Full-time Occupation

Chapter 496: It's time to make some changes

"Full-time occupation Ou Huang (

"Speaking of Tang Rou and their training in various occupational skills, play styles, and genres, they also need to be arranged. These aspects, they also need to learn systematically." Zhang Jiale said. After all, these are what a professional player needs to master.

And look now, they chat, except that Luo Ji can barely keep up, Tang Ruanhuang Baozi is completely between listening and not stopping. Say they didn't listen, what they said, they would go through it in their minds again. But let's say they listened, you turn around and ask them what they just said, neither of them can answer.

Just like Schrödinger's cat, sometimes Tang Yin wanted to exchange Schrödinger's cat with a bun. Why are you not using Tang Rou? Of course it's because of reluctance! (Bun cried and fainted in the toilet...)

But now that the two of Tang Ruanhuang and Baozi had been leveling up all the way, they had a considerable understanding of the profession they were playing.

But the knowledge of other professions is very shallow. As for their daily arena, they are all online game players, and their strength is really limited. It is almost impossible for the Tang Ruanhuang Baozi to learn from them.

So now Tang Ruhuang Baozi needs to strengthen his professional knowledge in this area, so that the captain will not be in a hurry.

And now they don't have to think about playing dungeons, or grabbing wild map bosses, after all, those who have already determined that they are going to the professional circle, those PVE knowledge are naturally not so important. After all, PVP has a PVP style of play, and now there is no time to waste them.

"These are called Lao Ye, after all, the title of the Honor Textbook can't be called for nothing, otherwise we will laugh at you collectively." Tang Yin said with a smile.

What else could Ye Xiu do? It was true that he could only do this. Chen Guo didn't see any ink on this scene, so he bought a set of full-level vacancies that honored all professions online.

In the past few days after the account card arrived, Ye Xiu summarized a detailed introduction of each professional skill play. Let Tang Yin and Baozi watch them every day, and it was the best to memorize them. In this way, it can be digested faster when PK with him.

On the fifth day, the second confluence of the first round of the playoffs began. Samsara faced the Thunder. This time Samsara was at home, so Xiao Shiqin could not deploy as early as the previous game. And Samsara has grasped the advantage of appearance very well, won a big score and won the thunder.

After the press conference after the game, Zhou Zekai remained the same as before, with simple "um", "yes", "yes" ..... The interview made all kinds of despair.

And when the reporters were tortured by Zhou Zekai's speech, they could not see any hope. They interviewed Xiao Shiqin with the mentality of going through the process. This time, Xiao Shiqin's answer was to let them out.

Xiao Shiqin was not like a normal player. The above-mentioned wife said nothing. The opponent played very well. At this time, he deserved it. Or maybe they are still full of confidence in their own future and will fight for glory in the coming year.

This time Xiao Shiqin started to talk about his own professional career over the past few years instead.

Speaking of Xiao Shiqin, he is also one of the young and famous players. From the time he was in the youth training camp, he has already demonstrated that his powerful overall judgment can be controlled. I remember that the Thunder captain said at the time that Xiao Shiqin was a genius for a team player.

And Xiao Shiqin has indeed fulfilled the expectations of the former Thunder captain, and even said that he has surpassed. Xiao Shiqin, who made his official debut in the fourth season of the professional league, began to show his talents. Although technically, he failed to break the rookie wall, he has become the mainstay of the Thunder in team battles.

Among all the people who were at the same time in the golden age, he was the first to become the captain of the team after Yu Wenzhou, and he and his character Life and Death are regular visitors in the All-Stars. Later, relying on his superb deployment and command abilities, he joined Tyranny's Zhang Xinjie, Lan Yu's Yu Wenzhou, and Excellent Era's Ye Qiu, and became known as the Glory Four Tactical Masters.

But this is also a point that everyone regrets, because it is compared with the previous three. Xiao Shiqin's situation is indeed not very good.

According to the outside world's evaluation of Xiao Shiqin, Xiao Shiqin is a player who can cause problems for any team. He is a good poker player in the true sense, but it's a pity that the Thunder has never been a good deck.

No way, Thunder has never been a giant. It can be said that apart from Xiao Shiqin and his life and death spirit, Thunder has no other players or roles that can be used.

After watching Xiao Shiqing, look at the other three. Yu Wenzhou is surrounded by Huang Shaotian and Ye Yu, and Zhang Xinjie is surrounded by the King of Fighters. Tyranny is one of the richest players in the league. Ye Qiu's words were even more exaggerated. Excellent Era won three consecutive championships and created a dynasty. In addition to the role One Autumn Leaf is a god-level role, Su Mucheng, the league's first gunner who debuted with Xiao Shiqing, even the quality of his teammates and the roles used by his teammates are among the best in the league.

In their comparison, Xiao Shiqin’s team has neither a strong teammate nor a strong role except him. The details are analyzed over and over again. Repeatedly watch the skills and techniques of each player, looking for flaws frame by frame. Looking for loopholes that can be exploited, try to maximize the energy of this bad card around you!

But even if he has done his best, it is impossible to think of winning the championship as a chance. Even the two playoff spots cannot be fully guaranteed every time.

After reviewing his career in general, Xiao Shiqing finally sighed and said, "It's time to make some changes."

After Xiao Shiqin said this, some experienced reporters immediately noticed signs of big news. Each of the reporters who had been tricked by Zhou Zekai and various low pressures immediately changed their postures.

It's time to make some changes.

What does this change mean? Does it mean the Thunder or Xiao Shiqin himself? What kind of changes do you want to make?

The reporters present at this moment are all excited. If nothing else, as long as Xiao Shiqin's foreshadowing before, it will definitely be the headline of tomorrow's e-sports newspaper!

Sure enough, before the reporter asked questions, Xiao Shiqin himself said: "I'm very sorry, but this will be the last game I will lead the Thunder. Thanks to the Thunder over the years, my teammates, and also There are fans who support us and accompany our growth. Think about your company. This is my starting point and the place where I grew up. I can make a decision like today, but I’m sorry, I can’t move forward with you anymore. . But no matter what the future is, Thunder is always the deepest imprint in my heart!"


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