Frost Wings

Chapter 446: dark

"Dooku, you killed innocent people!" Yarbat blamed Dooku after throwing off the chasing enemy.

"Me!" Dooku was stunned, looking at Arbat's expression, anxious and angry in his heart, the Darth Samurai lightsaber was close at hand, he helped Arbat escape the sneak attack with a very quick reaction, but he did not expect the old man Turning his head and mentioning the words: "They have Dark Knights! They have taken up arms, they are no longer innocent!"

"That's still innocent, they don't understand anything, and it's not like you can't solve this problem without hurting others." The old man's face showed anger: "Child, or do you want to deter them? Use the way of destroying life to reduce Trouble? Is this the way of the Jedi?"

"Master, I..." Dooku was a little aggrieved. In an emergency, how could he expect so much.

Arbat was a little disappointed. He was not the kind of unreasonable stubborn old man. He naturally knew that it was impossible for Dooku to weigh so much in a desperate situation, but a person's subconscious choice in a critical moment can reveal a certain temperament - Du Ku's philosophy in that situation was not the persistence of protecting living beings, but the aggressiveness of violence and violence, which was a taboo for the Jedi Knights.

There is darkness in this child's heart.

Arbat finally understood why Master Yoda expressed his concern for the apprentice's future more than once in the council. Now it seems that this problem is more serious than Yoda imagined.

He looked at Dooku's expression, and his tone suddenly softened. The master is highly respected and knowledgeable. He is more sophisticated than Yoda, who has been in the Jedi Temple all the year round. He knows that it is useless to reprimand bear children with problems with temperament. .

Even if Dooku usually shows enough maturity and intelligence, and seems to be the type who can accept criticism, Yarbat has come into contact with many such people - such people will appear very stubborn once they have certain opinions, A lot of Jedi Masters are like that.

Such people also have another characteristic: once something they insist on is broken, they will fall into great mental distress. Few can come out of the collapse of their ideas unscathed, and many Jedi will be plunged into darkness.

Arbat looked at Dooku and sighed, something in the child's heart that disturbed him.

He is a typical Jedi, who believes that peace of mind is an indestructible force. Once a certain idea brings darkness, it will become fragile. Such people are the most dangerous.

Thinking like this, the Jedi master changed his soft tone: "Dooku, you are still young, some wrong tendencies must be corrected, everyone has darkness in their temperament, no Jedi is born bright and flawless, we We must always fight against the darkness in our hearts, without the slightest slack."

"This—" Yarbat's admonition left Dooku speechless, the old Jedi's tone was much better than when Yoda reprimanded him, and it didn't have the taste of Master Yoda as it should be, like an old friend's admonition .

But this attitude made Dooku even more uncomfortable - he began to feel that he really made a mistake, and this 'admitting mistake' made him, who was called 'proud' by Master Yoda, and who he considered himself 'confident', even more uncomfortable.

Looking at Dooku's expression, Arbat suddenly felt pressured. He looked at Dooku, and suddenly felt that if Master Yoda knew in advance that this mission was like this, he would never have sent an apprentice like Dooku.

Dooku is only 18 years old this year, and he has just left the Jedi Temple for a short time. In his past missions, all the enemies are very weak, allowing Dooku to complete the mission while taking into account the Jedi precepts.

But this time, Arbat felt that the enemy was surprisingly powerful. If the opponent was the Sith Maharaja who had been hidden for thousands of years, the young Jedi would be severely tested.

"Son, listen to me." Yarbat grabbed Dooku's shoulders and took a deep breath: "This time the task is extremely difficult, we may die, we may fail, yes, there is nothing wrong."

"Master, how can you lose your self-confidence?" Dooku's eyes widened. This statement is more difficult to accept than Yarbat's criticism of him just now. Jedi knights are practitioners of justice, how can they have such an idea of ​​admitting defeat?

