Game of Thrones: I became a crown prince for a day

Chapter 341 Internal Factors of the Dragon Clan

The uncle and nephew left one after another, and the seats on the high platform changed.

Rhaenyra lifted up her skirt and got close to Lannal as she wished, chatting and eating each other's pastries.

"Rhaenayla, you have a huge appetite lately."

Lanner was surprised and couldn't stop smiling.

She had never seen her good sisters eat so fast.

The other party usually only has so much motivation when eating cake.

Feeling full, Rhaenyra narrowed her eyes in pleasure and concealed her words: "I didn't have breakfast."

To save face, tell some little lies.

Benila, the twin, revealed the truth in the next second and said crisply: "The princess is often hungry and gets angry with her cousin."

The cousin refers to Rhaegar, and Targaryen follows the paternal line of succession.

"Benilla!" Rhaenyra immediately covered her face.

She was stabbed in the back by her adopted daughter.

Lannar knocked her daughter on the head and said with concern: "Rhaenyla, if you are often hungry and anxious, maybe you should ask the maester to take a look."

"Orville said there was nothing wrong with me."

Rhaenyra shrugged and took a sip from a glass of Arbor's golden wine.

She is confident in her body and has no issues with it.

"Don't speak too harshly."

Lanner opened her red lips lightly, touched the bulging belly under her white dress with one hand, and hinted: "When was the last time you and Rhaegar were intimate?"

Rhaenyra's eyes flashed with disappointment, and she whispered: "The maester said I am not pregnant."

"The maester is not a woman!"

Lanner refuted it and shared her experience with her friends: "The first three months of a woman's pregnancy are extremely unstable, and her reactions vary."

She spoke in great detail, analyzing the various situations of carrying twins to unborn children step by step.

Rhaenyra was silent.

Halfway through, she suddenly remembered that she hadn't had her menstrual period this month.

She was usually very gentle to Rhaegar, exuding full maternal brilliance.

Occasionally, Rhaegar would take good care of her when she had a bad temper.

This time she was irritable for half a month and got a little carried away.

Her heart beat heavily, and Rhaenyra was at a loss. She subconsciously picked up the wine cup and took a big sip.

As soon as the drink was in his mouth, the smell of alcohol that he had been addicted to in the past rushed into his throat.


A strong feeling of vomiting came over her, and Rhaenyra quickly turned her head, holding her chest and retching.


Benila and Renya were startled and gathered around their adoptive mother's skirt in panic.

"I'm fine... vomit..."

Halfway through her words, Rhaenyra couldn't help but retching again.

I don’t know why, but it was obviously fine just now.

When I think about reasonable possibilities, my body reacts involuntarily.

Lannar's face was filled with joy, and she held her friend's hand regardless of her dignified posture, and said in surprise: "Look! Rhaenyra, you may really have a baby in your belly."

As someone who has experienced this and is still pregnant, her instinct told her that her friend must be pregnant.

Rhaenyra suppressed the discomfort and touched her flat belly with both hands, her mind going blank.

Everything happened so suddenly, I was a little confused.

On the fighting field.

Rhaegar chose a white war horse and rode around holding a wooden lance.

Many players are gearing up in the preparation area, planning to show off their skills.

Occasionally, Damon was looking at several people as if looking at prey.

The bastard son of Cole and two Baratheons.

Feeling his nephew's gaze, Damon rushed forward and said calmly: "Let's see who can eliminate more people?"

"Give the knights more opportunities, that's what they came for." Rhaegar declined.

"Oh." Damon narrowed his sharp eyes and asked tentatively: "Then are you interested in outside the narrow sea?"

A few years ago, he was warned by a message from his brother Viserys not to plunder the ships of the Three Daughters in private.

He listened, so he transformed into a group of Volantis pirates who intercepted everyone's ships and collected high taxes.

I don't believe my nephew can't guess what he wants to do.

Rhaegar did know.

The garrison on the Stepstone Islands has his hidden line. The three governors of Volantis are familiar with him, and the information is buzzing around like wasps.

Rega suppressed his smile and said, "Uncle, now is not a good time to attack the Three Women's Kingdom."

He always believed in one thing.

It is not advisable to launch an aggressive war across the sea!

The strongest navy in Westeros belongs to House Velaryon, and half of the adult dragon-riders have a close relationship with the sea serpents.

The royal family rashly launched a war, and the maritime power was too restrictive.

Even if the Three Women Kingdom is conquered, the two most important points of rewarding merit and governing the city will easily bring down the royal family.

The history of Aegon the Conqueror's invasion of Dorne is a bloody portrayal.

Daemon's face darkened, and his words were full of disdain: "The Kingdom of the Three Women is originally a colony of the Valyrian people, and it is only reasonable for us to take back the territory we deserve."

"I can't make the decision. You can try to discuss it with the Imperial Council."

Rhaegar chuckled and rode on the white horse.

To be fair, he also wanted to capture the Three Women's Kingdom and achieve his vision of expanding his territory.

The reality is that the Seven Kingdoms have been at peace for many years, and the war on the disputed Stepped Stone Islands has stirred up too many people's nerves, making it even more difficult to invade beyond the Narrow Sea.

Although Targaryen has more than a dozen dragons, the interior is a mess.

Vaguely, it has been divided into four forces that are inseparable but inseparable.

First, the Green Party.

Allison's four children are closely related by blood and are backed by the Hightower family, the top aristocratic force in Old Town.

