Frost Wings

Chapter 88: Sif

Seeing the red dragon dancing wildly in the illusion, breathing aimlessly, Bai He laughed, but also secretly scared.

Infiltrating the essence of chaos into illusion spells and conjuring spells can actually show this effect. Once the will can't resist, it will completely fall into madness. It has a miraculous effect on people who are naturally funny like Red Dragon.

This is a trump card, Bai Long pondered secretly, but the strong order force might have a strong resistance effect against this kind of thing.

The red dragon danced for a while in the psychedelic, and then fell into a rampage of power in the frantic roar, and the blazing flames rushed out from the cracks in his scales, until he burned his entire body.

The flame fuel that burns from the inside is the blood of the red dragon. The severe pain caused by the exhaustion makes the red dragon jump violently between the peaks and the valleys. The technique, death cloud technique, force wall technique, weak energy technique, and exhaustion rays kept flying towards the red dragon. Vallig jumped for more than ten minutes, and finally fell to the ground on the half of the mountain that he ignited.

The flames didn't actually cause any damage to Valig. The fatal injuries were blood depletion and inner tissue rupture. All kinds of messy negative energy and poisons also played a big role.

Before he died, he regained his sobriety and uttered a vicious curse on the white dragon: "I curse you! His Majesty Tiamat watched everything, and you killed the mother's most beloved son, the splendid future of the five-colored dragons. The end is in your hands, and you will be punished!"

"Hahahaha, this is the funniest joke I've ever heard." Bai He laughed mercilessly: "You are a fool who is as mentally retarded as you are worthy of a self-proclaimed future of five-colored dragons, like Lao Tzu. Didn't the dragon go to the sky long ago? If I were your real mother, and slapped you to death when you were still an egg, how could your grandson be embarrassed by the colorful dragons on this continent? "

"Despicable blasphemer!" The white dragon's contempt made the red dragon furious, and he struggled to prop up his **** upper body: "You... dare to insult the great mother of dragons, you will pay the price! "

"You die for me first and then talk about other things." Baihe sneered and waved his claws. A red light shot out from his fingertips and hit the red dragon's head. Vallig let out a sharp roar, four Only his paws tugged on the ground twice, and after shaking a few times, he fell to the ground.

If you can't beat me, call me Mom?

Bai Long scoffed, but she didn't see her mother paying any attention to him.

When he was complaining, a gloomy gaze in the nine-layered **** was already staring at him. She was slightly annoyed at the fallen red dragon, and then her eyes shifted to the white dragon, but it turned into a kind of amazement. and appreciate.

But this is useless to the white dragon. The chaotic nature in his body makes him a creature that is more peculiar than ordinary extraordinary creatures to a considerable extent. It blocks the peeping of divine power. She searches through the planes at a loss, but lost its purpose.

Bai Long didn't know what was happening. The Red Riding Hood kobold immediately ran over when he saw him landing.

At the beginning of the battle, Kejin was lying on the ground and huddled in a ball, and when he saw the red dragon being played by the White River, Kejin fell into a sluggishness. More shocking. When the red dragon set himself on fire, Kejin was completely excited, and the kobolds and lizardmen who followed the red dragon were all stunned. Seeing the white dragon on the ground, the excited Kejin couldn't wait to meet the master, full of flattering words. Flattering:

"Me! My master, you are indeed invincible! You are extraordinary and unparalleled in the world!"

Several clever kobolds and lizardmen also came over: "Master, you are so wise and martial! Powerful and invincible, this red-skinned reptile is like a kitten and a puppy, not worth mentioning, vulnerable to a single blow."

Bai Long listened to their flattery with ease, and laughed loudly: "Quick! Hurry up and take off this dragon's head and hang it up!"

"Yes yes yes!" A group of kobolds happily began to deal with the corpse of the red dragon, and Kejin stood on the dragon corpse and chatted: "You all be careful! Every part of the red dragon is useful to the owner! Internal organs and facial features They can be used as magic materials. Dragon heads can be used as decorations, dragon scales can be used as armor, dragon bones can be used as weapons, dragon tendons can be used to rub bowstrings, and dragon meat can be dried into preserved seeds, which can be simmered in soup when you are hungry.”

The white dragon walked into the red dragon's cave and decided to search first. He is not a fool. Maybe the dragon slayer has been in place for several months. If he stays here for too long, there may be an accident. .

