Game of Gods

Chapter 175: Leaving (below)

Early the next morning, a message shook the world.

Xi Huaxia official government officially dispatched a troop, arrested the original owner Chen Fei, who was responsible for the murder of Xingye Manor three days ago. Xingye Manor was confiscated and will be auctioned in seven days. There was a scene of Yuan Chenfei's arrest on TV. There was no fighting and no resistance.

This news upset the world.

This is the first time that a state has openly arrested senior professionals in the gods game.

Of course, before that, there have been many cases where professionals were arrested by the state, but most people have no influence, so the arrest is not predominant.

However, the arrest of the creator of the tragedy of Xingye Manor has really caused a sensation in the world and surprised everyone. It also shows that the Huaxia government has control of the world and a strong desire to maintain order.

The old man who represented the majesty of the country even spoke in person, pointing out that no matter how the world changes, human dignity and order are inviolable. As long as the Huaxia government office still exists, it will maintain order at all costs and maintain human peace.

I should say that these words are still quite useful-12 hours after Yuan Chenfei's arrest and speech, professional crime has dropped by 23% compared with before.

Of course, no one knew that Yuan Chenfei left the prison that afternoon.

In fact, the Huaxia government may not be willing to let Yuan Chen fly like this, but the light of teleportation makes everyone who wants to break the contract think twice. No one knows whether Yuan Chenfei has the teleportation light, and no one knows whether Yuan Chenfei will participate in the missions of the gods again-even if he only participates in the missions of the gods, he can easily get away from the switch and be in a tight prison. .

的 The rules of this world have long since changed, and many former thoughts are no longer reliable. Even in cages, strong people are still qualified to engage in wind and rain, so for those who are willing to cooperate with the government, high-level hope is better to cherish it.

Li Fang Libo personally sent Yuan Chen to fly out of the door. Yuan Chen Fei also gave him a contact method before leaving.

"Try to be low-key and don't use your own name anymore. You know, letting you out, the government also bears a lot of risk." Fang Libo tirelessly reminded him again and again.

"Relax, I will use other identities, and not let others see my real face." Yuan Chenfei smiled.

"What identity?"

"How about using the name Fang Libo?" Yuan Chenfei asked.

Fang Libo paused: "Don't you, let's say we don't look the same."

Xie Yuanchenfei smiled: "I think it's pretty elephant. Okay, just kidding you, don't be nervous."

Xuan Yuanchen patted him, waved, and got into the car.

The driver ’s seat is the sixth day.

The vehicle started and left in the distance.


Xingye Manor.

璃 Liu Li took the black dead crystal, his face was iron blue: "This is what he said?"

Tong Laoguan spread his hand: "Heaven is up, he really said so much."

璃 Liu Li turned her head and walked outward.

"Liu Li, you can't find him ... he changed his face." Lao Guan said.

璃 Liu Li looked back at him.

Tong Laoguan was a little embarrassed: "He acquired the ability in the task, so he made the deal with the government. Now I don't know what he looks like."

"But sixth day is not it, is it?"

Xuan Lao opened his mouth, speechless.

Yes, Yuan Chenfei can change his face, but he can't change his sixth day.

"And isn't he going to Xuguang? I know where he is going." Liu Li said.

"Xia family?" Laoguan asked.

Xia Ning returned to Xuguang one step after the battle of Xingye Manor was over.

璃 Liu Li shook her head gently: "There are no women in his eyes."

He said that he had reached the balcony, jumped into the sky, and turned into a goshawk and flew out.

璃 Liu Li just flew out not long after, Chang Mao also came over.

His face is not very good-looking: "She went to Yuan Chenfei?"


Tong Changmao sat down a little unhappy: "Everyone said this and walked away, and they don't treat their brothers as brothers too, right?"

Lao Guan said leisurely: "I thought he was gone, you will feel more relaxed."

Tong Changmao's face changed: "What do you mean by the old pass? Is this how I am jealous?"

Lao Guan smiled: "In fact, even if you are jealous, it is not a big deal? You are obviously not the boss, but you have a higher prestige than the boss. Don't say that you are uncomfortable, even me, you will be jealous. This is normal, There is nothing to hide. "

Chang Mao stunned.

Tong Lao Guan said: "It is not a big problem for people to have jealousy, it only shows that we have the desire to move upward. As long as this jealousy does not let us do stupid things, then proper jealousy is a good thing to promote our efforts."

Chang Mao squinted: "Old pass, do you really think so?"

Tong Laoguan nodded, and he patted Chang Mao's shoulder: "It's not just me, but actually Fei thought so. By the way, he also asked me to let Zhou Dingguo and Xu Jun join the mutual aid society. It's also time for the mutual aid society to expand."

Chang Mao nodded.

The group of friends made by Xie Yuan Chenfei at Xingye Manor are now pretty good. If mutual aid clubs want to develop, they cannot stand still. Since Lao Guan said so, Chang Mao agreed.

"That's right, that Li Zhanjun ... is a bit prickly, not very easy to manage." Chang Mao said.

"He is exceptional."

Wu Changmao frowned: "What do you mean?"

"He goes to Xuguang too."


Holding the map, Li Zhanjun stood on the August 12 Highway with a blank expression.

"The original Chenfei of Dog Day, what does he mean?"

A bright red cross mark on the map in his hand.

It also says "Tomorrow at 2 pm, come to this place".

Did not say why, did not say what to look for.

The place marked by the red cross is called Li Zhuang, a backcountry with no eggs.

But Li Zhanjun still came.