Even though Aegon was defeated and Helena, Aemond, and Daeron were close to Rhaegar, it was still difficult for the green to form its own party.

It's not that Rhaegar can't suppress it, it's that people's hearts are treacherous and there will always be someone pushing you to a certain position.

In the Larys incident, the three siblings Aegon, Helena, and Aemond were all present, and they had already shown signs of being organized.

Rhaegar's first task is to eliminate the signs and completely break up the three brothers and sisters.

The Green Party versus the Black Party.

Or it would be better to call it the "orthodox" series.

Rhaegar and Rhaenyra are both the eldest son and eldest daughter born to the former Queen Emma Arryn, and naturally occupy the inheritance law of Westeros.

The siblings follow the family tradition, and their territories include Harrenhal, Dragonstone, and the prince's palace, which is half in progress.

There are countless followers, and the core members include Jeyne Arryn of the Vale, Old Tully of the Riverlands, the royal family and the nobles of the Crab Claw Peninsula...

His father, Viserys, was in his prime and took good care of his two children. The inheritance of power between father and son was smooth and there were no worries.

In addition to the black and green parties, Daemon and the Velaryon family should not be underestimated.

Daemon himself controlled Corakxiu, with extremely high leadership and charisma, and rich war experience.

His wife, Lannar, controls Vhagar, and a pair of twins hatch dragon eggs respectively.

At first glance, it seems to be weak, relying on the royal family and the Velaryon family.

But Daemon is of the bloodline of Prince Bellon of the Spring Dawn.

King Viserys succeeded to the throne, and his line inherited the throne for generations.

Damon is an independent branch of the bloodline and is responsible for the prosperity of the family.

There is no need to say more about House Velaryon.

The wealth and military power of the Sea Serpent are rare in the Seven Kingdoms. His wife and son are both dragon masters. Lanino's marriage partner is Cetiga of Crab Island.

In terms of strength alone, the Sea Serpent has two dragon masters ready to go into battle and most of the kingdom's navy, so it can stand no chance against Rhaegar, who is nearing the peak of his power.

But the sea snake won't do this, and has no chance.

Rhaenys is a staunch dragon prince. Her daughter married Daemon, and her granddaughter was raised by Rhaenyra. They are connected by blood.

Sea Serpent and Damon have a close relationship, but they have their own agendas.

Like Rhaegar and his younger brothers and sisters, they are always very close, but they are always one level behind.


The knight showdown officially begins.

The contestants are Daemon and a knight of the Tully family.

Rhaegar watched from a distance, thinking about the future in general terms in his mind.

Family, war, enfeoffment, management...

Although his father Viserys had no great achievements in his reign, he was a solid founder.

For the country, the treasury is full, the people are healthy, and a good foundation is left for future generations.

As far as the family is concerned, there are a total of six children, including four male heirs.

Based on this alone, he is slightly better than the human king Jaehaerys who only has three sons.

"Weigen the Dragonless." Rhaegar murmured softly.

A prosperous family is a good thing, but when there are too many people, ideas become chaotic.

Among the three sons of King Renrui, Aemon has a close relationship with Baerron. It is certain that one king will be the next king. Vaigon gave up the inheritance and became a maester in Oldtown.

The distribution was just right, but I didn't expect that none of them would ascend to the Iron Throne.

He is the main bloodline of Rhaegar's generation, and the three brothers, uncle Daemon and Aegon, are all branches of the bloodline.

The Targaryens are chaotic and disorderly, and everyone is still a dragon master.

Staying in King's Landing without a name or status would be trouble, and letting him go could easily cause trouble.

Rhaegar rubbed his eyebrows with a headache and muttered to himself: "War and enfeoffment..."

When problems arise within a force, external pressure is the best antidote.


The referee sounded the gong and the duel ended.

Wearing black armor and a fluttering red cloak, Damon knocked his opponent off his horse in two rounds.

After he came off the field, the referee looked around the audience excitedly and shouted excitedly: "For the next game, welcome Prince Rhaegar of the Targaryen family and Ser Garwin, the eldest son of Lord Otto, the Minister of Civil Affairs!"

After coming back to his senses, Rhaegar's eyes were introverted, and he rode a white horse into the arena.

Random thoughts have no effect. The right to hold real swords and guns in your hands is the king.

Daemon wants to go to war, so go and convince the Council and his father, Viserys.

He is the crown prince and has his own responsibilities.

Give birth to a descendant, change the nobles' view of the weakness of the royal family, and control the dragon and dragon eggs.


Rhaegar rode to one end of the separation fence and looked at his opponent on the other end.

A lean knight wearing silver armor and the emblem of a burning tower.

"Otto's son."

Rhaegar muttered and looked sideways at Otto, who was silent on the high platform.

Otto was a widower and had his eldest son Calvin and daughter Allison with his late wife.

On the high platform, Viserys watched with great interest, looked at his wife and Otto, and laughed: "Look, Rhaegar is fighting against Galwen."

Allison smiled helplessly, stood up and walked towards Rhaenyra who was lying on the fence watching, enjoying the duel together.

His brother had a few tricks up his sleeve, but not many.

Otto had a calm face, chatting and laughing along with the king, but could not hide his worry.

His stupid brother disrupted the plan, and now that things are revealed, he must be prepared for a counterattack by the Crown Prince and Prime Minister Leonor.

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