Full-time BOSS

Chapter 142 The Red Sea

It can be seen from the appearance alone that it is different. The huge body is five or six meters high, covered with golden neighbors, and the key parts are also wearing thick armor. Surrounded by several Ten three- to four-meter-long sharks seemed to be driving those sea beasts to die.

Slaval Redscale (Naga Shark Lord), advanced boss template, level 47, blood volume 560,000.

Just from the numerical point of view, it is stronger than Xiao Yu.

Azathoth (Prince of Water Element): "Hey, you guys, don't just watch. If my army suffers too many casualties, I won't be able to risk going through the maelstrom to kill that shark driver!"

This is almost Chi Guoguo's coercion. After hearing this, the three players were forced to submit. Xiao Yu was right. If Xiao Yu didn't enter the maelstrom, their investment would be in vain. Yes, and the prestige value of a high-level boss is indeed worth fighting for.

"Attention everyone, rush with me!"

The frost giant Tifeng started to charge with his ice puppets. These elemental creatures made of ice have a solid shape. Their arms are condensed with ice and sharp blades can easily pierce them. Pierce the body of the sea beast, but the teeth and sharp claws of the sea beast have no effect on the hard body of the ice golem. As the ice golem and the sea beast fight together, the sea element lord Monari and the water element elder Kukuker also The attack is on.

These three troops, with the Ice Elemental Army as their arrows, and under the command of the three skull-level bosses, were like a sharp sword. They easily penetrated the formation of Naga, and rushed directly towards the Shark Lord. After passing through, a large part of the enemies were immediately attracted away.

Xiao Yu took the opportunity to stabilize the formation.

Azathoth (Prince of Water Element): "Advance slowly, maintain formation, continue to output firepower, don't stop the Frostbolt, don't stop, shoot me hard!"

Azathoth (Prince of Water Element): "Those who don't have the power of the element, back up and recover! Those who are behind, push up, push up!"

Azathoth (Prince of Water Element): "Siren, tell your priests not to attack, just leave the attack to the elementals, you all give me recovery skills, the song of the ocean, let's go! The power of the tide, let's go ! Ice body guard, let's go!"

Xiao Yu kept issuing orders, thanks to his previous experience in playing real-time strategy games and his experience in large-scale wars in the firmament world, the battle situation gradually turned towards them, and he kept pulling The troops replaced the old ones with new ones, so that the firepower could be continuously output, and the disabled troops were withdrawn to the back to gather and reorganize, stunned to withstand the continuous attack of the Naga army.

Such close-combat troops and long-range attack-type troops are easily consumed once they are unable to attack for a long time. This is the case with the Naga army in front of them. As a large number of Naga fighters were shot and killed, the sea was dyed red. The opponent's offensive gradually showed fatigue, but after all, the Naga army was numerous and fearless, and still persisted. Just when Xiao Yu was hesitating whether to go up and make a big move, a system prompt sounded suddenly .

System prompt: In the year 1375 of the firmament era, under the command of Azathoth, the sea elemental lord Monari, the water elemental elder Kukuker, and the frost giant Tifeng jointly killed Sraffa Redscale ( Naga Sharkmaster), you gained 163 reputation.

(Hey, not bad, not bad, it really is fun to be a leader), Xiao Yu felt secretly refreshed when he heard the voice of the system prompt.

Although he did not actually participate in the killing, but because he was the commander of this plot event, he gave the order to kill Sraffa Redscale (the Naga Shark Lord), so the system will judge Xiao Yu was also a participant in the kill, so he naturally gained a fortune.

As the commander was killed, the Naga's offensive suddenly became disorganized, and even fled. Some Naga officers tried to regroup, others tried to ask their superiors for instructions, and some simply directly The troops began to retreat, and taking advantage of this brief chaotic moment, Xiao Yu keenly seized the opportunity.

Azathoth (Prince of Water Element): "Player Legion——No, I mean the Volunteer Legion to attack, all dispatched, and attack the enemy scattered!"

Those players who have been suppressed for a long time swarmed out, anyway, they are not afraid of death, so what are you waiting for if you don't harvest experience and reputation points at this time.

Immediately, they fought with the chaotic Naga army, and the Frost Nova was constantly released. Xiao Yu took the opportunity to recount the water elemental army and sea elemental army under his hands. The fight was fierce, but because of the proper command, it only lost more than two hundred, but there were a lot of residual blood and injuries, which accounted for almost 2/3 of the entire army.

Then it's time for the final blow.

Water Demon Priest, Siren Priest, and Ice Demon Priest, apart from their different attack spells and protective spells, these three priests have a common skill, Elemental Light, this skill is only useful for elemental creatures, and can fuse the surrounding elements , Repairing the body of a damaged elemental creature is basically equivalent to healing, it can only work on elemental creatures, but the healing effect is much higher than ordinary healing spells.

This skill is also the key to this battle.

Azathoth (Prince of Water Element): "All priests, give me the light of the elements, and the ones who are dying will be added first! Add as much as you can, until all your elemental powers are used up! "

For the 3,000 elemental army, these dozens of priests are actually not too many. Exhausting all the elemental power in one breath, they can barely restore the health of most elemental creatures to more than 80%, but this is already enough.

Azathoth (Prince of Water Element): "Okay, siren, take the priests and stay and recover! Watkud, Simon, take your men and push me forward! Continue to output firepower!"

The army of thousands of elements advanced again, this time at a much faster speed, but this time the Naga had no power to stop them at all. Since they were in a melee with the player army, they couldn't stop the effective formation, so they ran away more and more. The more, or they will be shot into a sieve by the dense ice arrows.

As the sea beasts that served as cannon fodder gradually died out, those Naga sea witches began to retreat in groups. When the Naga sea witch said it, those Naga warriors turned around and fled not to be outdone.

Azathoth (Prince of Water Element): "All the siren scouts are chasing, and the army continues to move forward! The water is forcing, gather your people, we still have a battle to fight."

After Xiao Yu finished speaking, he glanced at the battlefield,

At this time, the surrounding sea water was all dyed red, like a red ocean, with dead naga and sea beast corpses floating everywhere, and elemental creatures would turn into water directly when they died, so it seemed that there were no casualties. Only the formation with a slight coefficient proved that a group of troops was indeed lost just now.

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