Frost Wings

Chapter 83: terror core

Black Ball's consciousness penetrated into Bai He's mimetic camouflage, and suddenly it shook extremely violently, and a clear and unmistakable horror entered his perception. The tentacles moved aimlessly in the mimetic surround, and suddenly sent out a line of sharp earth words with mental power:

"Stop pretending! You've been exposed."


A strong mental impact entered Baihe's consciousness, but the outer layer of mimicry was still intact. The black ball swelled under Baihe's observation, becoming active and full of attack power.

However, under the blockade of Baihe, this attack power seems a little weak.

The victory or defeat of pure conscious struggle depends on mental power, but mental power is a very metaphysical thing, it cannot be quantified, and its strength is related to various qualities of consciousness: whether the character is tough, whether the thinking is fast, whether the will is firm, Is entanglement important and so on. Many times, a very silly reason can often lead to a Jedi reversal of a spiritual battle, a dying struggle of ‘I can’t die! ’ The power that arises in spiritual struggles is often immeasurable.

Once you enter a pure spiritual struggle, your infinite confidence in your ability to live to the end often becomes the key to victory or defeat. Once a party's confidence is not sufficient, even if it has a huge advantage in the early stage, it will often lose.

Powerful creatures often don't like mental struggles, because there are too many variables and too dangerous.

However, many people like controllable mental battles, such as the current White Dragon.

Bai He doesn't know exactly what level of his mental power is, and he is not sure if he will fight against others in an absolutely fair situation, but he will hang up if he can't stand it.

He has completely confirmed that the Yisi people are completely unable to detect the mimetic consciousness of the flying hydra in the case of pure spirit, and the result of contact is confusion of thinking.

He felt that this was a problem with the thinking structure of the Yisi people. They seemed to have extremely poor ability to adapt to the neural structure of the form of the flying hydra, so there was no good way to face the phantom mimicry.

However, being suppressed does not mean that he is powerless to resist. When the Yithians huddled together, Baihe and the Trisolarans were somewhat powerless against him. He stubbornly rejected all Bai He's calls, but when Bai He's camouflage was lax for a long time, they would secretly recover and expand their minds to release something else to the outside world.

Unable to break through the spiritual resistance of the Yisi people in a short time, Baihe tried to release some of these strange mental signals, and the result was an exploding cruise ship and a bunch of wailing souls who were miserably imprisoned. These signals are communications to summon servants.

After several battles of wits and courage, Baihe finally found the spiritual weakness of the Yisi people - after all, they are just a technological race. Although their spirits are strong and tenacious, they are not yet unmatched. When the mimetic spirit was constantly in contact with the consciousness of the Yisi people, Baihe found that the thinking system around the Yisi people was not very developed. To be precise, it did not match the level of technology possessed by these high-tech creatures. Easy to peel off.

But the core of consciousness surrounded by these peripheral thoughts is terrifying.

Bai He can probably guess that this is the final result of the technological development of the Yisi people. They fixed some 'concepts' into this core of consciousness, achieving a magical effect.

After taking some precautions, Baihe decided to use magic to decompose the peripheral spirit of the Yith people, and take this core out and take it for himself.

Baihe is not arrogant. According to the original description, the Yisi people also need to use an instrument to return to their bodies. This is probably due to some kind of restriction. Before they can't help but get the white dragon, the Yisi people are in any kind of situation. In the state of human slaughter, there is considerable space and time for Baihe to operate.

Bailong made a special spell for the spirit of the Yisi people, adjusted it continuously for more than a month, and finally sent the Yisi people's self-consciousness into chaos after more than a dozen times of soft grinding and hard soaking, and successfully captured the spiritual core.

This action brought unexpected results. When the spiritual core was captured by Baihe's consciousness, a strange black coat of arms appeared on half of Baihe's face, and his body gradually showed many creepy inhuman characteristics: some A crack like a huge knife and axe appeared on the surface of his body, black transparent tentacles loomed in these wounds, black mist emerged from it, and a breathing sound in the rushing sound was stretched countless times. It was mixed with a terrifying cry that seemed to come from the void.

Bai He was slightly stunned by what seemed to appear on his body in an instant, feeling the message conveyed in the core of his mind capture, the expression on his face suddenly became confused, suddenly awakened, suddenly confused, suddenly fearful, and finally turned into a kind of confusion clear.

"Host, what have you done? Why do we feel that a strange and crazy thinking is eroding us." The trisolaran in the vice brain sent out a message of fear. Although the spirit of the Yisi disappeared, but Instead of being relieved by the lessening of the task, they became more tense.

"You are also contaminated?" Bai He asked after a cursory inspection of the internal and external conditions.

"Of course, host, if you don't think of a way to solve the problem, within 10 days at most, our consciousness will begin to completely and irreversibly deform." The three-body man's voice was urgent: "What are you doing?"

"Don't be impatient." Bai He is very sober, although the madness is also entangled in his thinking, but he looks more calm: "My time limit is similar to yours, if these crazy forces continue to grow within 10 days, I will also It's normal to fall into madness irreversibly, but it's really interesting, I probably know what's going on in this world?"

"Host, what did you find?" the three-body man asked.

"I thought that a civilized race that rejected magical power and conquered time by researching technology would be a sober and rational race. The result... This conclusion really surprised me."

