Galaxy Of Infinity World's

Chapter 71 - Battle of the Dwarfs


S-0! What is happening who is attacking! (Specter)

Running into °CCT° Specter looked over the map and looking at the Dwarfs city wall having Magic cannons firing at the base.

Why are they attacking? (Specter)

Don't know sir! I was going to stop and let you do your thing but we got attacked. (S-0)


The base shook again Specter watched as an explosion blasted out from I-2 sending a pillar of smoke and flames into the sky.

Why is the barrier not up! (Specter)

Activating barrier! (S-0)

The barrier placed over the base blocked three more shots from the magic cannons. As one of the hexagons took damage and broke from the constant hit another replaced the hole, this continued on as is.

Sir! I-1 is slowing down and I-2 stopped completely! (S-0)

Shit! If the magic Engines stop we are crashing! Send people to repair them fast! Land us down before we don't have an engine to keep us up! (Specter)

Roger! Commencing Emergency Landing! (S-0)

As TIIS lowered to the ground the Magic cannons became more active sending more spells out hitting the barrier repeatedly.

G-5 get a ground team ready hold them back from getting onto the base or doing any more damage to the base! G-6 get your team to fly and cover the sky from potential enemies cover G-5 ground team, G-7 arm up and send out your beasts Move to the North West and flank them. S-0 send out a °MHP°s attack the wall blast a hole in the wall, Send the °MTP°s and land troops out to get them in the city! The ground team is to take the city Magic cannons out! Do that we can send more °MTP°s in and drop troops into the city! Secure the city don't kill civilians watch your fire and tell them to surrender first then kill them if they don't make casualty rate as low as you can keep it! Any questions? (Specter)

Sir! What about the Magic Tanks? (G-2)

Haha! Forgotten about them! Send out the tanks to attack the Magic cannons if possible you can make use of them to blast holes in the wall and make more openings just don't kill civilians if possible! Any more questions? (Specter)

None? Good, Move out you have five minutes before Barrier deactivates once that happens all teams are to move out! Once you leave the barrier it will reactivate to keep them from attacking! Set up bases around the Base to defend better. (Specter)

As the teams become active the Base lands the barrier protects from magic spells and as the main weapons are magic turrets it is unusable unless the barrier is down, if it was against physical items having the barrier defend just that the magic turrets would be able to fire as support but its magic cannons from the city wall the magic defense is active protecting from all magic attacks but also can't use magic, sending the troops to take the city over best way as they can't leave as the repair on the Engine is going on.

How long until repaired? (Specter)

Sir! From what we got it will be two to three hours, the report is the engine is one destroyed and needs to be remade, the second is so badly damages it surprised them that it held out long enough to land before falling. (S-0)

The planes took off as if a wasp nest been kicked overtaking the sky fully armed, all in position to fly out soon as the barrier is dropped, the °MHP°s are in the front to take the wall and cover the Base and others on the ground and °MTP°s, all the mana comms connected to all teams to °CCT°.

Sound out! (Specter)

Ground Team A-1 Checking in! (S-117)

Ground Team A-2 Checking in! (S-3001)

Ground Team A-3 Checking in! (S-4409)

Ground Team A-4 Checking in! (S-5568)

All Ground A-1 Teams Checking in! (G-1)

All Ground A-2 Teams Checking in! (G-2)

All Ground A-3 Teams Checking in! (G-3)

All Ground A-4 Teams Checking in! (G-4)

Ground Team B-1 Checking in! (S-23778)

Ground Team B-2 Checking in! (S-37890)

Ground Team B-3 Checking in! (S-25000)

All Ground B-1 Teams Checking in (G-5)

All Ground B-2 Teams Checking in! (G-6)

All Ground B-3 Teams Checking in! (G-7)

Sir! All teams Checking in! (S-0)

Good! Deactivate barrier on my Mark! (Specter)

Roger deactivating Barrier on Mark! (S-0)

Five! (Specter)

Four! (Specter)

Three! (Specter)

Two! (Specter)

One! (Specter)

Mark! (Specter)

Barrier now deactivating! (S-0)

The barrier dropped back down and a few Magic Cannons blast in hitting a few °MHP°s making the barrier around them to break as it recharged to remake a new one, the moved back to get out of the attack range as the others moved forward to start the plan.

