in your lean meat. It just happened to be sold to the black shop on the road ahead, to give me a group of children some pocket money, and I hope the scholar will not refuse."

"Brother... Xiongtai, don't be joking... I've been walking on the road of Quanxi Jinhua for a few years, and I haven't seen any black shops... You, you, don't play tricks." Ning Caichen looked at the two corpses , suddenly speaking inconveniently.

"Who is joking with you?" Bai He laughed and said, "Although I have wronged the life of a scholar, no one has ever died in life since ancient times. There are only early and late deaths. For my brother, I will give you a happy life. , I also hope that the scholar Huang Quan goes well all the way, don't hold grudges as your brother, Ami, that Buddha."

Bai He let out a strange cry, and Mai Feng let out a funny grin, and brought the heads of the two fugitive slaves close to Ning Caichen's pale face.

These two heads were cut off by Mai Feng when they were laughing. Their faces were very clear and strange, and they were very happy with the demeanor of the Buddha of Bliss. Ning Caichen was stunned for a while, just screamed shrilly, fell to the ground, hugged him With his head on the ground, he crawled forward for a while, grabbed his claws, and touched a soft and slippery thing. Looking at it by the moonlight, he saw blood on his hands and a smell of fish.

Ning Caichen's lips trembled, looking at a bunch of skinned animals in front of him, a strange smell came out of his pants.

He glanced at him, and with a 'hiccup', he fainted.

"Did I pass this?" Bai He was stunned and shook his head, once again confirming that this product is not the one in the original Liao Zhai.

Ning Caichen, under Pu Songling's hands, is a "generous man" who advertises his "unique life" and Yan Chixia's brotherhood. How could he be so timid? This Xiaoshou's appearance is almost the same as the version of A Chinese Ghost Story.

But they don't look exactly alike...could it be a hybrid version?

Bai He pondered in his heart.

"What did you scare him for?" Simpacia came over and said dissatisfiedly, "He didn't offend you."

"He discriminates against people with disabilities, and stares at you with quizzical eyes. If this little white face is not guarded, it will be fine?" Bai He said confidently.

"Hmph, you can even eat the vinegar of a mere human being. He has no wings, no tail, and no claws and horns. What's there to be jealous of?" Simpacia said speechlessly, "Just leave him here?"

"You care about him now, and you still think I'm jealous?" Bai He laughed.

Simpasia rolled his eyes at him, and was too lazy to continue to glib: "I see you seem to have any thoughts about him, why don't you tell me?"

"You saw this all? This guy is the pig's foot in this world." Bai He poked Ning Caichen, who rolled his eyes.

"Protagonist?" Simpacia was inexplicable.

"I'll explain to you on the way, carry it away first." Baihe gave Mai Feng a wink, the guy smiled, and threw the two heads in his hands. Several frost dragon knights turned into a stretcher and lifted the silly scholar. A mighty group of people headed towards Jinhua.

On the top of the moon, the prairie that was lively not long ago was cleaned up, and the moonlight shone down, and the two smiling heads fell on the left and the right, and fell on both sides of the peeled wolf head. The little bug croaked, and a few crows flew up.


Bai He opened his eyes, received the work as described by the wolf demon, and then stood there, staring at the moon in a daze.

"It's useless." On the roof of this inn, Simpacia curled up her tail. In order to absorb the essence of the sun and the moon, she also deliberately changed her wings and tail into a crystal clear dragon. Person: "Osur, were we deceived by the she-wolf? Such a little so-called essence of the sun and the moon disappeared without a trace after entering the body before turning around. Is it a bit of a joke that natural energy promotes our life form?"

"How can the beasts be compared with us?" Bai He curled his lips: "This cultivation method to attract the essence of the sun and the moon has two purposes, the first is to stimulate the spirit and enlighten the wisdom, and the second is to slowly transform the body to achieve the purpose of accumulating energy. We can't use it for the first purpose, the second purpose~ If we take it for 30,000 to 40,000 years, it may have some effect."

"Thirty or forty thousand years? That she-wolf has only practiced for three hundred years, so why do we have to double it a hundred times?" Simpacia wondered.

"Our physical body is more than a hundred times stronger than that of a wild wolf? This moonlight is weak and powerless. The stronger the physical body, the lower the efficiency of using this method to cultivate." Bai He said.

"It turned out to be a useless thing." Simpacia pouted: "I thought this technology of life form promotion was very interesting."

"But I can't say that." Bai He squeezed his fingers lightly and used a method to cover his body. A gust of black wind blew over and lifted him up: "This little spell is quite fun."