But this red dragon is obviously a poor man - he has only been in the north for a few days, and the white dragon disdainfully swept away the piles of poor jewels with his tail, and he didn't even have a magic weapon, even if he himself No, there will be a bunch of dragon slaying warriors in the next few days. As long as there are a few high-level figures in the lineup, they can hang their heads on the city wall.

However, in an inconspicuous place in the dragon's cave, a shrine attracted the attention of Bai Long. It was a miniature statue of a five-headed dragon.

Bai Long glanced at the statue. The great being in **** found a short-term lost target. She couldn't wait to use her divine power to penetrate the plane, but Bai Long became annoyed.

He found that something was going to invade his consciousness through this idol, and he almost succeeded - if the source of chaos did not help him break the target, the white dragon kicked in a rage, the five-color dragon queen The statue was kicked into two pieces.

What the hell? !

A certain white dragon, who has absolutely no reverence for blood and inheritance, commented on his first close contact with the five-colored dragon queen.

After Bai Long walked away, a cloud of black mist slowly emerged from the broken statue. There was a faint emotion in the black mist, which contained disappointment, anger and annoyance.

After a few minutes of searching, the white dragon, who felt that the poor ratio of the red dragon was about to leave, suddenly found a strange magical light in a corner.

This magical aura is very dark, like a trembling human shape, Bai Long's heart moved, and he chanted a spell to use a true seeing technique. The shadow instantly realized that he had been discovered, and she stared at Bai Long and let out a scream in horror. Call.

Um? Turned out to be a sister paper?

Bai Long narrowed his eyes.

He looked at this slender figure emerging from the shadows—it looked like a fourteen-fifteen-year-old human being, wearing a ragged robe that couldn't even cover his upper body, um, he looked pretty good, and, eh? Is this a long ear?

He looked at this little girl's fair and delicate skin and slender ears, and recognized that she was a famous subspecies snow elf from the north of the elf family.

Sif looked at the white monster in horror. As the only daughter of the snow elf patriarch of Xuenmarsh Town, she grew up in a honey pot since she was a child, but these days she seems to be living in hell. , and everything that happened for days in a row wrecked her weak nerves.

First, she was kidnapped by a surprisingly large red dragon and locked in the bottom of the cave. She could see the desire in the monster's eyes. When she was hunting with her mother, she had seen beasts in the snow before they devoured their prey. It was the same look, hungry, manic and bloodthirsty.

He's going to eat himself.

When the red dragon was away, she activated the hidden rune blessed by Karien, hidden in the shadow of the cave, this rune concealed her 'existence', and UU reading allowed her to escape The red dragon searched, but she couldn't find the way out - the red dragon could easily climb out of the stairs along the tunnel, but she didn't have that ability, it was too high for her, and she couldn't help her escape from the divine art of ascension , Compared with her mother and the priests in the tribe, her divine grace and divine skills are relatively shallow.

She was trapped here and was cold and hungry. Fortunately, Karien did not abandon her. She heard the sound of the cave shaking and looked forward with anticipation. Maybe the dragon slayer invited by her mother came to save her, but a new appearance appeared in the cave. The monster made her a little desperate.

However, this new monster seems to be a little different from the one in front.

Fear didn't make her lose her observation completely. She blinked, noticing that the new monster's eyes were not so bloodthirsty, and she didn't seem to be in such a hurry to eat her.

Her anxious mood was a little calmer, but she was still uneasy, because at the same time she found that although the white dragon didn't seem like a man-eating red dragon, it was still very scary. She had absolutely no idea what the white dragon wanted to do?

Baihe looked at this snow elf girl, a loli who had not yet fully expired, and there was something else that attracted him - the most well-known feature of snow elves as a subspecies of elf was their ears, and unlike their cousins, snow elves The earth elf's ears are curled inward from below and drooping slightly. They look soft and thin, and they are very cute when they shake.

Seeing the frightened appearance of the snow elf girl, Bai Long couldn't help showing a hideous smile, and exclaimed in a pretentious manner: "Ah~ I just got hungry and there is a piece of meat, let me think about whether to fry it or cook it. Eat it or steam it?"

Seeing the huge monster in front of him sticking out his forked tongue and licking his saliva, Sif rolled his eyes, shook it, and his body fell softly.

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