"I have not lost confidence, our strength may not be able to cope with the difficulties here, but I have confidence in justice, because it will triumph." Arbat said: "Darkness can only gain a temporary advantage, justice and light are eternal , we have been defeated by the Sith many times, but we have always defeated them; boy, don't give up faith in justice, that is true confidence; we may fail here, we may die, but many more will Inherit our legacy and defeat them."

"Master, I mean." Dooku took a deep breath, and Yarbat's methodical statement did calm him down, but what he absolutely couldn't accept was Yarbat's pessimism: "We were only attacked once. It's just that the level of the dark warriors is commonplace, and the level of civilization on this planet does not pose a threat to us."

"Ordinary? Maybe swordsmanship is." Arbat smiled bitterly: "Don't forget, their force is probably the result of injections, child."

Arbat suddenly turned his head to look at Dooku: "We can't guess the production and limit of this potion, but now we should expect the worst, how many warriors do you think there are on this planet?"

Dooku's expression darkened.

"...What shall we do next?" Dooku asked as the two walked through the alley in silence.

"They are on guard. It is estimated that they will not be able to sneak into the company headquarters in a short time, and what we want may not be there." Yarbat coughed: "Let's retreat first, hide and watch the situation, and then report to the parliament. Ask for help."

"Wait, Master." After walking down a street, Dooku grabbed Arbat abruptly: "Something's wrong, there's no one here."

"They're here." Yarbat raised his head and looked at the battleship surrounded by the sky, drawing out his lightsaber.

Dooku waited attentively, and suddenly became dizzy. I don't know when, a large number of people in black suddenly appeared in the streets and alleys. Under the cover of various weapons, they launched a mental attack on Dooku - but they are very good at choosing targets. , Knowing that the old man can't afford it, the persimmon picks up softly.

"Despicable!" Dooku was dizzy, the spaceships in the sky had already fired, and Arbat frowned at the size of the spaceships - these spaceships were obviously Jabba's, how could they be mixed up with the Darth Vaders here.


The blasting energy bombarded Arbat's force shield heavily, setting off a huge wave. Arbat stared solemnly at the dozen or so Darth Vaders and the high-energy covering all directions. The beam bombarded and grabbed Dooku abruptly: "Breakthrough! Go!"

Rumble boom!

Just as Dooku stood firm on his feet, a bunch of explosive energy lifted the ground, and the tall building collapsed. Dooku jumped in panic, but became separated from Yarbat.

"Come on!" Yarbat blocked the flying beam: "Go to the meeting point and wait for me!"

Boom boom boom!

The spaceship in the sky launched a carpet-like bombardment on the ground. The situation forced the Jedi duo to choose to break out of the encirclement. Dooku stumbled out of the encirclement. Surprisingly, he did not encounter too strong resistance. He threw away the Jedi robes - now this thing Only the function of attracting flies is left.

Using the force to modify his face, he got a set of civilian clothes on this planet, hid in a place where there were people, and finally calmed down a little.

He doesn't worry about how Arbat will break through the siege - he believes that those crappy four-flow warriors and backward weapons are not the opponents of Arbat, plus Jabba's warships are nothing, the level of Jabba's gang is also Just be arrogant on the edge of the galaxy.

He walked into the predetermined meeting point - an unfamiliar bar agreed on on the map. The old man likes this kind of place, but now is obviously not a good time.

The bar was empty, leaving only one or two drunks lying on the scattered tables. This is the junction between the early morning and the early morning. Even if the cultural order of this planet is corrupted, there are still a few drunks at this point.

There are dozens of masks of various shapes in the basket by the door, and most of the drunken drinkers who passed out also wear this thing. It seems to be such a theme bar. Dooku thought about it and covered it with a half mask. With the upper half of his face, he found a chair and sat down.

He felt a little uneasy, and he was chased and killed with high intensity when he landed. Although it was because of Master Arbat's inadvertent anticipation of the enemy, the opponent's strength was obviously beyond the expectations of the Jedi duo.

He has a lot of unease about the future, and unlike Master Arbat's confidence in justice, Dooku doesn't want to die here because of this mission at all.