As the barrier is down Specter fired off a few turrets before it comes back online.

Fire! (Specter)

Firing °MHT° if using the main one it will make the city disappear and that is not what he wants so using the °MHT° to do the talking this time, the spell hit a few magic cannons destroying them but as there are so many taking a few is better then none. The troops moved in and the barrier closed back after having them off base. As the barrier is closing a magic cannon fired and its aimed at the barrier tower, seeing the magic spell moving to it the barrier will not close fast enough and will let the spell in, Specter yelled out.

Send people to repair the barrier first! We can take any more damage it will make our stay on the ground longer! (Specter)

At the end of it, the magic spell reaching the tower soon hit a pilot that flew into the path of the spell, this shocked Specter for a second as he watched the °MHP° fall but it did crash into the barrier tower making a blast of smoke.

S-0! Take command! Keep everything going smooth and get people to check the Barrier tower! (Specter)

Sir Yes Sir! (S-0)

Specter ran out and made his way over to the Barrier Tower using a °MHT° Specter made use of it and also brought the ones running over to the Barrier Tower, picking them up along the way, Specter made his way over to the tower and made his way up the °MHP° fell and crashed into the tower and is expected into the tower, as Specter looked over the pilot he is almost dead as soon as he got there but as soon. As Specter pulled him out the man died, as Specter starts to bring him back, the °MHP° was being held in place by the Pilots weight, fell leaving a huge hole in place of its crash. The pilot came back to life, and Specter had the medic take him to the med bay to rest. Specter helped the others and looking at the damage from the fall it saved the barrier but if he did not come personally not only would the brave Pilot die, the barrier also would be down, °MHP° hit an important rune and its a line to send power up without it, no power no barrier, fixing that first and repairing the other parts the barrier tower was fixed. Specter sent the others to go help the other repair damaged places as he moved back to °CCT°.

Walking in S-0 reported that a few °MTP° crashed everyone survived the fall but now surrounded by enemies, the planes barrier is keeping them back and safe as they keep attacking the barrier on two, one regrouped with the other ground team and making their way into the city. And the last one fell on the city wall and is making their way to take the magic cannons down. (S-0)

Sir! We have set up the Clover base up everything in place turrets are now activating! (A-1)

Good! Use it to send hurt troops to the medics can regroup there keep them safe, put the cross flag up for them all to know. (Specter)

Sir! We have arrived at the West side of the City, we are now commencing the attack! (G-7)

Roger! You have permission commencing attack! (Specter)

Watching as the beasts rushing the Westside, G-5 and G-6 advanced and moved up attacking the south side the docks and start entering the city, as the eastside, the others took it landing on the down sending troops out they breached the wall and entered the city clearing them making their way into the city. All teams are securing the civilians making sure to put them in safe places to don't get killed by accident and marked the place with a shield flag this is the sign to defend not attack, the beast also do the same set up safe areas and letting them move out the dwarfs and others out of the way. The city is huge and it will take time to take the city over.


Right after the first Magic cannon fired.

Inside the throne room the Dwarf King sitting there calmly drinking his beer and looked into space as he was in thought before feeling a magic cannon go off, this awake and him from his thoughts he got up and made his way out as another and another magic cannon fired.

They are doing it again but it's even more active this time I need to throw them in the cell keep shooting the magic cannons. It can only be said to test them once not fire repeatedly! (Dwarf king)

Grumbling he made his way on the siege wall the magic cannons are placed and found the idiots shooting again, but more and more dwarf guards join the other cannons and also fired them, confused he looked at what they are shooting at only to see a huge ship fall slowly down into the forest of trees not far.

Shocked that there is such a big ship but shocked that they are firing, looking around the city is not damaged by anything, seeing this he yelled angerly.

Stop your damn firing! What de hell your dow'in! I don't see de City in damage! Why de hell you shooting! it's the Magic Cannons! (Dwarf king)

King! (Everyone)

The guard knelt before their king as the king ran over to the most likely idiot that shot.

What de hell your dow'in! Explain Now! (Dwarf king)

It's the ship that been created it has been sent to the humans and now it's back it has to be full of humans ready to kill us! We must strike first! (Dwarf)

Stop your damn fire'in! (Dwarf king)

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