He believed that Yuan Chenfei would not pit him, but he didn't understand what medicine was sold in this kid's gourd. He obviously invited him to Xuguang, but instead of walking with him, he asked him to come here first.

算 What the **** is this?

Standing on the road beside Lizhuang at this moment, Li Zhanjun was wondering, a red light appeared in the distance.

what is that? Is it some other demon valley?

The experience of the evil magician's transfer has made many people aware that there are still many "spirited" professionals who are looking forward to finding the Devil's Valley and changing to the evil magician-there are too many bottomless people in this world, evil magician Some positions are not enough.

战 Li Zhanjun is not sure if it is the Devil's Valley, even he is not interested. But since Yuan Chenfei let him here, he had his intention.

Maybe just let yourself go to destroy the devil?

Thinking of this, Li Zhanjun clenched his sword in his hand and walked towards the place where the red light rose.

When I approached, Li Zhanjun discovered that the red light was not a demon valley, but a huge stone statue.

The puppet statue is about three meters high, and it is carved with a tall and rough statue of a man. With a huge stone axe in his hand, his naked body was naked and his muscles were raised.

Although it is just a stone statue, it has an inexplicable wild momentum, but at first glance, you can see the boundless wild intention of killing, as if a savage warrior.

雕像 When Li Zhanjun approached the statue, the statue turned his head.

He looked at Li Zhanjun, his head crooked from side to side.

战 Li Zhanjun is very familiar with this action. When some strong men on TV want to take a shot, they usually shake their heads and let the neck joints make a rattling sound to stimulate the audience. But a stone statue did this ...

Li Zhanjun's instinct has a bad feeling.

Then he saw that the statue had slowly raised the tomahawk.

"I, **** ..." Li Zhanjun scolded, holding up his sword: "I don't care who you are, it's best not to mess with me."

The stone statue did not speak, but the red light in his eyes was even worse.

Then he rushed over and slashed at Li Zhanjun.

战 Li Zhanjun had only had a time to stab his sword, and he felt as if he was being picked up by a heavy truck. No, no, he may not be looking at heavy trucks now. It was a high-speed rail, as if hit by an oncoming high-speed rail, and the falcon flew out.

At that moment, the knife was broken, the bone fractured, and the entire arm was instantly discarded. It did not affect any other part. It was just an arm. It was scrapped. It can be seen that the opponent ’s power was not only fierce, but also had extraordinary control. .

"God?" Li Zhanjun blurted out.

He has heard about the clown statue, and he knows about the statue incarnation of God.

But the savage statue ignored him completely, rushed over again, and the tomahawk fell again.

Li Zhan's saber is broken and unable to fight. Seeing the giant axe split, his left hand punches out.

Even if God is going to kill Lao Tzu, don't try to let Lao Tzu wait!


战 Li Zhanjun's left fist hit the statue's belly.


Then felt pain in the bone.

虽然 Although he hit the opponent's body, the whole arm was broken.

The next moment the barbarian grabbed his chest with one hand and lifted him up.

"嗷!" Li Zhanjun yelled in despair.

Hit him.

I got a leg that broke in return.

The statue in front of my eyes is like a steel cast. No matter what kind of attack Li Zhanjun puts forward, he only doubles his counterattack. He will smash wherever he fights.

However, Li Zhanjun was still unyielding, his head bowed, and he bit down.


I was full of white teeth.

At this time he has only one leg left.

He didn't kick any more, just staring at the other side with blood.

"Kick, why not kick?" The statue suddenly said.

战 Li Zhanjun's mouth was bloody, and he said indistinctly, "Don't! You can speak."

He has no teeth and can't speak well, but the other side can understand.

"I am the blood **** Perseus!" Said the statue.

"So what?" Li Zhanjun sighed: "If you want to kill, kill, what's your waste?"

Perseus didn't speak, just looking at Li Zhanjun, the blood redness in his eyes grew stronger: "Very well ... I like your iron will. Would you like to be my family?"

"What?" Li Zhanjun froze.

"Before the third stage, I don't have much time to stay. I have to find other dependents, so you better make a decision soon."

战 Li Zhanjun looked at Pitus blankly, half a while: "What are the benefits of being your dependent?"

"Did the man who called you come tell you?"

战 Li Zhanjun narrowed his eyes: "The dog cub said nothing."

"Become my dependent, I give you strength to defeat him."



Xingye Manor.

Chang Changmao was sleeping, and suddenly felt something.

He turned up and sat up, and then felt a cold chill on his neck.

"Don't move ~ ~" a cold voice said.

Wu Changmao's heart was tight: "Buddy, have something to say, don't be impulsive."

"It is you who should not be impulsive, answer my question, you will not die." Said the voice.

Chang Mao tried hard to look at the other side, but there was only deep darkness around him, and he couldn't see the other side's face at all. He could only feel from the sound that the other side seemed to be ... a woman?

"What do you want to know?"

"Where did Yuan Chen fly?"

I was again looking for Yuan Chenfei.

Tong Changmao tried to squeeze out a smile: "Isn't he caught by the government. If you want to find him, you should go to prison."

"You have another chance to lie, and you will die!"

Ji Changmao said immediately: "Xu Guang. He went to Xu Guang."

"This **** bastard, just run without saying hello!" The voice complained angrily, revealing the little girl's grievance.

Alas, doesn't it sound like an enemy?

The blade was retracted, and Chang Mao wanted to look back.

"Be honest." A fierce blow fell on his back, and Chang Mao fainted.

I was sap.

He is a shadow thorn!

Xi Changmao had no time to flash this thought.

When he recovered his ability to move, the man had disappeared. Only the faint scent left in the air proved that it was indeed a girl who had just shot.

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