Game Design: It is Very Simple For You To Fill In?

Chapter 29: How did you know I canceled my transfer application?

  Chapter 29 How do you know that I canceled the transfer application?

  【I used to think that games should be fighting and killing, games should be vigorous, and games should have an extraordinary experience like blockbuster movies.

  I used to think that only in this way can a game be considered a success.

  But the appearance of "This War of Mine" made us realize that we, who used to claim to be the highest civilization on the planet, seem to live no better than a fly?

  I still remember that year, when spring came, I could go out to look for supplies, the sky turned into a clear blue sky again, and the war was over... But, was the war really over? 】

  In mid-July, the World Anti-War Organization released a message.

  He was talking about games, but he didn't seem to be talking about games.

   "Black Star old thief! Have you seen the latest news from the anti-war organization?" Carter called Ye Feng as soon as he saw the content.

  Old thief is the title given to Ye Feng by players these days, mainly to reprimand him for his inappropriate behavior when playing games.

   This kind of emotion is very complicated, mixed love and hate.

  Because the producer arbitrarily manipulates the joy of the players, and tortures the players by making the game difficult.

  He arbitrarily manipulated the fate of the protagonists in the game, making the fate of these characters cruel.

   Until now, he has produced three games in total, each of which makes people want to "send blades".

  On the phone, Carter's voice was full of unconcealable excitement.

   Not to mention that he has never seen this kind of thing during his tenure, even in the history of game production, he has never seen it.

   "What happened?" Ye Feng wondered, the Blue Star in the previous life was a place where all kinds of games exploded.

   There are not many anti-war games, but there are definitely many.

  In the previous life, even though these games were excellent, it was never mentioned by anti-war organizations.

  Carter sent a screenshot directly to Ye Feng without further ado.

  On the picture, the official account of the World Anti-War Organization specifically pointed out this game produced by Germinal Studios. They suggested that those who have never experienced war, feel the cruelty of war through the game.

   "Did you see it? Old thief, you did it, you did something that no one in the game circle has ever done!"

  Ye Feng turned on the computer and clicked on the corresponding website.

  The ever-bright screen light shines directly into Ye Feng's eyes, and the light that changes with the screen keeps flickering in his pupils.

  Here, Ye Feng saw messages from players from all over the world.

  【I never play games, this is also the first game I play and the last one. 】

  【The pain of war can only be dissipated by time. May the world be peaceful. 】

  【After half a century of peace, they don’t know what war is. War has become heroes and romantic legends. People can only see war through school textbooks and books in museums. 】


  There are still wars all over the world that have not dissipated. Ye Feng can't change any situation, and the game can only remind players that war is cruel and peace is precious.

   "People in the country haven't got the relevant news yet, you must be the headline of the news tomorrow!" Carter's voice was full of affirmation.

   "This year's independent game award must belong to you." Carter was serious and sure.

   "Then is your transfer application stable?" Ye Feng and Carter have been getting along very happily recently. In addition to chatting about game production, Carter will share some information with Ye Feng from time to time.

  Carter also likes to play games very much, and like other players, he will bite Ye Feng an old thief.

  The only difference from other players is that players can't find the address when they want to send blades to Ye Feng.

  Carter could make a phone call after the game to reprimand Ye Feng for his crime.

  In the subsequent exchanges, Ye Feng also gradually learned that no one is willing to take charge of the area where Daxia belongs.

  There are too many problems here, the biggest problem is the quality of new games.

   "It's not stable, no one wants to come here, and it's not like you don't know." Carter breathed a sigh of relief, his neck on the other end of the phone was reddened, and a layer of blood appeared on his fair skin.

   "It's been a long time since I submitted the application, and the above has always said that there is no suitable candidate." Carter's voice became smaller and smaller.

   "Ah, that's it." Ye Feng sighed. It's no wonder that Carter wanted to leave. The previous environment was really bad.

   "Let's talk about it later." Carter took a deep breath, his eyes full of weirdness.

  Memory back to a few days ago, the mobile phone on the office desk made a ding-dong notification sound.

   "Your transfer meets the conditions. Please confirm again whether you want to transfer to country H. We will send someone to replace you within three days."

  He still remembers that day, the secretary just sent him a data report.

   "Dead Cells" and "This War of Mine" have exploded in sales in various countries and regions.

   Even the game "Digging for Ascension", which he was not optimistic about, became popular for a while after it was synchronized with other countries.

   Among them, what he is least optimistic about is "Digging for Rise",

  Carter is also a game lover. After playing "Digging for Ascension" once, he only had one thought in his mind,

  Is this kind of game played?

  Playing this is more exciting than riding a roller coaster! It's not a good feeling to have your heart paused.

  But judging from the synchronous sales feedback in major countries and regions, this game that makes people want to smash the keyboard is not only played by people, but also by many.

  Looking at the confirmation message, Carter hesitated for a long time.

  Although Ye Feng's grades are very good now, no one can guarantee the future.

  Do you really want to bet your fate on this?

  Looking at the confirmation notice, his hand holding the mobile phone made a reply on it.

  【No, cancel the transfer. 】

   After replying to that message, he only felt that the big stone on his body fell heavily on the ground.

  Looking at the data report in his hand, he didn't know what he was betting on.

   It seems to be the same as those words that players often say, this is the future of the game circle.

  The Black Star Emperor should suppress all enemies!

  The netizen's secondary school words sounded in his head, and Carter couldn't help grinning.

   "If you really can't transfer, then you won't go." Ye Feng replied with a smile.

   "Okay." Carter said without hesitation, smiling.

  Ye Feng was taken aback, did he agree so quickly?

   Before Ye Feng raised his doubts, he heard Carter's slightly smug voice from the receiver.

   "How do you know I canceled my transfer application?"

  Ye Feng:? ? ?

   "How do you know I trust you?"



   After a moment of silence, the two couldn't help laughing out loud.

   "Since you trust me so much, I can only lead you to the pinnacle of life." Ye Feng coughed twice.

   "Then I have to introduce a good friend to you." Carter pretended to be mysterious. "Your meeting will definitely change the current situation in the game design circle."

   "Who?" Hearing what he said, Ye Feng couldn't help becoming curious.

   "Don't say, wait for me to arrange."

  (end of this chapter)

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