The appearance of this thought made Dooku a little ashamed. He deeply felt that his awareness of the Jedi Creed was not high, but after prudently digging into his heart, he had to admit that he did not have the awareness to sacrifice for a certain idea.

"You can never be a great Jedi Master."

His eyes reddened as he recalled the curse—the curse from Lorian, his childhood companion, the enemy who betrayed his friendship.

No, I was right, thought Dooku silently: the Jedi should fight the darkness heroically, but my ambition is not here.

He remembered his origin and family. In his hometown, his family was one of the few well-documented nobles who survived tens of thousands of years of civilization; it has also been the leader of the local government.

Born in such a family, Dooku firmly believes that he has some kind of inescapable responsibility to his hometown and his people. The corruption and chaos of the republic that he had been immersed in since childhood made him deeply worried, and his hometown joined the republic. After that, it was also affected by this corrupt chaos.

To this end, he made many plans and eventually became a Jedi Knight. The Jedi Knight has a detached position in the Republic and has strong supervisory power. , to clean up the corruption of the republic and protect his homeland in this way.

Yes, I became a Jedi for my hometown and my people.

Dooku's eyes were dazed, and he couldn't help feeling a sense of guilt in his heart.

As a Jedi, it's not right to think that way.

Am I really fit to be a Jedi?

"You'll never be a great Jedi'll never be a great Jedi'll never..." He seemed to recall the taunting of the pesky betrayer: "Dooku , you ruthless fellow, you only have yourself in your only have yourself in your heart..."

"Shut up!" Dooku growled, dispelling the echoes and visions in his head, his face paled, his lips trembling, his head raised, and his eyes closed slightly.

He suddenly understood that this was the time to fight the darkness in his heart.

But he couldn't get this victory until he made a decision, he didn't even know what to make.

But a just decision is easy:

"I should believe in the Jedi's creed." Dooku murmured: "The Jedi is just, it is justice against corruption, and it is also against darkness. They are indistinguishable. I can't be a coward who is greedy for life and fear of death to escape justice. I can't ……I can not……"

He was sweating and breathing heavily. A sudden sound interrupted his thoughts.

A cup was placed in front of him, he raised his head and saw the bartender.

"Hey, I'm sorry I fell asleep. I didn't expect new guests at this time. I neglected it. It's my dereliction of duty. I'll treat you to this glass of wine."

Dooku frowned. The waiter wore a special mask - the mask was evenly divided into black and white by a vertical line in the middle. The face is sorrowful with the corners of the mouth down and the eyes closed with tears. But these four parts are chaotically arranged in different positions on the mask; in addition, one of the two nostrils is on the left side of the forehead and the other is on the right eye position, revealing a red pupil.

Such a mask full of madness and confusion left a deep impression on Dooku, and even made him forget his wandering and confusion for a while. He subconsciously grabbed the wine glass and poured it into his mouth - the half-bitter and half-sweet liquid entered his throat, and he realized that the rules of the Jedi prohibited alcohol. this the taste of wine?

He put down the wine glass, and his mind was a little confused for a while.

"~Looking at your appearance, your occupation should be related to the judicial department. Or a newcomer?"

"How do you know?" Dooku thought for a while, thinking he could recognize this fake identity. Law enforcement monitoring is the day-to-day job of the Jedi in the Republic, and it is not wrong to say that it is the judiciary.

"People in the judiciary often mumble about justice, and only newcomers struggle with this kind of problem." The mask waiter smiled, and Dooku listened to this voice and felt that the person behind the mask must be old, because his voice was a little hoarse: "Has the guest encountered something against justice in his work?"

"It's not so, it can be said that it is so." In the aroma of wine, Dooku suddenly had a desire to talk deeply. He was not drunk, but there were a lot of things that happened that day, which made his emotions a little out of control.

"Ah, contradictory statement, but life is so full of contradictions, everything will be fine." The masked waiter laughed, and Dooku felt a sense of comfort in his heart.