Looking at the self-image reflected in the window glass, Bai He exclaimed in admiration.

"Host, what's wrong with this race?"

"In your universe, do you think that time travel might exist in reality?"

"Host, there are different rules in different worlds, and if they don't exist in our world, it doesn't necessarily mean they don't exist in other worlds." R1 said, "What's more, even in our world, Trisolaran's technology is not top-notch. , did not even enter the door of the top civilization,"

"The real problem with time travel is that it can lead to the destruction of logic, like the grandmother paradox." R2 added: "Maybe people who can time travel will find ways to reduce their interference with the past, but unless they are willing to be a simple …observers who are unwilling to exert even physical influence, otherwise it will inevitably cause a butterfly effect, and IMHO, with our guesses about the morality of intelligent creatures, no species capable of time travel will guarantee that each of them will use this ability The members have that kind of self-discipline.”

"Then aren't you curious about how the Yithians find a way to avoid this kind of logical destruction?"

"We are really curious, host, how did they know that you absorbed their spirit?"

"Their observations of history are based on a theory. The Yis believe that the degree of time travel's interference with history can be expressed by an index, which they call the 'Isi index'. For example, you go back in time and step on a foot of sand. The result of this kick is likely to cause an earthquake hundreds of millions of years later to produce subtle changes in the geological appearance due to local uneven quality, which will further make a city built by a civilization on the earthquake site appear similar to its own. History has a different appearance. In this way, a butterfly effect is formed, but the impact of this butterfly effect on macro history takes a long time to show its effect. In the definition of Yisi people, this kick belongs to low Iraqi The behavior of the index." Baihe disappeared, looking like a shadow, he jumped from the hotel: "The opposite is the behavior of the Gauss index, such as killing a person who plays a key role in the historical process, Another example is the destruction of an event that is quite accidental but has a major impact on history, and the key process of history has been subverted in a short period of time under such actions.”

"Well~ in the process of possible time travel, try your best to ensure that what you do is low-index behavior and avoid high-index behavior to avoid breaking logic?"

"Yes, they based this set of theories on the historical process of the entire universe, thereby setting the limit Issian index in the history of the universe, and all their actions try to ensure that the sum is lower than this total index, which is A very high value—whether it is the rise and fall of a civilization, or a planet, or even a galaxy, its influence in the universe is negligible. For the entire universe, the behavior of a low Isis index produces a butterfly effect. The time point is often after the destruction of the universe." Bai He said: "What do you think: what about this set of theories?"

"...Analysis makes some sense, but..." R1 hesitated for a while, and seemed to have discussed it: "We think this theory is still very strange in many places. It does not seem to fundamentally solve the problem of logical destruction, such as , if two Yisi people traveled at the same time, one first traveled to a later era, and the other traveled to a relatively earlier era, there is a problem: any behavior of the latter may affect the age of the former. History, if the timelines of these two individuals move forward synchronously at the moment of crossing, how will the butterfly effect caused by the latter be reflected in the history of the former?”

"No..." Bai Hedao: "They don't have any description of this situation in their minds. They seem to follow the Issian index theory, and they are accustomed to freely exchange consciousness with creatures in various time and space, and they don't care about the inconsistency of time at all. Like their two great escapes."

"How... how is this possible? There will inevitably be contradictions. Even a gap of one microsecond to one millisecond will cause earth-shaking disasters, not to mention that they travel through so frequently?" R2 was surprised: "How could this universe give back to them this way? phenomenon."

"So you see, the Yisi people can't explain it themselves, but this universe allows them to use this ability, isn't it very interesting?" Bai He laughed.

"Could it be that the universe made up for their bugs spontaneously? For example, branch worlds, parallel universes?"

"How did these branch universes come into being? Where did the matter that compose them come from? - That's the whole universe. UU's book The simple materialist thought believes that matter can't be born out of nowhere and can't disappear out of nowhere - maybe this It may not be accurate, but assuming that these substances can indeed be born out of thin air, and even different parallel universes are hidden in dimensions that we cannot observe, in what form do these dimensions exist? Quantum form? If the Yithians have been so repeatedly in history How many branch universes are needed to create the butterfly effect? ​​How can we use mathematical logic to describe these materials produced out of thin air? An infinite number of parallel universes? Let’s not talk about whether this statement is possible in the real world: do you think the creator of this universe… What model might be used to express this infinity? And more importantly: the Yithians firmly believe that what they are traveling through is the real history!"

Bai He's eyes flashed: "Look, no matter how you explain it, time travel within a single universe will lead to situations that cannot be described by logic and may lead to the destruction of logic."

"This... But the host, since the world allows the Yithians to travel in time, there must be a mechanism that allows them to travel in this way without causing the world to collapse."

"This is the crux of the question, how did this world do it?" Bai He walked to an alley, which made his shadow even gloomier: "You asked why it became like this after assimilating the consciousness of the Yisi people. , in fact, the reason is very simple, R1, the core of this world is the 'indescribable horror' shaped by Lovecraft, and the causal logic destruction caused by time travel is completely in line with this theme. You see: Yisi people seem to be rational and intelligent Underneath the civilization—that’s what hides.”

He raised a hand, and a transparent black tentacle in the crack swayed its teeth and claws: "Who gave them this kind of power?"

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