"This... this is the flying technique + black fog technique." Simpacia said disdainfully: "With your arcane skill level, you can use it with just a snap of your fingers. What's so strange?"

"This is not the same." Bai He said sternly: "Wife, you can underestimate the spell itself, or you can ignore the wolf demon, but you can't ignore the cultivation system itself, whether it is with arcane magic. Compared with psionic energy, it has its own uniqueness.”

"Special feature?"

"Arcane art is about 'control', and psionic energy is similar, including the various martial arts schools in Antas, which pursue control; but the essence of spells in this world is the fusion of natural energy and spiritual energy. One, the core ethos is 'fit in'."

Baihe Dao: "This wolf demon said Yuanshen, which is the result of the fusion of natural energy and spiritual power. Compared with arcane magic, the power caused by this 'dao magic' may not have a great advantage in strength, but In terms of sturdiness and flexibility, it has innate strengths."

"When it comes to the method of long-term life, arcane uses external force to forcibly transform itself, but this 'Dao' uses the primordial spirit to adapt to the environment. When it comes to the most advanced technology, it is difficult to say who is superior and who is inferior, but they are very close to each other. It has reference value.”

"Is this the oriental cultivation idea of ​​the martial arts Xianxia system you said?" Simpacia suddenly said: "What is the pursuit of this unity of nature and man? Using technology to turn oneself into a sophist-level intelligence, and the cultivation of Taoism to become an immortal, the final point is nothing more than this, right?"

"Perhaps technically, it's really nothing more than that, but after that?" Bai He rolled his eyes: "Do you think that you can really live forever if you have the technology of immortality?"

"What does this mean?" Simpacia didn't quite understand.

"Life needs desire to support, wife." Bai He said: "If a living body loses all desires, even if he can still maintain the existence of thinking, do you think he is still alive?"

Simpacia thought for a while with a dignified expression and shook her head.

"So when we use the long 'existence time' to get everything we want, and lose our desire, where is the value of existence?"

"There are also responsibilities, missions..."

"Fulfilling responsibilities is also a kind of 'desire', wife."

"The road is blocked by you, what else can I say?" Simpacia gave Bai He a resentful look.

"This is the problem." Bai He shrugged: "Whether we admit it or not, the desires of living things are given by the physiological mechanism of the body. When you are thirsty, you need to drink and eat when you are hungry. Whichever way to achieve immortality will destroy the working mechanism of desire; it is not difficult to preserve the formation mechanism of 'desire' with technology, but if the foundation of existence is broken, changes will still occur."

"So you think this 'Taoism' can solve this problem?"

"Of course it's impossible." Bai He shook his head: "Although the theoretical basis is different, in the end it's all the same way. This problem cannot be solved with 'technology', only by thinking."


"It just depends on what you think." Bai He giggled and said, "According to my husband's idea, we must satisfy our desires, but we must not fall into the emptiness after indulgence, we must constantly discover new desires, and we must not satisfy our desires. Too fast, to adapt to changes in the basis of existence and find new desires. These are all very important things, so to make everything in life interesting, it is absolutely impossible to be bland, who makes me feel boring, I Just gotta make him interesting."

"It sounds like a jerk." Simpacia glanced at Baihe speechlessly.

"No, this is the essence of self-cultivation." Bai He laughed loudly: "Wife, the true meaning of longevity is to have such a heart that is indestructible and desire to last forever, plus a heart that can maintain this heart for a long time. Technology, the former is called Dao, the latter is called immortal. You think this is a bastard, but it is my Dao heart."

"It's complicated." Simpacia said dissatisfiedly, "What do you think about? Maybe you will die Bah, how can you curse me?" Baihe said angrily.

"Hey, having said so much, do you think this world called 'Daoshu' is very interesting and worth exploring?"

"Of course it is worth exploring, not only worth exploring, but also worth studying hard." Bai He said: "Technology and arcane arts are too 'technical', the transformation of the body is very rough, and the transformation of the spirit is even more rough. Taoism talks about the unity of man and nature, focusing on the natural unity of spirit, energy and spirit. The main purpose is to use natural energy to enhance life form and liberate the spirit. It is a completely different way from the arcane technology. It can make up for the shortcomings of the power system. Of course, we must study it. ."

"I'm afraid it's a bit difficult to just rely on this trick of sucking the essence of the sun and the moon." Simpacia lacked interest.

"Don't be disappointed, let's go down and see how Pig's Knuckles is doing. I have a lot of bold ideas that I want to settle on him." Bai He laughed wickedly.

Under the roof, the fainting scholar's lips trembled heavily, he didn't know what he was sensing, and his body hunched up.

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