"Indeed, life is indeed full of contradictions..." He suddenly asked: "Waiter, do you think that justice and justice also conflict with each other?"

The Jedi apprentice really wants to find someone to talk to, so this is the one in front of you.

This is just an aboriginal with a backward civilization. After a few days, the two will have nothing to do with each other, and this aboriginal can't understand what he is talking about.

Just a native.

Dooku thought.

"Uh~ Of course it will. For example, when I was looking for this job, there was a competitor. My family was poor, so maybe he was too, but there was only one job. At that time, I was probably very heinous in his eyes." The mask waiter sighed. Tone: "But am I wrong?"

Dooku took a deep look at the masked waiter, as if he had realized something, but couldn't say it.

"I don't want to do this either, but what can I do? My wife and children want me to make money to take care of them. If I have a lot of money, I will definitely not deprive him of his hope. We are all just ordinary people, with no money and no rights; How can you please everyone?"

"No money, no power, power?" Dooku's eyebrows twitched deeply, and he suddenly realized that the grotesquely masked waiter had spoken to the crucial point, he sat up, and found the thoughts in his heart and the Jedi's creed once again A contradiction arises: "Is there something that will satisfy everything?"

"Anyway, it's better to have that thing than nothing, you're right." The mask waiter laughed: "If I had money, I wouldn't have taken other people's jobs, right?"

"Indeed, if I have more power, I can fight against all darkness and fulfill my wishes." Dooku thought to himself: "Without power, nothing can be achieved. This is the most correct reason."

I thought about it once, and Dooku flashed back memories of all the criticisms and warnings Master Yoda had given him, and what he was thinking at the time... Oh, Master Yoda isn't necessarily all right. .

Wait, what am I thinking?

Some rebellious thoughts from the past that violated the dogma of the Jedi Order rolled in his mind, and Dooku was sweating coldly, and suddenly realized that these things had not been defeated by his firm Jedi Knight creed, but had been hidden in his heart.

Why are they all showing up? I was just a little frustrated.

Dooku roared in his heart, and suddenly stared at the masked waiter fiercely like a tiger.

He regretted it and should not open his heart to this guy. This kind of worldly person is not necessarily evil, but under the oppression of cruel life, the remaining darkness in their hearts makes it impossible for their values ​​to be close to a pure white Jedi Knight.

But... I am so easily shaken and corrupted? Am I so vulnerable?

The cold sweat on Dooku's head thickened.

He suppressed his unease, looked at the waiter in front of him, and suddenly wondered if this guy was a conspiracy agent sent by the dark No, no, he quickly dismissed this neurotic thought, The waiter said very vulgar words, did not show superior knowledge, and was entangled in trivial matters.

Am I neurotic?

Dooku's heart moved, and he suddenly had the idea of ​​wanting to see the face behind the waiter's mask. He activated the force - such a perspective is a very simple application, but the real face behind the mask is another mask that is exactly the same.

"Why are the guests staring at me like this? Is it because..." The masked waiter suddenly approached, his strange face almost pressed against Dooku's neck, and his voice seemed to be laughing: "I instigated the innermost feelings of the Jedi Knights. The dark side?"

Dooku pulled out his lightsaber and snapped the bar in half.

Drinks, sawdust, cups, and bottles slammed into a mess on the ground, but Dooku sensed the surrounding space distorted - the people in the tavern were still asleep, and the faces were distorted, only that one The mask with clear black and white but confused facial features is still clear.

"Who are you!" Dooku shouted, "It's all about you!"

He all understood that this despicable enemy was trying to lead him into the darkness.

A sense of crisis appeared in his heart again. This was the enemy's trap. He had to defeat the enemy or break through again, and contact the Jedi Temple as quickly as possible, and then contact Master Arbat.

"Who am I? I don't want to use the old name, and the new name is inconvenient to use. What can I do?" It returned to its original chaotic appearance: "Oh wait!~ Let me have a whim, so let's call me this code--

Madness (MAD). "

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