Game Design: It is Very Simple For You To Fill In?

Chapter 256: You are the light that shines on Hyrule again

  Chapter 256 You are the light that illuminates Hyrule again

   "Xiao Fat, what's the matter with you! Aren't you going to sleep?" Bobo's mother woke up in the morning and found that her daughter had been live broadcasting for more than ten hours.

   "You don't want to die!"

   "Mom, I have a sense of proportion!" Bobo waved his hand impatiently, "I only suffer once in a while, and it's a problem with the release of the game recently, this time is a special case!"

  Even though she was fiddling with her handheld, she still seriously told her mother the reason for staying up late this time.

   "I'm going out, do you want to know the time?" The mother's nagging concern came from outside the door.

  I heard ‘Bang! ' With the sound of closing the door, Bobo heaved a sigh of relief.

   "Brothers, are you sleepy?"

   "I'm not sleepy at all!"

   "When it comes to playing games, I'm so full of energy!" She said and started her own game.

   "No way? No way? No one is tired of reading and playing games, right?" Bobo frantically mocked the fans in his live broadcast room.

   It may be because of the usual maintenance. After staying up all night, she didn't see any decadent expression on her face, and her beautiful eyes were even more radiant.

'ah? Better than staying up all night, right? '

  ‘Isn’t it? Hippo can also talk to me? '

  ‘I don’t have any special skills, but if you compare yourself to me, I’m sorry that I’ve never been afraid of anyone. '

  ‘How long shall we play this time? '

'ah? I am the person who hates being said to be unworthy. '


  Looking at the very different barrage, Bobo was also a little stunned, yes, how long did you play this time?

   "Brothers, it's nine thirty in the morning, how about we play until two in the afternoon, and then sleep until ten in the evening, eight hours, just right."

   "As long as I get eight hours of sleep, I don't count as staying up late."

  Bobo counted with his fingers.

  ‘The experts heard this and wanted to come out of the TV and beat you. '

  ‘Expert? What expert? Can't it be that I have been abroad for two days? '

  ‘Actually, I also think what Boshen said makes sense. Can’t you think that I’m in country M these two days? Do you have to say I stayed up late? '

  'What a classic, "It's not like I didn't sleep for 8 hours"'


  Bobo held his own handheld in his hand, and the players in the game woke up from the pool and ran towards the glowing platform in front of them.

  A rectangular machine slowly emerged on the operating table with faint blue light, which was held by the character in this game.

  Bobo glanced at the machine in Link's hand.

   "Shika Stone?"

   "How is this different from the handheld in my hand, and its appearance looks a little more handsome!"

  During the game, Link also holds a shrunken handheld in his hand, which looks the same as the one in his hand, "This is not a product of their era at all!"

  Bobo laughed and scolded immediately, but looking at the things in the protagonist's hand, he unconsciously enhanced his sense of substitution.

  Walk into the nearest passage, there are two small wooden boxes in the dark passage, Bobo has already known what you will get when you open this thing, and will send you a set of clothes and pants.

   "Actually, I don't understand either. I think Link is wearing clothes, though it's just a pair of pants." Bobo opened his backpack and took off the clothes Link had just received.

  Even without clothes and pants, Link is only **** and wearing a pair of pants.

   "But if I walk up to female NPCs without clothes on, they will cover their faces shyly and ask me to put on clothes." Bobo remembered the live broadcast he watched not long ago,

   "Are you shy?" Bobo said and looked at Link with wide eyes.

  ‘Boshen, please pay attention to the influence. '

  ‘NPCs know how to be shy, don’t you? '

  'You are too rascal, it has nothing to do with NPC. '


  【You are the light that illuminates Hyrule again...】

  【Now is the time for you to start your journey. 】

  The door engraved with mysterious patterns not far away slowly opened, and a dazzling light flashed at the end.

  Climbing over the small **** in front of him, Bobo walked out of the narrow passage, and the world in front of him became vast and wide. It was an upward cliff,

  Just walking into this world, I can hear fresh music in my ears, and the chirping of birds in the forest.

   Not far away, there is a volcano shrouded in black clouds, and the black haze enveloped that piece of sky.

  The camera starts to zoom out quickly, the world starts to become far away, and the characters start to get smaller.

  At this moment, Bobo felt like a first-time explorer. Looking at this brand new world, she knew a little about the game, and naturally knew that any place you see can be reached.

  The words The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild appeared in the lower right corner, as if to indicate that she had truly come to this world.

   "Huh..." Bobo heaved a sigh of relief.

   "Before I watched the live broadcast stop, I actually complained a little." She was one of the people who had been looking forward to the game, and spent most of her time in the live broadcast room of the three Weisoft employees.

  She likes the things in the game very much, and what she likes the most is the three employees searching all over the world haha.

   "Now I suddenly feel a little happy, haha, if I really finish watching, maybe I really don't want to play." Bobo smiled.

  Games are only interesting if you play them yourself.

  After talking with the old man in front of him and going through the most basic guidance, Bobo began to move in the direction guided by the other party.

   "There is an ax here, pick it up."

   "There are still some on the tree, let's take them together."

   "Why is there still a tree top? How can I climb such thin branches?"

   After Bobo finished speaking, he raised the ax in his hand and felled the tree without saying a word.

  The slanted trunk slowly fell to the ground, and fell to the ground to become a trunk and a fallen apple.

  'You cut me off because you couldn't pick an apple? '

  ‘I watched the live broadcast of those three employees, and I remember that there was a haha ​​in the water not far away! '

'Speaking of those three people, I just wanted to laugh. I saw the circle of duckweed on the water and jumped into it to find it. Hahaha. Then I got up and saw fish jumping up in the water. Then I went to catch the fish, but my energy bar was gone. Drown in this pond. '

  ‘We gods will certainly not be drowned in the pond. '


  As soon as everyone finished speaking, they saw Bobo, as everyone said, jumping into the river to find that haha, and then saw a weapon inserted on the high platform in the center of the lake.

  After she pulled out her weapon, she began to choose a direction to swim over.

  She learned her lesson and didn't go fishing, but she still found a fatal problem,

   That is, her energy bar is now more than half, and she feels that the energy bar is depleted at a fast rate every time she swims.

  The river is not far away, but it is not enough to swim to the river.

   There are two more chapters later



  (end of this chapter)

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