Full-time BOSS

Chapter 553 United Nations Defense Department

"Who!" Someone exclaimed. The guards took up their weapons and surrounded them, and at the same time said that the president was protected.

"The world is about to usher in a new era, Mr. President, I will save you and your people from tyranny, I will set you free, and at this dawn, do not add to the fearless Casualties."

The man walked towards the president while talking. He was obviously slow, but he walked up to the president in the blink of an eye.

"Guard, grab him!"

Several guards rushed up.

Medivh just waved his hand casually, and those soldiers flew out. Medivh walked all the way, and people retreated to both sides.

"Fire!" The captain of the guard gave an order, and several soldiers who had already been armed with live ammunition immediately pulled the trigger.

Bullets rained out, and then stagnated in mid-air in front of Medivh.

Medivh picked up a bullet and looked at it, smiled slightly, and suddenly, those bullets fell all over the ground like marbles.

"My God, what the hell is going on--" exclaimed the captain of the guard, but no one answered him.

At this time, Medivh had already walked up to the president.

A few brave bodyguards drew their guns to intercept, but met the same end.

"You, who are you?" the president asked in surprise, his hand still on the red button.

"I'm not human—I'm a god!" Medivh said proudly.

"God—God?" the President of the United States asked in a daze.

Medivh shook his head, "Of course not God. God doesn't exist, at least not in your world. I am another god, a real god."

If ordinary people said this, they would be regarded as lunatics and sent to a mental hospital immediately. However, the supernatural ability that Medivh showed just now made the president shut his mouth rationally.

"What if I press down?"

"That doesn't change anything, the world is destined to be liberated."

"Liberation? What do you mean by the tyrant who rules the world?"

Medivh smiled slightly, "Some things, it's better not to say it." He tapped his staff lightly towards the suitcase, and with a flutter, the suitcase turned into a huge cream cake.

Just when the president was in a daze, the official who had been encouraging the president to use nuclear weapons sneaked away, slipped into a bathroom at the base, closed the door, and the official directly took out his mobile phone. There is no way to use mobile phones in the deep underground base, but his mobile phone is not included.

"Hey, head, the US nuclear bomb can't be launched, and a guy who claims to be a god has occupied this place! Well, I understand, I will evacuate now."

After the official finished speaking, he waved his hand into the air, and the whole person disappeared immediately.

"What, Russia's nuclear weapons have not been fired yet? You're kidding, why is Wuchang bragging like something on weekdays, and when it comes to critical moments, all of them condense? What, Moscow is occupied by aliens?"

Putting down the phone, Li Mingfei felt as if ten thousand horses ran past in his heart.

This is the United Nations Defense Headquarters. Unlike the United Nations in reality, although the United Nations in Earth OL cannot directly control the five major countries, it has powerful power, and it also has its own army and even nuclear weapons.

Of course, this was specially designed when the game was being produced, in order to allow the GM to have more control over the entire game, and the senior officials of the United Nations Department of Defense are basically held by the GM.

And the minister of the entire United Nations Defense Department is Li Mingfei.

At this time, Li Mingfei looked at the pictures sent back from all over the world, but he kept scolding his mother in his heart. Did he make a mistake? This is obviously an OL on Earth. A realistic game without any fantasy background, why did it come out of aliens? Now that even the gods have appeared, how can we fight?

To say that the combat power under his hands is actually not weak at all. If nuclear weapons are placed in the sky world or the world of the battle of the gods, they will also exist as big killers.

However, no matter how destructive these weapons are, the people who control these weapons are just ordinary people. Facing mysterious enemies with mysterious magic, these powerful weapons fail before they can be used, which makes Li Mingfei vomit blood in anger.

He glanced at the screen again, and a huge meatball-like alien creature on the screen made him feel familiar, "Hey, wait a minute, why does that alien creature look so familiar?"

But before he could take a closer look, a shocking person interrupted his train of thought.

"Minister, the U.S. government has announced its surrender to the aliens? Russia seems to have surrendered, and now the five permanent members of the United Nations have basically given up resistance."

What? Surrendered so soon? Li Mingfei couldn't believe it, how could he surrender so easily? Even if nuclear weapons are not used, conventional force can fight a dozen.

"This is not surprising. They have no way to fight against enemies beyond the laws of physics. Since they have no way to defeat the enemies, they can only join the enemies."

A voice answered Li Mingfei's doubts, and also woke up everyone suddenly.

who? Inside the base, everyone looked over vigilantly, but in front of them was a man wearing a cloak who appeared in the center of the base.

Li Mingfei recognized Medivon, and his mouth grew wide in surprise: "Mediwen? How could it be you? You are still alive?"

He originally thought that Medivh should have been completely deleted during the game format.

"Long time no see, Li Mingfei." Medivh said slightly mockingly.

"Are you here to help me?" Li Mingfei asked tentatively.

"Help you, why do you want to help you?" Medivh sneered.

"I gave you life."

Medivh nodded, "Hehe, I remember that I only promised to help you do one thing, and that thing has already been done, I don't owe you anything, and now I am no longer bound by you In fact, I owe a favor to another person, and now, it's time for me to repay the debt."

"Could it be that the person you're talking about is——Shen Yuan! Damn it, I knew it was Shen Yuan's fault!" Li Mingfei said angrily, saying in his heart, Shen Yuan, Shen Yuan, you old bastard with me! Do you have any grudges, always running to the games I manage to die.

Medivh nodded, "That's right, it's him. To tell you the truth, Earth OL is beyond salvation. This time, there will be no other Azathoth to help you. There are still ten minutes, and the firewall will be blocked." Fully activated, the system self-test will start, and this game will be completely isolated from the outside world, I suggest you retreat quickly, otherwise it will be too late."

"What!" Li Mingfei was taken aback when he heard that, he didn't expect Shen Yuan to do such an amazing thing this time?

"But since then, all of you have also been trapped in the game, completely isolated from the outside world."

"And that's what we're aiming for, a self-contained world."

Li Mingfei thought it was a bad idea. He raised his eyes and glanced at the other people in the base. Many of these people were played by GMs, but their identities were senior officials of the United Nations, and some of them were NPCs from the Earth OL.

Those NPCs watched the conversation between the two with bewildered faces, while the GMs all begged for dark colors.

The GMs all looked at Li Mingfei eagerly. They didn't want to stay and wait to die, but they didn't run away directly. They still had some discipline, but Li Mingfei knew that if the time came and he didn't announce their retreat, they would still run away. of.

"Let's go!" Li Mingfei yelled, and everyone immediately quit the game one by one as if they had been pardoned. With a series of white lights, these high-ranking officials played by the GM disappeared. Only the NPCs were left stunned to watch what happened around them.

"Okay, I'm in charge here now. Now, let's hold a world summit meeting." Medivh said, sitting down in the position of the Minister of Defense of the United Nations. He said in an unquestionable tone, those NPCs, All of them subconsciously got busy, completely following Medivh's orders.

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